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Ok, heres how you could improve it -Keep the support interval to no more than 10m, or else it would be unsupported. -Keep the G forces in limit, for vertical Gs it should not be more than -1/+5g, for lateral no more than -1.2/+1.2g and even then the ends of the scale should not be hit too freqently and for it to be a comfortable ride it would be advisable to keep them a bit less than the limit, ie dont make every turn 1.5g, it would be more comfortable for the riders if they were say .5g. In short if the g force readout turns yellow whilst riding the force is too high in that respect. On your ride the g forces frequently went too high, the most notable point was at the beginning of the top hat where it went to like -6 vertical gs. That sort of force would cause all the blood in someones body to rush to their head at 6 times the force of gravity, it would quite literally be eyeball popping. You could improve the beginning of the top hat by not begging the twist until the track was fully vertical. The exit of the tophat was however done fairly well, so if you just did a mirror image of that for the entrance to the tophat it would work well. Another place where gs were a problem were on the curve to vertical into the tophat and the curve to horizontal out of the tophat. The vertical gs went to about +6, which would cause the blood to rush out of the head at a force six times that of gravity, which could cause riders to black out. You could fix this by either dropping the launch speed so the sections are taken a bit slower, and therefore less forces, or you could increase the size of the element to reduce the force. Another area you could improve is the curvature of the track. Turn on the heartline by going Display>Show Heartine. This will give a line showing the position of the center of gravity for the train. Idealy on twists in the track the heartine should be straight so the riders rotate around their center of gravity. On the twists on your tophat try to make the lines perfectly straight. If you want to see what i mean have a look in front view, about 20m above ground you will see a distinct sort of S curve where the heatline isnt straight, fixing this would help. Another issue is something called pumping. Ride the coaster in the back car, you will see that the front car doesnt always follow a nice line, instead it seems to sway from side to side. Try to make the curves and twists a constant shape to stop this. Also, at the end of the ride a brake force of 3 gs is a bit severe, it would be worse than slamming the brakes on in the car, and the riders could be winded or given whiplash. Reduce the brake force to no more than 1g and make the brake section a bit longer so the force is not so sharp. I hope this advice helps.

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