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Sea Worlds New Coaster


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HR is an acronym for Human Resources, a tossed off 90's way of saying recruitment and training. Dugong discovery is an attraction installed after SW rescued a dugong and then made several unsuccessful attempts to return it to the wild... they are both near the front end of the park, with the dugong discovery utilising the old "shark show" theatrette style tank viewing area

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Some exciting news I received today from an Anonymous person. Seaworld's new attraction to open next year will not be a Impulse launch coaster but something different. I know exactly what it is but I don't want expose it as yet. I want people to talk and have a guess what it may be. Just to start: The new Attraction will be built between Cork Screw and Vikings log flume. Its made by Intamin AG Its Compact too. Start guessing... B)

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It's not one of those Intamin Ball whatever coasters, I sure hope not, they look soo boring!
What is a ball coaster? I looked on their website and everything and i still can't find a pic or a description of it. Oh, one more thing - Is it a water ride or a rollercoaster? (I ask this because there have been roumers that it might be a water ride and not a coaster, and you also said in your original post that seaworld is getting a new attraction) If you could answer this question for me Matt, then the search for the new ride will significantly decrease. Thanks - CoasterBoy6 Edited by Coaster Boy 6
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A ball coaster is basically a 4D coaster by Intamin, but with no turns due to the car design. But from what we know. -A launched coaster -made by Intamin -no higher than 100" (SWs height limit as dicussed) -most likley compact to fit in SW -not an impulse -does not use water Hmmm, Any old fool could work that out :P.

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So Matt, do you think this new coaster is something to get excited about, or will it be a bit of a let down for us? I thought it would be a ball coaster as well...oh well. My guess is either an Aqua Trax or a Half Pipe. Edit...jsut realised Matt said it doesnt use water...I guess that kills the possibility of an Aqua Trax.

Edited by goliath
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Well it could be a half-pipe coaster. They don't seem to take up much space. And it uses a sort of multiple launch system, although it's probably something different. Just wondering, would it be a high capacity ride because it looks like it only fits about 8-10 people?

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Wait, Matt, are you suggesting the ride going to SW is the halfpipe that was on the roof of an outlet store in Japan? though according to the RCDB entry http://www.rcdb.com/id3383.htm? they cant get demolition permits for the ride so if this has since changed it could come here. The only issue i can see is the tiny capacity.

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I don't really see a Halfpipe going in, i'm thinking it might be another rocket coaster, prob similar to RITA at Alton Towers.
It's possible but I can't see them building another rocket coaster after all the money they just spent on SE. It would get confusing and half of the hype about SE is the fact that it is a launched coaster and if SW build another that isn't as high the general public would just see it as a smaller version of SE, therefore not as good. I'm sorry if I have this all wrong, but another rocket just wouldn't be practical. EDIT: I just checked RCDB and I think they take 8 people per car. Whether this makes a big difference in capacity or not though. There are only three in the world so lets hope we get a new one and not a relocated one. Oh, and the halfpipe on top of that place in Japan is 20m. Coincidence. (Hope someone hasn't allready mentioned all of this. If they have, my bad!) Edited by WnW_Rocks
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Yeah, i was thinking that (but remember its 16 passengers on a proper half pipe, not the smaller japanese model, which would get it to 400), but IMO it doesnt matter since SW isnt a thrill park, so the ride wouldn't get long lines anyway, like corkscrew seems pretty quiet whenever you visit, though Joz would be in a much better position to comment on corkscrews popularity.

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Well everyone has been giving great ideas and thoughts and I'm now gonna to tell you all what it is. Yes it is a HalfPipe B) Not sure on the size they have choosen. Will Open 2007 around April... Also its not the one from Japan. The one in Tokyo Still remains there, Apprently its getting taken to either LaQua Tokyo Dome, home of thunder dolphin or either Toshimen park. A friend told me over there. Enjoy

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I don't want to sound too cynical, but how reliable is this information? where is the source? I don't want to sound ungrateful for the information that has been provided, but there has been misleading information posted here in the past, and I usually don't trust info unless it comes from Richard, Joz, Rabid or Slick...

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I don't want to sound too cynical, but how reliable is this information? where is the source? I don't want to sound ungrateful for the information that has been provided, but there has been misleading information posted here in the past, and I usually don't trust info unless it comes from Richard, Joz, Rabid or Slick...
AlexB and others, I can assure you that my Information is truthful and not misleading. I have a reliable source and haven't had "False" or "misleading" information ever since i have been posting on here, unlike others..... If you look at my past on these forums, most information i have provided has been updates on anything new i find out about, and is generally all true and not lies. So its up to you whether or not you want to believe me or not, I don't care. I'm just posting to keep people up- to- date and as a interest.
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Just getting back to this new coaster thing, I really think it is a bad idea for the park to be putting rides in. And I am sure there are going to be many people saying to me after this "Oh but Sea World Needs a coaster", and my reply is "They don't really need anything. People don't goto Sea World for the rides (unless they are credit whores), they go there to look at some very beautiful animals, in a very nicely simulated environment. With the added bonus of a few rides here and there. Now don't get me wrong here, I am not saying they should rip out all of the rides at Sea World, that would be a bad move, however I think the park should be taking a different approach than the approach Dreamworld and Movie World are taking. Thats just my view, there really isn't a need for so many rides at a relaxing park like Sea World.

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