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Staff Vs Written Warnings

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im a x staff member at wonderland an honestly i dont know one employee that never got a written or oral warning about somthing really stupid, has anybody here got any storys about anyone or if they recieved a warning? i got written up one day when there where short of staff. 3people it took usually to do the job. but there was just me, so i got written up bcuz the task wasnt completed on time! an i was told by managment "if i wanted to continue working there i was to change my attitude?! how stupid! i know one employee that had got over 10warning u wer supposed to only get 3 an u got the boot but people slowly learnt if u didnt sign the warning u didnt agree with it therefore it couldnt be enforced ;) has any one had simialer stories?

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I used to work down in Goldrush, and I would go into the old time photos shop, and borrow some of the outfits, including a pretty authentic looking rifle, and i would "hold up" the train as it came through. The train driver and I would usually discuss when I was going to do it, and generally when we got a train of packed tourists. I played the bushranger to a tee, which is something the likes that you would have seen around 1985. I was keeping in theme, the guests loved it, and I also did not neglect my "real" duties while I was doing it... and I was written up for it. Another time I was working the games cluster up in Botany Bay, on High Striker - something they loved putting me on, and I absolutely hated. We had a young girl come through. She had recently been discharged from hospital for chemotherapy - i mean seriously with like - no hair and everything. Her mother had been taking her from game to game, through the whole park, trying to win something better than the crap plastic consolation prizes they gave out, so I activated the game on the setting that basically guaranteed she could not lose. She chose a hammer, whacked the crap out of it, and won. three muscled up "middle-eastern-appearance" style guys in their late teens saw this, thought there was no way to lose, and paid their money and lost. they complained, and i was written up for allowing the little girl to win.... how gay is that?

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yeah the warning system was messed up. i remeber i got written up for sticking a broom into a bin trying to push the bag liner down to the bottom cuz it was sticking! i mean what do they expect?! me to jump into the bin an push the bag down!. i really think the posistion of power of managers an supervisors were pushed to there levels! the treatment of employees was unneceptable! the worst thing ive occured was, they told me to come in on short notice to do a park blowdown "that is using industural blowers to get rid of the leaves" this usually takes 2people to do starting at 7am and finished bot 11am but you had to b out of the wildlife park by 9am translvania & bountys at 10am and goldrush by 11am so u had a hour per area this was hard!. i was to start at 8am when i arrived my supervisor advised me there was no1 to do blowdown so i had to, it takes about half hour to prep the equipment petrol ect. and it was a windy day so there were leaves every where. i told my supervisor i doubt it will be all done, he said "ok do what u can" so 11am comes i come into the office an i have been writtend up for now allowing eneough time to get the job done! how do u justify that.?

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I was on SpeedPitch, a game between bounty's and dodgems, where you had to throw a ball down a tunnel, and guess the speed of your throw. It was union day, in the hot sun, and the sun was beating down directly onto my location. I had a group of about 40 middle-eastern teens, all hassling me out, for more than an hour straight. Now Speedpitch had no phone, no radio, no line of sight communication to any location with a phone or any other method of communication, and I was stuck. There was a small hole in the building, conveniently in the right place that if you threw the ball a bit skewed, it would go into the hole, and require retrieval... Which is no easy task - standing in a tunnel that people throw balls down as hard as they can. After the 30th time this happened, and getting balls chucked at me all the way, one of the smart-guys picked up the microphone, and started swearing and shouting into it as loud as he could. I lost it. I threw the ball down, walked up to him, ripped the microphone out of his hand and told him off. He grabbed me by the throat and held me up against a wall.... **how's that for cast-guest relations??** Conveniently, our head of security was walking by, heard the commotion, grabbed the guy who had me by the throat, and put him into a choke hold until he passed out. I never worked that game again... lol.

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hehe.thats funny, well being in operations department i had more options for help if someone was to do that to me. i had a radio, so i could actually call for help! one saturday night there was a domestic between a couple. he was totally of his face, so called for more staff, then he started getting physical with his g/f. than that was the last straw. we opproached him which wasnt the best idea. i coped a mouthfull of every word you could imagine, so we grabbed him, he smacked one security guard in the mouth, than there was about 4 security guard grabbing him pushing him to the ground and handcuffing him. all because i told him to nock it off. then we took him to the custody room awaiting police. he absolutly trashed the custody room braking curtains ect. he had to be held to the ground handcuffed, till police arrived, finnally they arrived, but it wasnt over, he gave the first copper a good smack in the face when he was un handcuffed, bad idea? yes, they got the extendable batons out an taught him a lesson. lol, also i had him charged for impropriate language in a public place :D was so funny though!.

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I remember once my friends and I were on Bounty's, the ride just started swinging so it was a bit slow. When it got a bit faster this guy from the exit threw one of those huge dice thingies at me and hit me. So the operatior got pissed off. After the ride stopped he came to me and friends and told us off, he said "Why were you mucking around while the ride was operating?" I said to him "Fk off! I didn't do anything you f*ing f@#%*t." I walked away after then about five minutes later he came with these security guards and us kicked out of the park! How freggin gay was that? Getting blamed for something you didn't do!

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I'm not going to justify your post with a response Pattie you friggen moron! Maybe he's not as thin-skinned as you, you little f%@#$*! You might have ended up copping an accidental elbow from me Pattie... 13 year olds shouldn't have mouths like that anyway! You have proved yourself to be Commander Cool though...

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I remember once my friends and I were on Bounty's, the ride just started swinging so it was a bit slow. When it got a bit faster this guy from the exit threw one of those huge dice thingies at me and hit me. So the operatior got pissed off. After the ride stopped he came to me and friends and told us off, he said "Why were you mucking around while the ride was operating?" I said to him "Fk off! I didn't do anything you f*ing f@#%*t." I walked away after then about five minutes later he came with these security guards and us kicked out of the park! How freggin gay was that? Getting blamed for something you didn't do!
At the end of the day, you were lucky not to be charged with offensive behaviour, so i wouldn't say you didn't do nothing.
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well daniel that might have been the best option for you, but you also would have most likely got in trouble, as for patti, if you had read the terms of entry (TOE) located at the ticket booths. which states that any person who uses abuse,uses inapropriate language, or dismisses directions given by staff will be removed by the park.But for some of us patti this would have just been common sense! I worked in Park Services so i had alot of guest contact, and i can tell you the teenagers know there rights, they know staff have no power to do anything, thats why they do this. just to show off from there months.

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Ill get shouted down for this, but RetailPark ServicesF+B staff had more face to face contact with guests than Operations(Rides) Staff. The most contact most ops staff had were opening a gate, then sitting behind a panel and spieling the safety act (yes i know some were different, but for the most part...). The others had more face to face verbal interaction. A lot of the teenagers in the park DID know their rights, and loved to flaunt it, but while i was always in the mood and the theme of the park, if I got a smarta$$, he got taken down quick smart. After my incident at SpeedPitch, I either had a phone or a radio at any location I worked at. The first hint of trouble, security got called in... We had a lot of trouble on our games with theft. If we had more than 1 attendant, I'd call it in, and follow them.... BUSTED! the funny thing is most of those prizes cost less than 10 bucks, and these guys, and their group, got kicked out. goodbye to a couple hundred bucks worth of entry tickets... and if they were wonderpass holders, they lost their wonderpass... over a ten dollar piece of fabric, and some styrofoam beans.... pattieboi, your immaturity shows through every time you post. if you had of said "i didnt do it, it was that guy..." no problems. but you swear at me.... i'd get Janice onto you...

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i have a story which is for us over the age of 18. as a parkservices attendent we were eqiuped with a maglite, 2 way radios, and ride safety shut offs. it was a saturday night an myself an another parkservices attendent were doing a full park walk, making sure everything was good with the parks presentation.we were walking up towards the goldrush toilets to inspect them, we then procceded behind the toilets which was dark. i turned on my torch, what i saw next was shocking, there where 2 people having it with each other! these guys must have been 16. we told them to get out of our sights an we would leave it at that. but it still traumtises me lol

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i have a story which is for us over the age of 18.
Just curious, is there a reason your profile says your only 17? :) Alex, I think its all relative. True food, retail and the like may deal with guests more then ops, but ops put up with more abuse then other departments (coming from someone whose worked in both food & bev and rides). People don't like being told they can't ride, and while most people understand its for safety, there are quite a few people (more then I would have suspected) who feel that the only way to respond to a safety rule they don't like is to raise their voice, and call the operator names.
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Ill get shouted down for this, but RetailPark ServicesF+B staff had more face to face contact with guests than Operations(Rides) Staff. The most contact most ops staff had were opening a gate, then sitting behind a panel and spieling the safety act (yes i know some were different, but for the most part...). The others had more face to face verbal interaction.
AlexB, if you worked in the Attractions Department, maybe you might have a leg to stand on... How is a F+B staff member going to have more contact with guests when they're flippin burgers in an outlet? You just can't justify that comment. What about Ride Ops that deal with guest injuries, complaints, and most of all the responsibility for the safety of hundreds of people who enter their ride? Theres a lot more to it than 'sittin behind a panel'. And if you were seen, throwing the ball and 'ripping' out the microphone out of his hand, you should have joined that guest in being ejected from the park. That is misproper conduct from a staff member. Being in a high 'contact' position in Retail/Games you should be professional in your actions. Possibly switching off the microphone from the main might have been more appropriate.
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Well, he's right in one respect, and that is your dealing with guests constantly in food/ customer service, rather then dealing with heaps quickly, then just watching them go around (and around, and around and around). True the person flippin the burgers doesn't deal with guests more, but the person serving does nothing but deal with guests. They don't sit down for 2 mins watching the food being cooked (unless they aren't very good), they are constantly interacting with guests. Ops don't deal with guests as constantly, but deal with more people and get abused waaay more often.

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