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Sea World Maintenance Schedule 2024


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2 hours ago, Park Addict 93 said:


This is absolutely appealing. I understand standing up for your brand, but this is terrible. And it’s not the first time either. I saw him commenting on a post recently where he was threatening to cancel someones annual pass because they said something he didn’t like.

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2 hours ago, Park Addict 93 said:


Some appalling commentary from Bikash on FB relating to the incident.

Rule 0 of being a ceo and speaking positively about your company or having a dig at a competitor on Facebook - use a burner.

Also biggest glass houses comment ever - movie world was a bees dick away from killing people once

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4 hours ago, Park Addict 93 said:


This is bad, really bad. I’m sure VRTP has dedicated PR teams, and honestly, ChatGPT could’ve probably written a better response. Even for what I’ve seen from Bikash, this just isn't good. Their social media team has handled things better than this in the past.

1 hour ago, Baconjack said:

movie world was a bees dick away from killing people once

Wasn’t it proven that it wasn’t Movie World's fault, but rather a defective component? I’m not defending them, just pointing out that they were very lucky in that situation.

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7 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

Like general public sentiment nor the media would care about causality. Happened at the park = the parks responsibility 

Exactly this, I thought the same about how close Movie World was to casualties on one of their coasters when I saw Bikash’s comment.

Doesn’t matter that VRTP was not at fault they would have suffered the same attendance and repetitional damage Dreamworld has.

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2 hours ago, New display name said:

Great work Bikash for standing up for your staff.  Bikash has every right to mention DW.  If it wasn't for DW's deathtrap, SW/MW wouldn't have the consent negative attention, when a ride does what it is meant to do.

He can stand up for the company Yes


Bringing up an incident totally irrelevant No


Imagine you were one of their family's and saw that comment.. it would be disgusting, especially when you know it was just to take a stab at their competitors when it really wasn't needed to bring a point across. Why do you think he didn't bring up any other accidents that have happened...

Rebel Coaster?

Any other more recent ride errors?

Because no one would care if he had. 


If he felt compelled enough to leave a comment it really should have been this


"9 news your reporting is incorrect, we are proud of how our staff acted and the ride did what it was supposed to. Safety has and always will be a top priority for us and would prefer for more factual reporting"

Edited by Themepark Enthusist
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14 minutes ago, Themepark Enthusist said:

"9 news your reporting is incorrect, we are proud of how our staff acted and the ride did what it was supposed to. Safety has and always will be a top priority for us and would prefer for more factual reporting"

Which is what they had already done, Sea World's official account had copy-pasted comments into all 9 News posts spreading further positively-skewed info (after 2 posts of their own that did the same) before he did this, which makes him going on his personal account & commenting a completely useless endeavor, as whatever was said by him wouldn't be viewed or seen as valid/official nearly much as Sea World's comments/posts were. He just did it 'cause he as an individual was pissed, not to help Sea World/VRTP or to share further information (like Sea World's account had), and it shows.

Edited by Tricoart
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2 hours ago, New display name said:

Bikash has every right to mention DW.  If it wasn't for DW's deathtrap, SW/MW wouldn't have the consent negative attention, when a ride does what it is meant to do.

This isn't just an Australian thing. Amusement parks internationally get constant negative attention and I doubt most people overseas even remember or know about the DW incident. I'd imagine it's because most people think rides and coasters are death traps. We know they aren't, but check the comments of any park emergency and there is always some boomer arguing to close them down. Maybe the DW incident stoked the flames a bit more here, but the same fearmongering headlines and news reports can be seen globally

Edited by Guest 239
Added more examples.
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I know it's not an Australian thing and this stuff makes news headlines, all around the world but Bikash has a right to defend the company & his staff.  Using Dreamworld as an example in Australia, is expected because it has most relevance to Australians.   If Bikash referred to, The Smiler as an example, few people would know what he was talking about.   

That is the most, I can handle in talking about Bikash in a day, because I don't even like the bloke.

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

He wasn't taking a stab at DW, he was using DW as a reference/example.  Some people just like to think the worst of people or are still making excuses for DW. 

But Parkz user base has constantly criticised the media for bringing the event up at every opportunity. 

Eight years on and we're (some of us) supporting when the competition stoops to the same level? 

My opinion, stand up for your business, but do it with some standards, don't fall to the level of the clickbait media. 

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

Using Dreamworld as an example in Australia, is expected because it has most relevance to Australians. 

Yeah but did he really need to? Did he need to bring it up and probably resurface truma the family,witnesses, response personal all saw that day? At no point in any of the headlines was DW mentioned. So to bring that up and resurface the truma people saw felt and experience is unprofessional and really unnecessary 

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

I know it's not an Australian thing and this stuff makes news headlines, all around the world but Bikash has a right to defend the company & his staff.  Using Dreamworld as an example in Australia, is expected because it has most relevance to Australians.   If Bikash referred to, The Smiler as an example, few people would know what he was talking about.   

That is the most, I can handle in talking about Bikash in a day, because I don't even like the bloke.

No one is disputing his right to defend his team. We know and he knows that media hype when these incidents occur are horrendous. We all agree with him in principle here. Even the poster who called him out in the screen shot agreed with him on that point. However, it was 100% completely unprofessional that he even mentioned his direct competitor's worst ever accident on social media in reference to this. He represents a brand and a directly competing park to the one he mentioned. He could have got his point across quite easily without mentioning Dreamworld or the 2016 accident. If he had , we would have all been supporting him in this. Now, because he directly referenced Dreamworld and the accident, it comes across as extremely petty, uneccessary and unprofessional in the extreme. That one comment is undefendable IMHO and it shows Bikash's complete arrogance and disregard for any sort of decorum. I bet any Dreamworld executive would be furious at this intimation that the park is unsafe after a full 8 years after the incident and various measures and new attractions have been put in place to revive Dreamworld's trust in the publc face. This is nothing but a cheap shot and Bikash would know that , hence why the comment has been deleted.  

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Back to the main topic of this thread, Vortex is scheduled to be open today, marking the first day since its breakdown that it hasn’t been closed for maintenance. I guess VRTP also forgot that today is the Gold Coast Show Holiday and a pupil-free day for all Queensland schools. It’s hard to understand why they couldn’t either open Storm today or delay Leviathan’s maintenance to ensure they have enough capacity. If I turned up today and saw that Jet Rescue and Vortex were the only operating thrill rides, I wouldn’t be very happy. Luckily, Sea World does have other things to do, like watching the polar bears (if they’re not closed for some TLC) /s

Also, a new POV of Leviathan has been uploaded to YouTube:

I haven’t ridden it since June, and it’s looking rougher than I remember. I recall the section from 2:17 to 2:23 being extremely rough and shaky, really throwing me around. You can even see a few of the jolts in the POV. But I still love the ride.

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1 hour ago, themagician said:

They have. Storm, Jet Rescue and Vortex are operating today.

When I originally wrote it, Storm wasn’t scheduled to open, and then at park opening, I was told Storm was open—sorry about that. Hopefully, this trend of VRTP reopening rides early continues (Leviathan and Green Lantern, I’m looking at you).

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