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Whats your favorite show ride or your worst ride?


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Mmm yes, light bulb talk...Enthralling. Favourite ride: Claw- Great look and feel, and if I said more I'm afraid I'd be repeating myself. Anyone who insults this ride obviously hasn't ridden it or is somewhat sick in the head ;) Least Favourite: Any Ghost Train- They look cheap, they are cheap, they look crap, they are crap, they smell funny, they're fire hazards, they have artwork that would in any other publication make public outrage. I hate them, and the only way they can make these giant hunk of craps scary is by some strange person sitting in a corner touching you on the shoulder. Man, I hate ghost trains.

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I use to love the splash canyon ride at the melb show back in 97/98 than they got rid of it. The claw was great! we went on that before we went on the one at dreamworld so it was something new and the crazy mouse was great..something new again. Least favourite would be ghost trains, I utterly hate them.

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""Least favourite would be ghost trains, I utterly hate them." Gee your a wuss " You should think about these things before you say em eh? I was pretty scared before I first rode the Space Probe, Giant Drop yada yada yada, but they're excellent rides with a scary (although short) buildup before the drop. Ghost Trains are a waste of paints, wood and plastics. They aren't scary, and they need to all be burnt.

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Theres news of a brand new KMG ride coming to Australia, and no Neb, it won't be from the MOVE IT series. Theres rumors it could be from the AfterBurner / Kickdown series, maybe even the GIANT KICKDOWN! chris P.S The 3d Ghost Train at Moomba this year was hilarious, yes a waste of money, but soo funny! ........ mighta been the alcho :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Brissy I think that signatuire is in extremely poor taste and totaly not what these forums are about. Take a good long hard think about it and see if that's what you would like people to post/say about you if you were in a similar situation. Bloody hell, some people... I dunno.

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Ha! Selfish, you're one to talk. He wasn't making a comment about her illness, he wasn't wishing her ill fortunes (something which can't be said of you Chris), he was just making a humourous remark about her gigantically oversized and funny looking teeth, and the fact that England loves her more than Australia. On the subject, I am intrugued to know what ghost trains you do like, you better not say Haunted Mansion *shakes fist*.

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Man get real, you don't know what Kat has said about her, and other celebrities (showing me Linda Blair topless photos, that classed her as a sl*t). Im supporting kylie, so I don't get what you are on about, and I don't care if the UK "loves" her more, its pretty funny to see the crap the papers over there are making up at the moment! anyways.........over this ...... I support her, I wish her well Go Kyles! You Rule! chris

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Sorry to have to bring an adult point of view here (a rare thing in many of these carnie ride topics) but there is a time and a place for jokes. When someone is suffering a misfortune like this it is definately NOT the time. But hey who am I to say anything. If your life is that dull that it brings you joy to bring down others who you don't even know what place is it of ours to stop you...

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