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Dreamworld 1981


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I was just wondering if any of you guys remembered Dreamworld when it first opened - or even during it's initial construction. I was only three when the park first opened, so I have no idea at all. My first memories are from '85 onwards. Back then, Dreamworld as a whole was a far superior park to the one we see today. Sure, there are some incredible rides these days, but the quality of the themed lands, buildings, landscape and overall atmosphere was on a completely different level to what it is today. Take away the GD, TOT, Claw and Wipeout and compare Dreamworld of the 80's to Dreamworld in it's current state. No comparison. A perfect example is the colour schemes for it's buildings. Why on earth would you paint colonial style buildings bright colours?? Every time I go back, the place looks more and more like a joke. Thoughts??

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I made a post yesterday about the same thing (however I can't find it now so maybe I imagined it?). I agree totally that Dreamworld was better back then. However, when you look at what the general public are after these days the park is probably exactly what they want. They don't care too much about the themed parts, they just want to go on rides....and that is what Dreamworld has. In my oppinion tho it started to fall appart around the time of the TOT. I have such fond memories of the place from when I was a kid....back then my favourite ride was the red barron!!

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They had already started construction on the Thunderbolt when the park opened? I thought there was a go-kart track in the Thunderbolt area but it sounds like they never used it if they started construction on it that soon.

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  • 1 year later...

Sometimes I do wonder whether it really isn't as cool any more or if it’s not as cool because I’m older but that place was awesome. I had so much fun there and we went a lot. In regards to the theming I’m not such a fan of the current get up. Its too children-family-fun-and-colours. I really used to dig the wild west vibe that was running through most of the park because it really suited the surrounding trees and bushland - now though when I see photos of all that colour in front of all that bushland it just looks odd. There is a strange balance between procuring new attractions and culling old ones. It doesn't feel - even after all the years - that the park has grown (and not in just in space). What I would like to see from Dreamworld is a little respect for the past. To become more dedicated to preserving the existing attractions make some smart investments in attractions. I always thought that Dreamworld would be the park to make it big. The first B&M or something like that. Something with good capacity and that is big enough and thrilling enough to make another impact like TOT -- because Cyclone was not. They really should have put that at the back of the park somewhere. AND the thunderbolt - what a shame man - the company that made it is no longer in business and it was hard for the park to get assistance with renovating the ride. I think a decision was made to remove it before it started costing them even more money. I'm not that familiar with the full story. I'm not entirely behind the choice for their next attraction either. Judging from existing models from other manufacturers the rides don't look that thrilling. I don't know what ideas Intamin have but will it be enough to drag the park back up out of this slump... I don't think so..! What about the new water park!!! I wanna know what some other people think... do you think it should have been included into Dreamworld. Does anybody know why they made it separate? That is a huge attraction that would have made Dreamworld so much more impressive. But it just looks like a big bright money making machine.

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  shock_bus said:
What about the new water park!!! I wanna know what some other people think... do you think it should have been included into Dreamworld. Does anybody know why they made it separate? That is a huge attraction that would have made Dreamworld so much more impressive. But it just looks like a big bright money making machine.
To make more money from a seperate admission fee, perhaps? I don't know, I'm just guessing.
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Great first post, shock_bus. Welcome along and I'm sure I speak for others in saying I look forward to a lot more like it. Your first question, regarding whether it doesn't seem as good simply because you're older, I think you only need to look as far as Sea World or Movie World to answer that question. Sea World is every bit as good as it was 10 or 20 years ago, and has built solidly on what it was then to only improve everything aspect of the park. Movie World is the same, but I think to a lesser extent (for the simple fact that they have replaced too many attractions without really growing the park). I just can't see kids today visiting Dreamworld and looking back at it in years to come with the same nostalgia many here have. I know I've dicussed this with many other people who agree on this point. The water park was completely a money-driven decision, which is understandable given that's the reason Macquarie Leisure exists. I do however agree that in a perfect world we'd see one great park rather than two average parks as we currently have.

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With regard to that point about including WWW as part of DW, yeah it would be money focused since the charge for an individual park is potentially greater than what they could add on the current DW admission for adding the water park as an included attraction. Personally I prefer that water parks and theme parks be kept as separate attractions, if it's a cold day I'd prefer not to be subsidising a water park with a higher ticket price covering both water and theme park. The opposite could be said for your ticket subsidising expensive theme park rides on a hot day when all you feel like doing is swimming and sliding.

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  • 3 months later...

i am 19 and i have been to dreamworld nearly every year of my life, even when i was one, in a pram, in a dreamworld wet weather poncho, lol. I totally agree that dreamworld has gone down hill, i'm so glad you guys have this web site, tis fantastic. My age was the age of the wipeout, the tower of terror, tiger island, etc. BUT... I was over dreamworld as soon as it - shut down the thunderbolt ( Fair enough because it was old but the cyclone is a heap of crap of a replacement ride ) - had no further 'free' entertainment in the streets, like the rock n roll themed weeks - stopped the music jamboree, but even before that stopped the famous foot long hotdog, yes they may still have the hotdogs, but the buns are no near as fresh, and i miss the bunyip cardboard holder for the hotdog (see i know dreamworld back to front! ) I am young and my age was the new rides and i still liked the older rides. The older rides like the minecart, rapids, log ride etc were original, and not some over brightly painted ugly piece of steel that you have to wait for an hour to get on. don't get me started as to the re-positioning of the t model fords! dreamworld needs to rethink what they're doing. But hey they're making megabucks with nickelodeon, the wiggles, and BB, everybody sells out when you're struggling. lol.

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  • 1 month later...

Funny that this topic comes up now.I was cleaning out the study cupboard yesterday, and as I was, I found a whole lot of old Photo-albums of my mothers. Nothing in there really out of the ordinary. Some pictures from Disneyland, LasVegas and, and to my suprise 2 photo's from the entry of Dreamworld, and from outside the park, a photo of the all white Thunderbolt. Just thought I would share that with everyone. But man, even from my early re-collections of the park, it sure has changed, much for the worse unfortunatly. The place needs some work, and if John Longhurst saw the place in it's current state, I am sure he would be saddened by what he saw.

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I do not think he is that worried as he is the 11th richest person in queensland. John Longhurst, 74 (divorced, six children), Queensland Worth: $404 million (last year $203 million) Business: Property development Bought the original 85-hectare site at Coomera, which is now the Dreamworld theme park. He is also a half-share owner in the Logan Hyperdome, which is worth more than $280 million. His son Tony Longhurst won Bathurst 1000 race twice. He recently brought his 6th house at in a row on the beach at the Gold Coast. John is knocking down all six multi million doller homes to build 1 house.

Edited by skeetafly
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I just look at Dreamworld today and I think... wow. Dreamworld is a hole. I just don't get it anymore. I don't get how people still go there and enjoy their day. I don't get why Wiggles World and the Motocoaster were placed at Rivertown. I don't get why the Spooty Spin has turned from an indigo colour to a faded purple mess. I don't get why the Claw is at Ocean Parade when it has nothing to do with the ocean - or let alone anything. I don't get why the mine ride is still closed. I don't get why Thunder River Rapids has dinosaurs in it as its 'theme'. I don't get why the log ride in conjunction with the Giant Drop. I don't get why the Tower of Terror is a hike to walk to. I don't get how Tiger Island looks like a run down mess. But most of all, I don't get why MLE hasn't done anything. The place, quite obviously, needs an overhaul of at least $150m. The entrance needs to be rebuilt. The TOT needs to be removed and the GD needs to be rethemed. The Cyclone is on it's last legs. There needs to be a new coaster. There needs to be paint everywhere - not spraypaint as they have done on the Claw. When I look at Movie World, I think of their slogan 'Hollywood on the Gold Coast'. And Movie World really is that. Yet I look at Dreamworld and their 'So many world's in one'. and I think - so many world's? This is more like Too many worlds in one. The place is quite honestly had its run. WhiteWater World even makes Dreamworld look ugly. You can already see the Green Room starting to deteriorate. I remember getting really excited to go to Dreamworld when I was 10 - back before the times of Nick Central. That's when Dreamworld was okay. It is, right now, in dire need of a makeover. It has lost its magic... and is in no hope of getting it back at this rate. If they expect attendance to go up, they need to do something. This wouldn't happen with Disney.

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Hmm this has really evoked some strong feelings from a lot of people. It's interesting to hear so much negativity and from some people who are normally really positive. Macquarie Leisure obviously doesn't see these issues or else they are turning a blind eye to them. These issues certainly haven't started affecting the park yet from a financial standpoint and attendance has only dropped very slightly. In regards to the comment about the Green Room... has it really started to deteriorate already? In what way? That would be a real shame as it's only a year old. I would hate to see it in 10 years. I would assume this would be the case for Tornados everywhere and not just the Green Room. I would disagree that WhiteWater World makes Dreamworld look ugly. I think it adds excitement and creates an interesting skyline. Something Dreamworld needs seeing as though they haven't and aren't likely to add any huge coasters anytime soon

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^^ myk: Oh it's enjoyable but just not in the same way. Let me address some of your points first. The Claw @ Ocean Parade - well, the monster is meant to be attacking a seaside town I think (just look at the noticeboards). I wouldn't have it anywhere else and love the theming (right balance of quality vs financial outlay) I agree about Tiger Island. It should have more of a Bengali type theme... the cafe is pretty generic, the shop could be less commercial looking and more like a jungle village outpost. Perhaps also give the area the tigers are roaming around in some cosmetic touches to show the theme more. TOT: I agree it's a hike to the station but you still need to have queue line capacity. If they improved the AC and installed a few water bubblers, that would make a big difference. But I'm really over this ride and only do it when the line is pretty short. But yeah when the line is long like on Screamworld nights, the collected mass of body heat / odor from some of the Great Unwashed can be really bad. At least turn the air down a few more degrees! Cyclone is ok but taking up space where something much better could go. Might be a tad difficult to remove considering part of it goes over Whitewater World though. With Main Street, I think the buildings should be painted to still look dynamic but not the garish colours that are there at the moment. But it's still a great place to visit but for me I only go for GD, The Claw, Reptar, Wipeout - and on a hot day, the Log Ride. There's the Flowrider too I guess but still haven't been on it [and still kind of wish it was part of WWW instead] Paramount Kings Island kind of reminded me of DW except with a better coaster range. Woodies too which weren't the BEST out of the ones on the TPR trip but were still really neat. The Beast is brilliant at night. So give us a woodie and buy one of those Deja Vu's, DW! :P

Edited by Tony Teulan
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MYK, why do you cite that the Tower of Terror needs to be removed? I and many other people on here I hope have no problems with the Tower of Terror (except for the Queue line, which could easily be fixed with some funds directed to a re-vamp, and a staffed queue line (or a queue line outside, with riders being guided through the tunnels in a bid to stop vandelism). But just back on topic here, Dreamworld is turning into Nightmare World, and is also on it's way to become a Big OH&S hazard. Stuff the construction of new rides for a while, MLE, spend some money to Overhal and maintain your investment. Make the park flow, and make Dreamworld the place where Australians get their dreams fulfilled.

Edited by T-bone
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Reports that people are saying - the fact that it isn't launching etc. It only goes half way up the tower. Last time I went to Dreamworld it stopped really suddenly on the way back, I thought we were going to keep going. They ended up closing the ride for 10 mins and testing it out again before reopening. I just don't feel it is safe. When I look around the park and I see the level of maintenance, I am scared to ride it, because at it's age it needs attention. By the looks of things, it isn't getting it.

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^your thoughts are not suprising - DW has had more than it's fair share of avoidable accidents in the past involving the Thunderbolt, Chair lift, Cannonball Express & Blue Lagoon amongst them. I have to admit the incidents of the past still haunt me for a split second when I board the Giant drop today. This is an interesting topic because I think it is fueled by peoples dreams for Dreamworld to be so much better than it actually is. Let's hope the place holds a brighter future. I still have faith it somehow will.. Oneday By the way I agree with MYK about WWW. -Drove past the place the other day and it's looking suprisingly faded & worn. Not a very good first impression

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I went to Dreamworld today - took a friend from New Zealand. He hadn't been before. As we were queuing for TOT, he commented that the whole place needs a makeover. This is coming from someone who has never been before, so it's not just those who have been around for donkey's years who believe that it is deteriorating. There's some work going on behind WWW - don't know if the land there is owned by Dreamworld and if it is, whether it's development for WWW or DW (I'd say WWW). Also today I was wondering whether one day the Cyclone might be removed - and WWW expanded to that area and include Flowrider. Just a thought. The Cyclone is a rickety old thing and DW needs a fast-launch roller-coaster like Superman Escape (imo).

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  Derwan said:
There's some work going on behind WWW - don't know if the land there is owned by Dreamworld and if it is, whether it's development for WWW or DW (I'd say WWW).
I think it could be in readiness for the next WhiteWater World expansion. They started it not long ago.
  Derwan said:
Also today I was wondering whether one day the Cyclone might be removed - and WWW expanded to that area and include Flowrider. Just a thought. The Cyclone is a rickety old thing and DW needs a fast-launch roller-coaster like Superman Escape (imo).
Maybe one day, but it will be difficult seeing as though the Temple of Huey tower has been built around it. But I think what Dreamworld should do is eventually install newer coasters and use this as an older one for capacity purposes and keeping a diverse range of coasters. I honestly don't think it will hold its own for much longer as a flagship full circuit coaster.
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  Derwan said:
As we were queuing for TOT, he commented that the whole place needs a makeover. This is coming from someone who has never been before, so it's not just those who have been around for donkey's years who believe that it is deteriorating.
Couldn't agree more. They also should get rid of that stupid drag racing DVD.
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  Derwan said:
There's some work going on behind WWW - don't know if the land there is owned by Dreamworld and if it is, whether it's development for WWW or DW (I'd say WWW).
That's great news if they have already started work on the WWW expansion. Although I'd be surprised as I don't think the DA has been approved yet. They also aren't planning to open it till late 2008
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  • 6 years later...

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