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Official Memerobilia - Right here

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hello, i am posting a scanned version of an official wonderland entry ticket from a few weeks before it shut down. Any other recent things anybody has - post them in here. i will have more scanned items posted on this thread soon. i have a cd with all of my digital photos of my last visit to wonderland (in its operating days) - i have to find the cd.

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In my back garage i have a yogi bear sign, its about 1.2meters high, it was one of those signs that read. "If you are under yogi's arm, you may ride" i have no idea why we still have it lol. It was a long time ago when my dad did work for Wonderland and knew some of the painters that made the signage.

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I have several unused staff issued complimentary tickets, my name badges, other people's name badges, my ID, bits and pieces off different rides including one very special part of Demon that I would bet that not many if anyone has. And heaps of other stuff that I'm not going to bother listing here. On the subject memorabilia, I drove past the Eastern Creek Rural Fire Service station today like I do every day and don't really pay attention too but today I noticed that in one of the garden out the front is a tombstone from Transylvania, one of the ones in the garden around the monster in the hole. "The Bus is now leaving for Ticket Of Leave Park, NSW"

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Don't get me started on what I have, ah maybe instead of talking about it, maybe I should show you just a picture. Keeping in mind these pictures were taken in easter. Also, something which can never be photographed, memories. Memories which will never ever be lost, no matter how bad the Brain Damage is.

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Official Memerobilia - Right here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hello, i am posting a scanned version of an official wonderland entry ticket from a few weeks before it shut down. Any other recent things anybody has - post them in here. i will have more scanned items posted on this thread soon. i have a cd with all of my digital photos of my last visit to wonderland (in its operating days) - i have to find the cd. Now adam read this post carefully especially the first line!. I believe he wrote that.

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I would post some scans but its of Wonderland so i dont think its really positive, more depressing i would think. gti_au that was a really interesting way in introducing yourself to forums. You have got to realise when you post somthing you are making a ass of yourself! because complaining isnt going to make this thread more exciting than it already is.

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Guest gti_au

Interesting bunch on here, take their wonderland talk very seriously and personally... time to find a life for some of you and daniel i bet you have a great social life and many friends...

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  gti_au said:
Interesting bunch on here, take their wonderland talk very seriously and personally... time to find a life for some of you and daniel i bet you have a great social life and many friends...
Piss off you inbred fool. You wouldn't know **** from clay old son. Like I care what some homosexual little pissant thinks. You uneducated moron. Not all of us take 'our' Wonderland talk very seriously if you cared to have a read. Like you know what any of us do. Nor do we care. Go and play in the traffic.
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