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New Dreamworld Ride: The Slingshot

Guest Kyle

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So Dreamworld has been known as the premier theme park and thrill zone of Australia. The Giant Drop, The Tower of Terror, The Cyclone, The Wipeout, The Claw...the list is endless and now Funtime Amusements Inc. will build a new thrill ride on the grounds of Dreamworld before February 2006. The name of the ride is the Slingshot, and is the next generation in thrill. The Slingshot (obviously named differently) is already a format of ride placed on go-kart tracks and carnivals. Now, Dreamworld will contract this massive ride as its own. The Ride The Slingshot is two 200m high steel poles erected at a tilt towards each other. Hanging in between is a three-person gondola on massive 'electro-cord' bungee ropes. The riders are strapped into the gondola at ground level and then pulled about 10m underground by electromagnets. After a minute of a good view of the surrounding dirt, the electromagnets are turned off and the gondola is flung into the air at a speed of about 120km/h, hence the name of the ride. For anyone interested in finding out more about the ride, go to www.funtime.com.au and you should find relevant information. Why Build The Ride if It's Already Built Elsewhere? Well, firstly because Dreamworld can. Also, there has never been a Slingshot ride with the steel poles going any higher than 150m, obviously ensuring maximum thrill. Where Will It Be Built? No-one can confirm the whereabouts of the ride, but it looks to me as if it will be built on a block of land behind the Australian Wildlife Experience that Dreamworld has on lease. But, like I said before, no-one can be sure just yet. Dangerous Ride? Yes. Dreamworld has been told that because they want to make the poles so high, anyone who wants to ride it needs to sit in a simulator that imposes the g's of the ride first. And don;t worry, the simulator chair only lasts about 40 seconds. If there are any comments or questions about this ride, just reply to the topic! Kyle...out.

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And your source for this information is what, may I ask? Eg, are you a park employee, etc? Personally I can't really see Dreamworld building one of these things and with a capacity of only three people per ride I don't see the point. No doubt if Dreamworld was to build one of these it would not be included in the admission cost, especially since we know of the capacity issues Dreamworld has with rides like Cyclone that carry 20 something people around at a time, let alone 3 including a simulator. If this is true, Movie World and Superman: Escape need not fear any competition as I can't see it being nearly as popular.

Edited by matty_o_911
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  Gazza said:
Ooh, someones gone into Superman damage control.
Just giving people the info!
  matty_o_911 said:
And your source for this information is what, may I ask? Eg, are you a park employee, etc? Personally I can't really see Dreamworld building one of these things and with a capacity of only three people per ride I don't see the point. No doubt if Dreamworld was to build one of these it would not be included in the admission cost, especially since we know of the capacity issues Dreamworld has with rides like Cyclone that carry 20 something people around at a time, let alone 3 including a simulator.
My source for this information is from a Dreamworld employee we know, he works with the building of theming and extra bits & pieces. None of the information about pricing or capacity is answered yet, the only way we know that it is three-person is that that's what our friend said. As soon as I find out all that info, I'll post it.
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  Kyle said:
The Ride The Slingshot is two 200m high steel poles erected at a tilt towards each other. Hanging in between is a three-person gondola on massive 'electro-cord' bungee ropes.
Given that the highest tower listed on the funtime website is only 72m, I think you need to check your facts matey. A 200m high tower is nearly twice the height of GD, and IMHO would be almost logistically impossible to build to support such pressure. Also, their site says construction of such a ride takes around 12 weeks. If it was going to open in January, there'd already be some serious work going on. I'm going to wait for the official word on this.
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  nev said:
Given that the highest tower listed on the funtime website is only 72m, I think you need to check your facts matey. A 200m high tower is nearly twice the height of GD, and IMHO would be almost logistically impossible to build to support such pressure. Also, their site says construction of such a ride takes around 12 weeks. If it was going to open in January, there'd already be some serious work going on. I'm going to wait for the official word on this.
Apologies to nev and to all. The steel towers are in fact only 90m tall. The '200' is actually standing for how much is paid to keep the ride maintained annually, which is $200 000. Once again, apologies. Just remember, I too am waiting on the official word for this, too. I honestly believe it is a stupid idea, but I thought I'd post it to see what everybody else thinks. Construction facts etc. have not been given yet, so I'll post anything I hear. Sorry again, all.
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Dude, seriously, you're information and your intelligence is below zero here. Take this from someone who has first hand knowledge into the next two year's worth of attractions. But before you start flaming me, let's look at this in slow baby steps here. 1)Given the fact that there's already one down at Surfer's Paradise, it'd be pointless to have two clones of the same ride in such a small area, and even if they did, it'd be stupid to charge for it, no one would ride something like if there's something taller and quite frankly more thrilling 50 metres away. 2)Dreamworld knows that capacity sucks. Seriously. So what's the point of placing in a two person pod that has a ride time of say four minutes including load/unload? Add to the fact that they have some sort of simulator chair which lasts for forty seconds (Surfer's SlingShot doesn't so I have no idea where you got that from but still) and you've got a virtually pointless ride for the larger crowds. 3)Location. Given the fact that you have quarantine behind AWE, not only does that rule out any possibility of placing a ride behind or around AWE, but the local council wouldn't allow it due to noise restrictions interfering with the area and the wildlife. And don't say they'd put it the side either, there's an incredibly large river and beyond the river is the koala sanctuary. Nice true though. 4)Construction. It'd take more than 12 weeks to build anyway, as they'd need to find the grants from the council and whatnot just to be able to build it. Then you need a company such as Sandersons contracted to build themeing ontop of the ride, so your February is impossible. 5)A ride of it's nature wouldn't be able to pass the 72m mark anyway. The g-force and speed factor already is at the physical threshold, so having something around 90 metres would literally knock people out. 6)Overall, not only wouldn't it be marketable, but it's not practible. Dreamworld already contains two high speed and height attractions, so to build another one would be stupid considering that money could be spent on another type of ride catering to a new market of thrill seekers. Sorry buddy, but go talk to your sources.

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You have to sit in a simulator to see if you can handle the forces? Ok, so do you have to sit in a different simulator to see if you can handle the G-Force simulator? What a crock, and since those rides only got for about 20 seconds why have a longer simulator ride to check out if you can handle it? I like the changing what the 200 is for too, very classy I must say. If I were you, I would've said that its 200 feet, and apologize for that. Slightly more believable.

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I'm with everyone on this, there's no way Dreamworld would build a SlingShot. The thing about the simulator is so, incredibly stupid... I mean seriously, seriously, seriously stupid. The ride is so dangerous that you have to test your body’s reaction to the forces… yeah right, like that’d work in a theme park. I’m not sure if you’re aware of this but it’s actually possible to calculate what forces are exerted on a body and therefore design a ride that isn’t dangerous before it's built. And also, if you’re going to make something up, make sure it’s correct. Slingshot doesn’t use electromagnets to pull the passenger capsule down ready for launch, it uses springs and pullies. This myth is busted.

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They were seeing if using dynamite would dislodge cement that had set inside the barrel of the truck. They ended up taking it out to a quarry and getting the FBI to pack it with explosives and then detonate it. They were at least a mile away when it went off and they felt the shockwave from it. Needless to say there was very little left of the truck. I think that this should be taken to another forum. "The Bus is now leaving for Cement Tank, Western Australia"

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