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Batman and Superman


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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't heard of a Batman 3, though the new Bat mobile will be coming towards the end of the year. Wouldn't shock me beyond belief to get a new batman movie, as apparently the park has got rid of Mr. Freeze and co from the street parade, on account of the new movie. If the new batman franchise is a success then perhaps it’s something that could be done. Still, I'd be less surprised to see them leave Batman alone and do something different if there was to be a new simulator attraction.

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  • 6 months later...

This is from the MW web site in the "Latest News" section. Latest News RIDES AND ATTRACTIONS MAINTENANCE Superman Escape will be closed 2 - 3 February 2006 for maintenance. back to top DOES IT COME IN BLACK? YES – AND IT HAS COME TO WARNER BROS. MOVIE WORLD! The new Batmobile has hit the streets of Warner Bros. Movie World! Warner Bros. Movie World has taken the super hero experience to a whole new dimension with the exclusive daily appearance of the awesome new Batmobile from the hit film Batman Begins! The Batmobile, an integral part of the legend of Batman, is a design hybrid of a Humvee and a Lamborghini that combines the functionality of a tank and the finesse of a sports car. In the past the Batmobile has been presented as a contemporary vehicle, but with a slight sense of exaggeration and extremity to it. This new Batmobile is no different although a little more extreme. Check out the new Batmobile and come face to face with Batman and your favourite characters from all the Batman movies only at Warner Bros. Movie World.

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Ah it must have been a big fault with Superman then if they had to close it for the 2nd and 3rd of February. I went in the afternoon of the 1st to Movie World only to find out that Superman was closed - which isn't what I wanted to hear after travelling all that way from Brisbane. They didn't run it at all that afternoon - the only bit of movement I saw on it was the brakefins on the launch moving slightly for a few seconds. Hopefully they have it fixed though by now.

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Superman is back up and running, and it was open yesterday, but still some problems, it shut down 3 times yesterday. So it still has it's teething issues, the WHOLE ride shut off yesterday and took 2 hours to Re Set Everything. and I was sitting in the front seat at the station and had to get off :( So much for getting extreme riding on Superman yesterday. on another note, Scooby Doo has recently got a whole heap of new lasers :D

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There is one new laser on Scooby Doo - it's a full colour YAG from Oracle Laser that is located next to the first (reverse) drop as you enter the laser room. It looks like there are more new lasers because they all seem to be working at the moment!

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When i was there i was amazed at how many there were, like the walls were just crazy with loads of little dots on them. One thing, how does that wierd laser that is like a vortex by the final drop work, it looked very cool, is it just a cone of light projected onto smoke? Its a very good acheivement for a large building like that to have so many going at once and making the space seem so full.

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As far as I know, the 'light' on the last drop is a laser, its just set to fast movement, or is refracted within the laser to produce a cone like shape. Similar to the one that you face on the second turn table, except projected at a faster rate. (As far as i know anyway) Also, within the 'roller-coaster' section, some of the lasers are bounced off mirriors aswell, which 'fills the space' more with light. Some of you might already know all this, so disregard or correct me if im wrong! But then again, why are we talking about Scooby in a Batman and Superman topic? Lol! How side tracked we can get!! :D

Edited by tom
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