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What direction is Dreamworld heading in?


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I think putting a new coaster where the vintage cars are now is a great spot. Even better if they left the cars there and just built the supports around it. They could also build some of the supports over the river. That way we could end up with a truly massive full circuit coaster. I'm over this whole launch thing. Utilising this area would really help open up the park more and draw some of the focus away from Ocean Parade. Either this area or where Blue Lagoon currently sits

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I'd pretty much guarantee Model T Lane won't be around (at least not as it currently is) to see the decade out. Fact is it's a low-capacity, maintenance-intensive attraction sitting on one of the park's few remaining prime parcels of land. There's very few other spots - if any - within the park which could become home to new major attractions with such minimal clearing and excavation costs.

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I think when you look at what the park has been doing, you'd be hard pushed not to see Rivertown be the next area to get re-done. I mean, in order, its been: Country Fair into Ocean Parade Village Oval/Green into Nick Central Gum Tree Gully into Wiggles World In all honesty, while I hate to see the Rivertown area get re-done, I think after Wiggles World, it now sticks out like a sore thumb, and there's not really much benifit keeping it as is. Its a shame for me at least, the Gum Tree Gully/ Rivertown areas were once my favorite in the park, even without any major attractions. I think the Vintage Cars are on borrowed time (for reasons Richard mentioned above) and even the Captain Sturt must be towards the end of its working life. If it looks a bit more tasteful then Wiggles World, and doesn't make Giant Drop stand out, then its all good by me.

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Hmmm, Model T low capacity? And Big red car isnt? When i was there it was a walkon, but It wouldnt be too bad to see it removed as they could always build a new track elsewhere in the park if they wanted to keep it. They kind of wrecked it by building wiggles world, now all rivertown comprises of is a Fast Food Restaurant. And Im taking a guess, but I dont think it will be a B&M, it just seems too unlikely.

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When Wiggles World was being built, I was hoping that the whole area (Rivertown, and Gum Tree Gully) would be re-themed to the Wiggles, then they could have re-themed the Paddle Steamer to "Captain Feathersword's Pirate Ship" which would take guests on a ride. They did an extensive rennovation of the ride (a complete pull apart) however it did not become the Captain Featherswords Pirate Ship. What they also could have done is re-themed the the Avis Cars to the Wiggles Big Red Car, where riders could ride ofcourse drive the big red car, completely different to the Big Red Car ride that currently excists. Just what I would have hoped they would do, however it did turn out that this did not happen. :(

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, This is for any one. Do you think that Dream World will add a hotel to the park, after City Walk on Coomera? If so what do you think it will be? I think it will be a Nickelodien Family Suites??? www.dreamworld.com.au post-1204-1157807033_thumb.jpg

  themeparknut said:
I've heard for a fact that Dreamworld is putting in a new roller coaster into the area where the vintage cars are at the moment. I believe its penned in to open 2007.
What do you think it will be? I think that the cars are still very popular and a massive icon for the park and the new coaster will go where Blue Lagoon was??
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Welcome Spanner. Im sure Dreamworld will add a hotel I just hope it isnt a Nickelodeon one. I know they are good but dreamworld already has a whole section of their park deticated to nick and the kids play area for the waterpark. I hope they do get rid of those cars they look so out of place the giant drop and tower of terror is terrifying I dont think little cars on tracks underneith them helps. If they wanted to build a roller coaster where the blue lagoon is wouldnt it cost heaps to get rid of the fake mountain, slides, change rooms, food shop, clothing shop, unwanted cement and pools then make the land safe enough to build tonnes of steel on? Thats my opinion...

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I actually herd that dreamworld is buying land behind the park, where there is absolutly no rides. I dont think they should get ride of T-lane, i know its a thrill park but hey! the kids still need something, and that T-lane is the only vintage car ride running in australia since wonderland closed:( I agree the launch coasters suck, and there heaps expensive to run because of the LSM (linear synchronous motor), do u know how much watts the T.O.T uses each launch, its enough to power 5 houses! I think australia is ready for its first 4 dimension coaster, or first floorless, laydown, standup or even glider coaster, i mean c'mon... WERE FALLING BEHIND IN THE WORLD OF COASTERS! MICKEY (gnarly) post-1145-1157842375_thumb.jpg R.I.P WONDERLAND www.----URL removed for non-compliance with Community Guidelines----

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Australia has always been behind the world with new roller coasters. eg. America always gets great roller coasters because there are so many parks over there. Where over here we only have 3 decent theme parks which means there is less of a possibility that we will get good roller coasters and catch up with them.

Edited by aidan
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Hmmm, while we are a bit behind, i wouldnt dismiss us completley, when TOT opened that was a ground breaking ride, and we still do have the tallest freefall, Superman Escape is up there with the best Accelerators, and they are the in thing at the moment. Even SDSC is one of the best wild mouse type coasters, if not the best. I cant see a 4D here like X or Ejanaika, im taking from the mouth of that IBM chief from years back, but the world market for 4D coasters is five, though we might see an intamin ball coaster, thats as close to a 4D as we're going to get. But i disagree, launch coasters do not suck, my favourite coaster is a Launcher, and i dont see how running costs are an issue, as long as the park is profitable. But anyway, if the launch is running for 8 seconds and it can at best do 30 cycles per hour (ill assume it runs 8 hrs/day) then 8*30*8 then the LIMs are only on for 32 minutes a day, at best.

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i didnt realise i said they suck. i mean, i know there good, i guess im just used to them from all of em at america. i guess i just want sumthing new ai. i do agree with but, the SDSC is very fun and thrilling, and the superman escape is one of the fastest in the world. as for the GD, it scares the doo doo outta me, still dont know y i ride it but:S stange i know. there is one thing about dreamworld i dont really like though... its wiggles world, but then again, im not a little kid, but it is a good thing for the little kids. dreamworld does need a new coaster, i just thought that maybe i dunno, it already has a LIM launched coaster. neway! lol, im going there again these holidays, cant wait. i wish the water park would hurry and b finished. oh does ne1 remember when dreamworld 1st opened and well... i use to b crap? i think its one of the best now. what do u think about a wonderland opening back up in sydney, do u think it would work?

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hey, Wonderland is sadly gone for ever, it was so far beyond repair, and with no market for it in Sydney, there was not enough money running through the place to generate, capital for new rides and attractions. On another topic, does any one know, if Dream World will ever get some stunt or action shows? The Police Academy Stunt Show at WBMW is fantastic no matter how many times you see it. I remember the bird show at Dream World, the indoor one with the fake birds that talked, and sung. It was great, well from what i remember.... ha ha. Dream world has a great selection of rides and rides to come, but i think that it needs some shows, bring back the River boat stunt show! Later Spanner

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hey, True. I think it would be good to go with a themed hotel, and it would be managed by IHG so Dream World would not have to worrie about anything, but the bottom line. How, far along is the City Walk project? Are they going to link the Rail way station to it some how? a fan of Wonerland, no not really... sorry im a Dream World Boy through and through. I just think that the park needs some shows to off set the attractions, thats all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Talking about a new roller coast has always been the topic. But with Blue Lagoon now gone, I really feel Dream World could place a amazing ride/roller coaster there! I feel, They could keep the fake mountain and bulldoze everything else. They they could maybe place a B&M Floor-less through-out the mountain, Maybe even link it to Rocky Hollow or Gold Rush Country. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, I 100% agree with the idea of pulling guests AWAY from Ocean Parade. To many times have I been to Dreamworld, And everyone is fixed to Ocean Parade. Dreamworld really need to put a ride in over towards Rocky Hollow/Gold Rush Country. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On another note, I feel instead of taking out the cars maybe update them. Get some support from a car company, and fix them up. I also think the island which the paddle boat used to circle, would be fantastic for another themed area. Maybe an American theme, With a giant Ferris wheel, Americana themed rides etc. I think we all must agree, that Dreamworld does have the room, money etc to turn the park into a theme-park.. Once more.

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