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big brother


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sup y'all this probably sounds like a really stupid question but does anyone know where abouts the big brother house is situated, i know its in dw but is there anyway of accessing it without going through dreamworld coz from looking at the satallite image posted earlier it looks as though the house is in walking distance from the highway. is it highly guarded or anything?

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The house is located at the northen end of the park, about a 400m walk north of the eviction stage that's used on Sunday nights. The entire BB production compound (House, auditorium, production facilities and storage areas) is surrounded by a 10' high security fence which is under constant camera surveillance. The actual house compound is surrounded by another high fence with only one entry point which is patrolled by armed guards with dogs 24 hours a day. Entry to the house building is then controlled by proximity card, otherwise it's impossible to get inside the camera runs. Another proximity card is then needed to get from the camera runs into the house itself. - So yes, it's under a lot of security. From what I understand, the house is accessible from the nearby highway, but it is a minor access road that isn't used outside construction periods. Apparently it was also used briefly this year when the recent floods made the creek overflow that runs between the production area and the house.

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