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Jamberoo Recreation Park


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I've just got back from Wollongong having been away for a few days and my cousins live just over the hill from Jamberoo Rec. Park. We drove past it on the way to pick up my cousins g/f and I noticed alot of digging going on. My aunt said it was for a new ride (She said $6million but I think not). Does anyone know anything? I do know that about a month ago the admin office burnt down (Right before tax time how convienient!) and maybe it's the replacement building but there seems to be way too much land cleared for it to be for that.

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I thought Jamberoo was supposed to close down at the end of this year (due to lack of attendance.. apparently)? One of the staff there told me this months back, but from the looks of things, they seem to be making ground. It seems like all NSW parks are getting special treatment by heavy machinery :) ~Flea

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I read in one of the local papers when on holidays down the south coast a good 3-4 years ago, that the owner of the park was looking at installing a new ride 'unlike anything else in Australia'. Of course this was before they installed that slide that's very similar to Super 8 at Wet N Wild, so I guess they didn't succeed in fulfilling that aim...

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from wat ive heard becasue u visit the park around 3 times a year because we have a caravan down there at kiama. It's about a 10 drive and i know a few staff down there. It will be a wavepool. that's wat i heard about 2 months ago on my last visit. Flea- Closing down! I think not this park is always crowded look at the parks history on www.jamberoo.net

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  • 3 months later...

Hey everyone, Just got back from Jamberoo (last minute thing will tell better story later) I can tell u what the ride/attraction is: It is almost finished and from what the staff member at the bottom of surf hill told me "it will be a ride similar to calypso springs at wet n wild" ...... http://www.totalthrills.com/wnwgallery.php...?page=calypso03 (She (the staff member i spoke to) was referring to calypso beach but perhaps in getting muddled between calypso beach and whirlpool springs she was subconsciously telling me that the ride will be a mixture of both - - perhaps at a medium speed - and still quite thrilling.... read into that what u will.... The theming follows the the jamberoo cliff like look that can be seen in the pool around the rock - and from what i can gather there will be waterfalls and a play area within the attraction as well ...... I got a few photos of the construction but its on my mates camera so ill have to get them off him - until i do - youll just have to take my word for it. :? On another note, I dont think Jamberoo is going anywhere in any hurry considering that there were over 1700 people in the park on the Saturday i went (sure it was hot) but it is in the middle of school term and exam period. Because the park will be closed on weekdays until school holidays, the construction crew will have the ability to get some serious work done - and it should be done in time for christmas - there were some construction crews there on the saturday i went so they may be a little beind...... (im going back there on the 13th of December i hope they finish it in time) And another bit of news (not really interesting or anything but.....) The building in the middle of the park near the chair lift and the mini golf has been cement rendered and painted dark grey and black. IMO the park will benefit from another ride coz this will mean (in theory according to me) the line up for the taboggan will lessen and all the kids will go to this new attraction and ntherefore the blue track will be left free for me so i can go down as fast as i can - without having to break incessantly! Too many slow riders on the blue track makes me mad :evil: (for people who havent been to jamberoo before: there are two taboggan tracks - a blue one and a green one - the blue is for experienced and fast riders and the green track is for double riders and slow inexperienced riders) Anyhoo Thats all i can say for the time being - cyas

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  • 1 month later...

today i head out for my first trip to jamberoo, despite a large crowd at such a low amusment park Jamberoo was a terrific day out. I personally think the tobaggon sleds are better than all roller coasters except lethal weapona and tower of terror in australia. the go cats were crap, the water activities were great, especially the double water slides and the surf hill. The whirlpool looks massive going around the surf hill and it seems there will also be a childs water playground in the centre with small water slides and water activities. the area looks really good, imagine how good it would be when it's finished. anyway the park was great but its really a one time thing. i wouldnt enjoy going there again. i only loved the toboggan sleds and all the other things were really only fun for the one time.

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So Shifty I'm dying to know... What exactly IS the new Billabong Beach contruction that your talking about? Is it actualy like Wirlpool Springs or more like a lazy river in nature? I haven't been down in years, where exactly have they got the surf hill and all this?

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The surf hill is located to the right of the chairlift to the tobbogan ride. The new Billabong Beach is very large but smaller than wet 'n' wild's calypso beach. It's really a lazy river where you sit in a doughnut and let the river take you through the course. This is located to the right of the surf hill but the ride circles around sur hill and through the ground like a cave. The ride costs about $3 million to make and will open in february. Theres nothing really there worth going on other than the sleds and some water rides, but the park is more of a picnic place if anything.

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  • 7 months later...

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