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H20 Zone not yet open?


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Excuse the ignorance if this is already posted somewhere but I could not find any info here or on official site but I was still expecting that all the new rides for H20 Zone was supposed to open on Boxing Day but I rang the park and they are saying they wont open until around Jan 16?? Does anyone have any more info about this as I did not there was going to be a delay at all although I am not suprised because driving past there a couple of months ago there was not much happening.. Anyways if anyone has further info please post.. Wet n Wild must be kicking themselves they have not got it open for the busiest time of the year I wonder if anyone else is considering putting off their visit until they are open?? I was going to go next week but seems a bit stupid since all the new slides would open 2 weeks later..

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  Slick said:
Yeah, they did say December to the press but I suppose they decided to get all the workers on SE so they could get that thing finally working. :D
When you say "thing" are you talking about that coaster that makes Dreamworld's coasters look like a sunday afternoon drive with Martha Stewart. ;)
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So will all of the H20 Zone be closed? From rabids last update (which was 10 days ago, no taking into account the delay of the approval process and loads of slide construction can happen in 10 days) most of mach V looked to be very close to completion so now i would expect that part to be virtually done, would it be possible for them to open the mach V tower while they finish off the black hole tower. I wouldnt mind if only part of it was ready.It could just be the 16th is the date for the whole place to be operational. But its a bit of a bummer because this was my second main reason for coming up this summer (Behind SE), and i cant change my flights or accomadation. Then again, i could get lucky, my last day up there is the 13th, and you never know, it could be ready 3 days ahead.

Edited by Gazza
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"..When you say "thing" are you talking about that coaster that makes Dreamworld's coasters look like a sunday afternoon drive with Martha Stewart..." You guys seriously need to ease up on the Superman Escape thing and stop making it into gods fantastic gift to the earth. Seriously, as much as its a great coaster, comparing it to Cyclone is like comparing Thunderbolt to a log flume. Seriously, I've been getting way too many people complain about how much this community baffles on about Superman: Escape. Ben "and besides, Dreamworld will make Movie World look like Clementon soon anyway" Roach. :D

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Ben, why are you being so arrogant about Movie World's new ride? It's fact that Dreamworld has no decent coasters, nor the plans to build one for the next couple of years (well at least not until the water park is finished). Let's face it, Movie World "pwns" Dreamworld in terms of coasters.

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It definitely does, Dreamworld sucks in terms of coasters, no doubt about that, however while Superman is a fantastic ride, it's no bee's knee's in the general market of coaters these days. Seriously, I'm getting really annoyed how we've got people in the community who are shamelessly plugging this coaster at every which chance they get, and then saying that some of us are being defensive because I want to knock myself out with my remote because I already see the Superman advertising on television too much. You guys need to start to start licking each other's butts less and just actually enjoy what this whole "community" was all about. Seriously, I'm getting so sick of having to type up several hundred word responses because someone's taking cheap stabs at Dreamworld because they don't cater to just one market at the moment.

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I was talking to one of the guys I work with and he also works for Wet N Wild and he was saying the delay of the openig of H2O Extreme Zone is due to Superman. What happened is that all the construction workers that were working on Superman were also working on H2O extreme zone. Therefore superman had to be done quicker so all the guys were sent over to movieworld and the opening of H2O extreme zone was post poned.

Edited by Insane_eskimo
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I rang WnW admin after XMAS and was told the opening was delayed until Jan 16 but unconfirmed. I rang back a week later only to be told maybe after the 20th. I emailed public relations and got told the 16th again but this date couldnt be guaranteed but even then this was only for phase 1 which is just for the opening of the Mach V attraction only, the black hole bit still not going to be finished.. I am so suprised I have not see any comments going around yet about this because I dont know about anyone else but I was planning to go there after boxing day for the new rides but I have delayed it now but I promised to take my daughter during the school holidays but I dont think they are going to have it open before the end of them. So I am going to have to take her regardless only to have the new slides probably open a week later (annoying) anyone else disappointed about all this or have any comments would love to hear or does anyone else know anymore details about confirmed opening?

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clone it is unfortunate but look at it this way, wnvtp have now lost an oppurtunity to pack extra peeps into wnw with a 20million outlay for the xmas/summer period to have it not open. Now when it dose open thell proply get the same amount of ppl in the park as they would without the new attractions when schools back.

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Well I'm right next to this thing when I go to work every day. I can tell you I've never seen construction go this fast on anything! The rate that the towers are rushing to completion is really insane, a few days back the black hole slides weren't even started, by now they are probably a good 1/3 done. The Mach 5 tower is essentially complete, just finishing touches happening now, geeze even the entire staircase went on in about 4 hours. There are pieces of the black hole stored all over the studios and they are being brought over at a rapid pace. Not sure if both towers will open together as the site says that 7 slides will open but only Mach 5 so this kind of contradicts itself. I will say though that if black hole doesn't open on the 21st, it won't be far after. What I am interested to see is how they get the landscaping in so quick as the site at this point is really just dirt out the back of WnW.

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