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B'Day at DreamWorld


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G'day everyone! Hope your in a comfortable chair coz this is gonna blow u away (yes i realise that's the cyclone slogan, that's why i bought an on-ride of me riding it!) It all started of one early, crisp morning in the month of June '03 where one 13 year-old youngster hopped out of his bed, got dressed (pretty smart move to take there :? ) and ventured out onto his local train station, where his friends were waiting for the birthday boy. They were all cheering and performing their birthday singalongs when we boarded the train and headed for this Birthday boy's favourite (and yes i mean absolutelycrapodoselysuchabiggely favourite) place in the world, one simple theme park nestled just 40 minutes south of Brisbane (oo yes, that's a fact :twisted: ) After several train swaps over a period of 2 hours :!: , we finally jumped off at Coomera station, where we hopped into a cute little bus where we started our final part of our journey to the place that roars! While the lady driving our bus stated a whole heap off misleading facts ( no the Tower Of Terror isn't a pole stupid, and no it doesn't go 165km per hour and nor does it pull off 6 G's stupid!) i took out the video camera to obtain a few shots of my sweetheart, my ...... 125 metre tall sweetheart...... anyway...... We hopped out of the little car, and after doing a quick head count of all of my friends, we ventured through the entry gates with our pre-paid tickets shining as did my face..... (and i don't mean that in a weird psychological, minipulative way.) We rounded everyone up and ran, well, i ran to the nearest rollercoaster around, the Runaway Reptar......... And so the journey begins, in this 4 part story :mrgreen:

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Well, The Runaway Reptar was welll running away from, coz the ride is nothing, just a train on a track going up and down a small hill. So after getting the craving for speed (no not a lot of speed, but a bit of speed) we went on the ThunderBolt (in the 4th post i'll give, in detail, a ride analysis). What cheap thrills that was.......... But keeping in mind i had a Birthday to attend and by now it was about 12:00pm we went to the Central Cafe to celebrate my B'day! It was so cool!!! As u can c we r in the private room which was so cool! But it was after a long time that i then went onto the DreamWorld Helicopter to take some good photos! Well i'm off, until number 3

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( ( ( ( ( (Part 3) ) ) ) ) ) Sweet, as you can see in the photos below and from part 2, the views from the Helicopter were magnificent and while the camera was slightly slow, i still got some good photos. But after something that felt like just 2 minutes, i hopped back out of the Helicopter ready to go on the Tower Of Terror (the most coolest ride on the planet muuahhh!) It was a long wait whith TOT having some minor problems, but after supposedly being in queue line for 40 minutes ( which is apparently the max. queue time wait for TOT, even though no -one was there) we boarded the spiked, 6 tonne pod. While quietly sitting down in my favourite seat (front-row centre :mrgreen: ) i asked the attendent if she could "pump it up~to the MAX and also stated that she should do this coz its my B'day (hehe, its just so cool!) while she did as much as she could we probably only went up 3 quarters of the tower, but still i got a funny looking on-ride photo of me afterwards! But this was not all, after having done that, we met up with Janet (Rspca Head of department For QLD) and went behind 'Australia's wildlife experience' and went into their Wild life Centre, which was a unbeleivably long-narrow building (yes i mean this builiding (or 3 strips) was huge) We first met a man named Justin, who was about 40 and he took us into Quarantine where i met A Huge python (below) and another array of animals such as a couple of frilled neck lizards, 1 of the most endangered types of Geckos on the planet, a few more pythons and a couple of turtles (YAY!) Then we headed outside where we met up with this stupid bloody owl that kept turning his head when i tried to take a photo coz everyone was distracting it (below) and a huge Hawk (below) that was in a real crappy mood...... We finished with a croc and went outside to get a free photo of a koala (below) and then finally Janet went into the bird avory check up on her favourite Budgie!!!!! Coming soon! Part 4

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There's absolutely nothing better looking than Cyclone matched up against a nice blue sky on a winter's morning. I personally find it a nice, unique colour scheme that almost acts as a gateway to the fun of the Gold Coast (I really should get a job writing travel brochures). It really does get the attention of motorists - which was the thinking behind such a bright scheme.

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Part 4 Well after having a blast patting a croc and holding onto a huge baby python (it was already over 6 feet!!!!) we were about to reach the climax of the day, THE GIANT DROP We only queued for a matter of minutes whitch felt like seconds with their "interactive theming" which is really just a whole bunch of crap useless computer chips with buttons you can press! Just on a funny note: while we were lining up my cousin david (who we call guppie, even though he is huge and he's only 30!) was asking me questions about THE GIANT DROPinfront of a group of mighty fine chicks... hehe............ anyway...... I first was feeling a bit resentful after going on the helicopter so i hopped on the seat 1 from the left side?!?! Anyway, while i chatted with a really nice guy that i didn't know on the way upTHE GIANT DROP,my friends were pissing themselves (more on that at the end *wink *wink) and while i was talking to this dude i felt the magnets start. After just a few seconds I noticed (in all of my years of TOT watching) the main drive starting to churn and then with a final gasp of wimpering air we fell our 119meter, 134k/ph, 4.5g descent down my favourite daddy of 'em all, THE GIANT DROP But you see one of my friends weren't expecting the descent downwards and while he was swallowing we fell, and you guessed it, he walked out with a puddle of slag on his crutch (yes, yes, insert your smutty joke here) So after riding that again on the very side of the gondola another 2 times i think we ended our day with the very boring cyclone and then the not so boring ThunderBolt. So there's my day, and while i have left a couple of minor unimportant details in the report, honestly, who cares :?: :P :twisted: :mrgreen: PS: in my final words, check my little paragraphs with the piccies! oh and this thread isn't over yet, i still have ride analysis to come yet folks! PPS: soon (once when i get a digital camera or a scanner, which ever comes first) i will be sending my onride photos to you guys *wink *wink plus i'll show you my "TOT MERCHANDISE" but until then, say hi to ya mum for me... hehe

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Okay, here are my ride reports!!!!!! TOWER OF TERROR: This is my FAVOURITE ROLLERCOASTER IN THE WORLD!!! It's huge, fast, tall, magnificent and so, so cool! But one funny thing i remember reading here at Total Thrills was that some guy thought that the TOT was too loud! What, was he 80 or something???? The TOT is supposed to be loud, that's why it's cool you llama....... ThunderBolt: While some people may disagree, ride up until you finish the loops and go around the corner above the station, The ThunderBolt is fantastic! But the part that is just a pile of literally rotting cat poo (almost literally) is gay because it's just a couple of turns and dips, big woop! Cyclone: Since the change-over from Luna Park Sydney, this ride just has gotten crap! And while it boasts to have extreme comfort levels, its just the same now as the ThunderBolt!!!! WHY OH WHY!!!!!!!!! But the one main thing that ticks me off is that because the sidewinder and the loop are at the end, they're soooo much smaller than the would be if they were like the ThunderBotl at the front!!!! Eureka Mountain Mine Train: While i didn't go on this ride on this trip, i still have been on it before and if i had to rank all the world's wild mouse rollercoasters, this one would come on top by far!!!! The Giant Drop: This is unreal to go on for so many reasons!!! The first reason is that on an average weekend the queue lines are still "absorbed" very quickly! But once when you hop on, the feeling of just continuously going up and up and up and up is amazing, but what's simply fantastic, the drop......... 4.5g,134k/ph,119m,yeah that's good for me!!

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But one funny thing i remember reading here at Total Thrills was that some guy thought that the TOT was too loud! What, was he 80 or something???? The TOT is supposed to be loud, that's why it's cool you llama.......
That would be me. I'm not 80, I'm 13. Compared to today's roller coasters, the ride sounds like a jet taking off. Not good when queuing up for RR (which is right next to the ride). Nonetheless, the ride is still cool despite it only making it halfway up the tower. Definately not a llama, ~Flea
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