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Boxing Day 2023 Parks CLOSED


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For what it’s worth I attended on the 27th for the first day of Hooray for Hollywood, fully knowing how busy it was and have to echo the comments of others that ride operations simply do not work as effectively as they used to years back for whatever reason. They were running two trains on SE/DCR/RR.

The skeptic in me does wonder if there’s no sense of urgency in an effort to sell more fast track.

Slight note on that review FT is not automatically allocated front row, it depends on the operator and many take from general first. You can also always request which row you would like and wait for it.

There are things the park could have done to be better and avoid some minor guest triggers.

- Not advertise attractions as opening at 9:30AM on the website/app, staff aren’t even rostered to ensure this is possible. 

- WWF and HSD not being listed as closed on the website despite the park being aware it will be down all day.

- Have a backup of paper maps/showtimes when there are issues with the app and/or mobile reception.

- Crowd Management, was just chaos everywhere. Have some staff rostered simply to organise que’s/people especially for rides and shows.

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SW didn't get hit by the tornado, floods or closed and DW doesn't get massive crowds at Christmas anymore so I don't know what is the point of your post.   And the fist review you read if you do a search on DW is a negative review but you failed to post because it doesn't fit your narrative.

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Others above have already explained that there are solvable operational issues at MW that are compounding the weather-related problems, but there’s a running theme of you simply not reading or understanding what peoples’ criticisms are. You initially said (likely ostensibly) that you didn’t even read my post and proceeded to completely mischaracterise what I’d said. That’s been par for the course so far, so all you’ve done is make an ass out of yourself (again). The mental gymnastics needed to elaborate to a means comprehensible for you would be fruitless. I could very meticulously deconstruct for you why your take is garbage, but by your own admission, you won’t even read the post.

So, you’re right Skeet, as you always are. Everyone at Movie World deserved a bad experience this week and the potential for ameliorated operations would have changed nothing. Enjoy your prize (no givebacks).

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The hours are still shit - it needs to be like 11am to 9pm during the peak summer period. Keep the food places open for longer so people can eat dinner there too and that alone should pay it off. 

To compare - Universal Studios Hollywood is open 09:00 AM - 10:00 PM at the moment (middle of their winter) - and their halloween events run til 2am.

I'm going off the reviews that the attendants are still required to do the seatbelts.  Even more wild that at dreamworld they're required to rfid each row .. I'm still 100% certain someone saw them do it on Hagride and decided it would be a great idea for their ride (of a completely different system).

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Normal operations at the Gold Coast parks make Six Flags look like Disney, and in the past few years the parks have consistently taken steps to make them generally slower still.

While nobody should be surprised to find the parks busy during school holidays it’s unfair to blame guests if adequate crowd control/mitigation measures aren’t in place.

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I'm hoping when Wizard Of Oz opens there will be a pathway from WWF to the area, like it shows in the concept art with people walking toward the Boomerang from behind Scooby. I think one of Movie World's biggest problems in terms of crowd management is that it is the smallest park on the GC in size by a fair margin. For example, Sea World is around 25hectares, but Movie World is half that. Assuming most people go to SeaWorld and MovieWorld, there would be around the same amount of people there, and at MW since everyone is inside a smaller space everyone is packed closer together, whereas Sea World is more spread out. Not to mention the number of dead ends in the park currently, something the other parks have less of, affecting guest flow. If they have entrances from WWF, Scooby, Superman and Main Street to WoO, it will help guest flow and reduce the amount of crowds packed together.

TLDR: MW is smaller in size than the parks but has the same if not more visitors, and as a result everyone is more packed together, so there should be a new pathway from WWF to WoO to help with crowd flow.

Edited by TBoy
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4 hours ago, TBoy said:

I'm hoping when Wizard Of Oz opens there will be a pathway from WWF to the area, like it shows in the concept art with people walking toward the Boomerang from behind Scooby. I think one of Movie World's biggest problems in terms of crowd management is that it is the smallest park on the GC in size by a fair margin. For example, Sea World is around 25hectares, but Movie World is half that. Assuming most people go to SeaWorld and MovieWorld, there would be around the same amount of people there, and at MW since everyone is inside a smaller space everyone is packed closer together, whereas Sea World is more spread out. Not to mention the number of dead ends in the park currently, something the other parks have less of, affecting guest flow. If they have entrances from WWF, Scooby, Superman and Main Street to WoO, it will help guest flow and reduce the amount of crowds packed together.

TLDR: MW is smaller in size than the parks but has the same if not more visitors, and as a result everyone is more packed together, so there should be a new pathway from WWF to WoO to help with crowd flow.

Like re using Lethal Weapon Chinatown alley? Most logical solution imo but it seems to be wishful thinking based on concept art.

Before someone goes on about F&B needing the space for temporary storage there’s a many other areas to put these things that doesn’t necessitate using an area that was designed to be public access

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59 minutes ago, Baconjack said:

Like re using Lethal Weapon Chinatown alley?

I would’ve much preferred that they went back to using this entrance and closing off the access from Superman entirely, just to spread the crowds out a little more rather than bottling them all up at the front.

This entrance was so good and really built you up to the ride because you couldn’t see any of it. This as a grand entrance to Oz down the yellow brick road would be so good, rather than walking through the DC Universe to get there.  

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Add to that a lot of them would be on a casual basis, so there'd be little to nothing in compensatory measures due to long-term closures.

2 hours ago, themagician said:

I would’ve much preferred that they went back to using this entrance and closing off the access from Superman entirely, just to spread the crowds out a little more rather than bottling them all up at the front.

I like the idea of the old Chinatown being used as the main entrance, and I'm sure it's at least occured to VR. @Baconjack I wouldn't consider it wishful thinking. Concept art is exactly as its name suggests, all subject to change and refinement. It'd be bizarre to have the main entrance tucked away behind Superman; it "worked" for Arkham because there was still some thematic cohesion.

Where I'll disagree with you @themagician is that I think there still needs to be a side entrance to create a loop-around. If Chinatown is dressed up as the main entrance, it'll be more popularly used, as foot traffic for families usually heads straight down Main Street to the WB Zone anyway. A side-entrance behind Superman would be fine. It's not like room is a luxury, so in a footprint that tight, inevitably different themes will be a hodgepodge smashed together. Not that it was avoidable, but just look at the Leviathan entrance next to Nickelodeon Land.

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4 minutes ago, webslave said:

@New display name C'mon buddy, the ops are like watching old people f**k. Cringeworthily slow, and you know by the time it's you on the loading platform you'll probably be 80 too.

I don't disagree.   But if MW had perfect operations it would still have major issues after the tornado and floods.   People turned up excepting the perfect day and it was never going to happen.   SW which hasn't been affected by the weather hasn't had the complaints that it's had in previous years.   MW's biggest crowd soaker show, couldn't operate (biggest garbage show too)   WWF was also down because of the events and GL is a pile of poop and broke down before Christmas I believe.

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