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Dreamworld Trip Report - 24/04/05


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Went to Dreamworld on Sunday 24th of April. The queue out the front was ridiculous. It took us an hour to get our tickets and into the park. Next time we will definitely pre-purchase our tickets! This is the order we went on rides: Claw: This ride is fantastic. Best thrill ride at Dreamworld. The queue was very quick (about 15 minutes), the ride looks fantastic as it’s still in good condition and gives you an amazing sensation as you ride it. 10/10 (ultra cool ride) Mine Train: The queue was just at the entrance and it took us about 55 minutes to get a ride. There was 1 older lady operating the ride and she didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all. She also was letting too many pairs sit one in the front and one in the back. The queue line looks pretty dodgy even though its supposed to be derelict. The ride itself is okay and the only decent part is at the end where it jolts you around in pitch black. 6/10 (queue moves too slowly) Tower of Terror: The queue was at the bottom of the steps just inside the skull. The ride was delayed as the pod had hit an Ibis and they had to clean blood and parts of the Ibis from the track and pod. We ended up waiting 1 hour 15 minutes for a ride. The theming in the queue is absolutely disgusting. There are cracks everywhere and for some reason people cannot help shoving their crap into them. This ride needs a complete overhaul. There were 2 people operating it and the guy counting the people through was so slow. After the ride returned to the station, it was about 5-6 minutes before the pod was launched again. The ride itself doesn’t seem as smooth as it used to. It was kind of jerky as it launched from the station. 6/10 (deteriorated theming) Gum Tree Gully: They really need to make an attempt on starting whatever they are doing to the area because it looks really bad having some lame roped off stuff with all the shops and attractions empty. Perhaps if they're not planning on re-doing this area straight away, it would look a lot better if they put up barriers so none of it can be seen and park guest would ASSUME that something is happening. Runaway Reptar: Sh*t this ride is rough and we waited 40 minutes for it! We all had sore necks after this ride. The ride was kind of boring but it would be okay for kids. The station is really boring looking – it doesn’t look like a roller coaster station at all. The operators for this ride were taking about 4-5 minutes to dispatch the next ride once the train was emptied of the previous people. 5/10 (rough and boring) Wipeout: We only had to wait 3 cycles to get on. The operators were slack as there was never a group waiting inside the wave to board immediately after the previous ride finished. I personally don’t like the new cycle, but I do like some of the old elements that they kept. Also, none of the fountains were working and I wish they still had the wave water jets running. The ride was fairly smooth with only a few sharp jolts at the end. 9/10 (great but too long between cycles) Cyclone: Queue was long and pointless. The train was doing one cycle every 10-12 minutes. TV monitors were not working. Ride is quite smooth, just a bit rough through the loops. You get a disgusting view as you exit the ride. 6/10 (1 hour & 5 minutes to board and long waits between rides) Giant Drop: Queue was quite acceptable in length. Only had to wait about 35 minutes to board and both sides were working. The ride was still good, I just don’t like the feeling when the T.O.T. pod runs up the tower. Great views and rush as you drop to the bottom. 8.5/10 (quick queue for a low-capacity ride and still gives a good rush) We ended up having about 5 more rides on The Claw and that was our day. The queues were too long so we didn’t get to do all the rides but we’re going back in the next 2 weeks and more than likely we'll go to Screamworld too. My only real problem with my trip was that they weren’t getting groups ready to ride BEFORE the previous ride finished and most of the staff seemed as though they didn’t want to be there – even the old ladies working at the Tiger Island Teahouse. The only staff enthusiastic about working were the 2 who operated The Claw all day.

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Great report man, shame to hear about the lack of staff enthusiasm. I can understand why the guys on Claw were the only happy ones haha. Shame to hear about the theming of TOT. I dont really remember it in 2001.... but I don't like how the Skull is behind the ride now, it used to look really cool at the front. I hear Cyclone isnt great, and your review of it, basically agreed with my thoughts. Glad you had a great time, I hope I can get up there this year to do the 4 parks again Well Done :D, Chris

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Great review. The ibis on the Tower of Terror is hilarious, and I most definately agree with how big the queue problems are at Dreamworld, especially Cyclone. I didn't have to wait as long as you did for Reptar when I was there, but I still enjoyed it on the basis I didn't have to spend to much time waiting for it. And I agree the view from the Giant Drop is great, though I have only been on the Gold Coast facing side. And I agree completely with your comments about The Claw. Originally I wasn't happy with the addition of the Claw as I would have much prefered another coaster to replace Thunderbolt, though once I was there and thoroughly enjoyed riding it, I thought that it was the best addition Dreamworld has made. The high capacity levels and subsequent short queue length makes it even greater and it is a good ride to watch. And finally I agree that tickets should be pre-purchased. All of the times I have been to Dreamworld I have used pre-paid tickets and have never had to wait more than 5 minutes, so I highly recommend it. Great review Drewboy.

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Thanks guys. Yeah well we bought 14 day return passes so next time we should be able to go pretty much straight in and we will go on a weekday so the queues are shorter. We are also thinking about buying year passes, but not 100% sure yet. Does anyone know if it's cheapr to buy a year pass whilst in the park?

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SOLUTION go during the week (monday or tuesday esp) where there are less people then on the weekends and you wont have to wait so long. I think from the other million reviews on dreamworld we all know pretty well by now their que structure and times suck bigtime. Its not really news to anyone anymore.

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If you actually took a minute to think before you posted that comment dr_teeth, most people don't have the time to visit Dreamworld during the week because they have commitments, hence why its so crowded on weekends. Athough I don't need to explain myself to you, we had to go on a Sunday because we both have full time uni and work part time jobs, which means it's hard to find a weekday where both of us are free. Themeparks are designed to deal with high crowds, that's more than 20 people dr_teeth, so they should be able to get the queues through as quickly as is possible. Obviously if the park is busy, people don't mind waiting a bit longer because they see the operators doing their best to get as many people through by organising groups and getting people ready to board the ride so that as soon as the previous ride finishes, they can board the next lot of people. Dreamworld was quite crowded on Sunday, but I've seen it A LOT busier where the queues haven't taken much longer than what we had to wait.

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If they take off the admission price, doesn't that make it cheaper? You can buy a max action pass at Dreamworld without having to pay general admission too. So in my opinion $105 is cheaper than $165. Does anyone know definately if they take off the general admission price? :confused:

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dreamworld_rulz: They don't make you pay for general admission. You go to the ticket booth saying you want a max action pass, they print off a receipt which you take inside to the place where you get your photo taken. So you pay $165, not $225 ($165 + $60).

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  dr_teeth said:
SOLUTION go during the week (monday or tuesday esp) where there are less people then on the weekends and you wont have to wait so long. I think from the other million reviews on dreamworld we all know pretty well by now their que structure and times suck bigtime. Its not really news to anyone anymore.
Jeez man, he was making a point. Like Andrew said, he doesnt have time during the week with uni and all that. When people aren't doing their job right, it is an issue! these people have been trained to handle the large crowds, so they should be doing what they have been taught, and not making waits worse. Get off Andrews case, and just respect the fact that he took the time to post a review, but I guess some people just dont appreciate that. Also dreamworld, you've asked this soo many times! pick up the phone and ring Dreamworld, or email them. You've asked here and nobody has answered, stop changing the subject. Chris Who wants to have a go at me now? it always happens......Im just sticking up for my mate, unlike some around here. :mad:
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  joz said:
Guys its not that hard to understand, if you buy your admission, then decide later in the day that you want to buy a Max Action pass, they take the days admission of the price of the pass. So you pay $60, then rather then paying $165, you pay $105, understand????
It is not that hard to understand at all. I worked that out when I was 6 years old, at Wonderland. Your all Crazy (except for a select few).
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  Drewboy said:
If you actually took a minute to think before you posted that comment dr_teeth, most people don't have the time to visit Dreamworld during the week because they have commitments, hence why its so crowded on weekends. Athough I don't need to explain myself to you, we had to go on a Sunday because we both have full time uni and work part time jobs, which means it's hard to find a weekday where both of us are free. Themeparks are designed to deal with high crowds, that's more than 20 people dr_teeth, so they should be able to get the queues through as quickly as is possible.
  hussrainbow said:
Jeez man, he was making a point. Like Andrew said, he doesnt have time during the week with uni and all that. When people aren't doing their job right, it is an issue! these people have been trained to handle the large crowds, so they should be doing what they have been taught, and not making waits worse. Get off Andrews case, and just respect the fact that he took the time to post a review, but I guess some people just dont appreciate that.
I rate all this complaining in the same category as people complaing about sunway closing wonderland. its just same ole same ole over and over and over and over again....sigh! We all know dreamworld sucks for que times, its been posted about hundreds of times already on everyone elses review of their dreamworld trip. Funny enough that while you guys claim to be so busy you still have ample time to complain. I have a simple saying dont winge unless your prepared to do something about it...did you write a letter or speak to dreamworld management about their service? i though not... I work and study full time! Yet not only did i find time to go during the week i also managed to find the time to make my way there from Wagga in south NSW! And it really wasnt a big deal or a problem at all. Lets focus on a positive about this place for a change....at least its there and open for you to enjoy. unlike wonderland! Besides if it sucks that much, then dont go....movieworld is just down the road and so is seaworld! im sure theyd love to take your money as well.
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