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Track has arrived at Movie World!


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Considering that Rita doesn't have a tophat, has no indoor dark ride section and has racing car theming instead of Superman branding, my guess is no. If by that question you mean that it's also a rollercoaster, has a red track and has turns in the track layout, then yes, I spose it's just like Rita.

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actually smart ass i meant that it is being built by the same people, will use the same launch system, will be the same length and apart from the top hat looks as though it will basically have a very similar track layout (buy the look of the track pieces). I was simply asking for some helpful advice, a friendly opinion. no need to be a d*#k about it.

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The latest construction update at Roller-Coaster.com.au can be seen here: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/gallery.php?gid=168 one thing is for sure - having seen the small amount of this ride that has gone up over the past few days, I have faith that this will be a world class attraction. It looks to have a blend of elements that will make this ride truly unique, not just among existing Intamin rocket coasters, but I think with coasters around the world. Maybe it's because I've always been a fan of high-speed turns, but a 40-odd metre drop into a highly banked turn is something I'm excited about.

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Great pictures and update! This ride looks absolutely amazing so far and the turn after the top hat looks perfect and is in a great place too - I think watching this coaster in action will be as entertaining as the ride itself. Just so that I could get an impression of the coaster so far, I built the tophat and the first turn of this ride in RCT3 and from the onride camera perspective it just looked so fun and I really can't wait for this ride to be finished and open, and if Movie World is looking for a live test dummy to test this thing I will gladly volunteer my services. Once again thanks for the great photos!

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Ok, reviewing these images i have some comments and questions - 1) there are two photos of the launch on the first page (outdoor), but one looks like its a really short length (closeup) and the other from a wide angle makes it look long. The caption there somewhere says most of the launch is indoors, so - how long is the launch from station (or launch staging area) to the pulleys? (eg: what is the length of acceleration before its just travelling on its own?) 2) the highest support is already standing, however the top hat will reach the top of the crane... how big wide is the top hat going to be? time taken to travel from vertical UP to vertical DOWN through the top hat - would this be more likely to be measured in milliseconds or seconds? 3) the turn post-top-hat appears to be near a public area - which public area, and how close? 4) that same turn - wasn't there going to be part of the movie setsnew sets built so that the track went through the cityscape.... is there still room there to have these built, and will that public area still be able to view the coaster at that point? 5) based on all of the track sections delivered, has anyone been able to determine the approximate total length of the track? 6) in other coasters, a lot of the track pieces were welded together. the closeups of these track pieces look like its just a bolted flange, with a "ball and socket" joint for the track. will it still be welded, or should the flanges hold be enough? and if they won't be welded, does this mean that the onstruction time will be a lot less? look forward to some answers.... this is gunna be one rockin coaster....

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Hi all, went into movieworld yesterday, after the morning at DW. I did not realise it wasnt going to go upside down rabid, i thought we were going to get a storm runner layout. i also didnt realise that are top hat will be straight up and down like the air launch coasters. Unlike xcellarator and its two big Bros, with the tist up and down. I also noticed ppl have grafitied on the track in the cart park...ttttt...:( not good!

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