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Which Park.....If Any?


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Hey all, This week I have to go up to Brisbane for work. Seeing as I have one day free, I was thinking of visiting one of the parks up there. I haven't been to any up there for a good 3 to 4 years, so I was wondering what everyone thinks would be the best to visit since I only have the one day. I've narrowed it to either Movieworld or Dreamworld because a) Seaworld hasn't added anything astounding, B) I'm not fascinated with water slides, and c) There's only so many times I can watch a dolphin show. So I have either: Dreamworld, which has added 1) Nick Central, 2) Cyclone, 3) all the Big Brother hoo hah, since I've been there.... Or Movieworld, which has added Scooby Doo since I last went... I really want to try Scooby but it seems Dreamworld has more new stuff to offer.....? Any thoughts? Does anyone know what sort of wait times the majors will have during a holiday period? Thanks :D

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What are you after in a park visit? A day of thrills, where you're not to concerned about park atmosphere and general quality? or A day of fun, with a ride range of things to see and do, not necessarily rides? Dreamworld has a wider range of rides, but I don't think I need to tell you that the quality isn't quite as good as Movie World. I'd for that reason alone lean towards Movie World. If you're "that way inclined", it may also help you to know that Movie World easily has the best park food in Australia.

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Up until a couple of years ago I would've said Dreamworld all the way, but the park has slipped a few notches in the past few years. The new additions aren't really special. If your going during the holidays, then Cyclone will have a long queue which is due more to the low capacity of the ride rather then its popularity. Nick Central is really, just all their old kids rides repainted, with the exception of Reptar, which is a decent ride, but not the sort of ride you'd plan your holiday around. Besides that, the park has closed down two shows, has not maintained its themeing, and has spent almost no effort maintaining its rides. Go to Movieworld, Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster is almost worth the trip on its own, but with the better park atmosphere, better + cheaper food, IMO better Thrill, Family, and Themed rides, excellent themeing, friendlier staff, and a higher capacity it to me, becomes a no brainer.

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Scooby-Doo is a great "destination ride". Essentially what I mean is, it's a fantastic ride, second to none, when you're at the park once. However, it's definitely not the best ride for "locals". The effect does wear off after a considerable number of rides. From where I am, I'd take Cyclone over it any day (minus the capacity problems though)... of course I'd take Lethal Weapon over Cyclone too (minus the sometimes unbearable ear wacking). They should have the effects up and running (is there ever a reason to have them turned off, aside from computer or electrical errors?), as it is the holidays, and the major one for interstate visits. But Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster aside, most will agree that everything else in the park outdoes Dreamworld.

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Hey all. Got back yesterday from the coast, but have only just had the chance to get on the net. Well, my only free day (Saturday) was spent at Movieworld. Got to the park just on 10am, so the crowds were still pretty light at this stage. I headed straight to Scooby Doo, expecting it to have a lengthy queue since it was the cross-over between NSW and QLD school holidays. Boy was I suprised! Got to the new building (last time I saw it, it was still in the Gremlins form), and the first thing I noticed was that it really does stand out like a sore thumb. But still, the building looks great. I can see what people mean by the quality of the theming inside now too. There were few, if any, scratches or marks on the walls etc. The ride was great (a big improvement on Gremlins :D ).I had completely forgotten about the tilting of the elevator so that scared that **** out of me on the first ride. I've always loved Wild Mouse coasters so this was a great ride for me. The longest I waited for Scooby was about 10 mins. The queue got up to about 30 mins at its worst. Got in eight rides though, so I was happy. I got on Wild West Falls at about 10.30am. This ride is great to get on in the morning as the lines are usually short at this time, and, if they're short enough you get to stay on and go round and round and round..... I got about 6 rides on WWF. My first ride on Lethal Weapon was great. I got awesome airtime and a nice long feeling of weightlessness. I thought I had actually found a Vekoma running a smooth day.......I was wrong. It just seemed to get rougher and rougher by the end of the day. After three rides, I left with an aching headache and a sore jaw. This has become a two ride maximum for me. The new Batman was ok, but not great....I still like the original better. But it was a walk-on when I got there so I can't complain. I had a quick ride on the Looney Toons River Ride (for old times sake). But I ended up with the same problem I have every time I visit Movie World nowadays.... I run out of things to do after about 2pm. I've visited the park over 10 times now, so I guess it just needs a couple more major attractions before I can fill a day completely now. But overall, I had a great time and loved Scooby. Longest wait time was 15 mins (for Lethal Weapon due to one-train operation - the other train was nowhere to be seen....maintainance??) and the average wait was around 5 minutes. I love your Matrix cards Rabid, I won a Wet 'N' Wild pass. Shame I only had one spare day. But I guess I'll have to get back up there within the year to use it :D Thanks for all the help in planning my day guys, it was a great one :)

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