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WhiteWater World Construction Discussion


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Just got back from White water World (won tickets via the courier mail). The rides are awesome! The main difference with WWW and WnW is the fact that the WnW has so many average slides and WWW has only a few fantastic rides. Ride queue times were a bit of problem but I supose that was to be expected on one of the first trial days, although the park didn't look completely full. Does anyone know whether WWW will be expanding in the future has I had a good look aroudn the park and there doesn't seem to be much space for expansion (as they do need it). Anyone going to WWW in the future remember to remove jewelery begore going on the Green room and the hydroslide as a couple of people had to go back. Other than that an awesoem day, cant really compare WnW and WWW.

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Wow, what an awesome day. Almost experienced a major delay in getting there due to having an appointment at Movieworld but that got shifted so I was there on time. After a speedy "check-in" at the ticket booth, we were through and promptly dumped our stuff in a locker. $8 was the price for an all-day locker - some rows weren't working though. But yeah, absolutely fantastic. Best ride is definitely the Super Tubes Hydrocoaster with some excellent airtime, magnificent speed and a high 'Oh Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit' factor :) The Rip is fantastic though not quite as fast as I expected... quite a strange sensation and better than the Green Room IMHO. The B.R.O. was quite fast with confined tunnels and I stopped at the very top briefly, Daniel & his girlfriend got majorly stuck and so for once I actually won on a racer slide :P The Green Room beats Wet'n'Wild at its own Tornado game, feeling steeper, faster and wetter - no water curtain at the end but that doesn't really detract. Temple of Huey was fun and you can go in a single tube or the multi-person tubing. You can actually choose to go backwards which was fun. Nick Pipeline Plunge was massive, with no age restrictions and the body slides are actually quite long... lots of water activities for the kiddies too. Cave of Waves was pretty evil, even though it's a smaller pool the wave patterns are really cool but everyone uses the tubes. It's not a place to try swimming thru the waves. As it is, when you are on a tube, you do have to keep a close eye that you don't get someone's feet in your face. Went to 'Bite Me' for lunch and the combos are mainly quite expensive. We went with the Lifeguard Combos which came to about $10.50 and have pizza (Cheese, Supreme or Meat), postmix soft drink and chips. Upsizing the postmix from regular to large costs $1, the chips to large 50 cents. They didn't have any WWW-themed napkins, food containers etc yet though. Gift shop was decent and the actual WWW merchandise actually really good... boardshorts, tanks, tees, the usual deal plus some other bits and pieces like magnets etc. Quality good, and not TOO expensive. Shirts were about $30, board shorts $60, magnets about $10... and of course there's Billabong branded gear, flipflops and all that kind of thing. The media were out today in full force as were members of some champion lifesaving club etc. A helicopter flew in close to the Cave of Waves to film but the most bizarre thing were the fireworks in the middle of the day (which apparently sprouted glitter). An FJ Holden and the dog head characters also did the rounds. Didn't really look at Wiggle Bay closely but it looked like a nice area for toddlers. The queues were often overly long, the rides took a bit of time to all open (due to test runs etc) but all in all it was a really smoothly-run preview day. Cannot wait to hit the park again and I doubt I will bother with Wet'n'Wild much anymore if at all. I now come home with a bag of slightly expensive WWW merchandise and sunburn but most importantly the pleasure of having had a really enjoyable day. Will be heading back there Friday to mainly focus on photography/video as well as next week with various friends.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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I saw the ad for WWW this evening on channel 7 (nsw). Not sure if it's just the ad, but during the part when they show BRO, it seems like you go fairly fast down it.. Is this correct, or is it just the ad? Also, I really like the ad/park. Looks fantastic. Will the park have any other entertainers apart from the dog headed-people?

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  Chaos-Maniac said:
I saw the ad for WWW this evening on channel 7 (nsw). Not sure if it's just the ad, but during the part when they show BRO, it seems like you go fairly fast down it.. Is this correct, or is it just the ad? Also, I really like the ad/park. Looks fantastic. Will the park have any other entertainers apart from the dog headed-people?
yep you certainly do... it's over very quickly, but worth the queue time. I wouldn't call it the signature attraction though. IMHO that has to go to the hydrocoaster. I know that the Nick area will apparently have characters like Chuckie, Angelica etc... Wiggles is the only other area... I'm thinking they will bring those characters over too when they're not at Wiggles World.
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Well WWW is truely awesome. The official opening was fairly huge, although it was a bit cold with the winds. I guess I'll give a short review of what I went on: SuperTubes: Very smooth ride, with good airtime on the hills. The dark sections are also good on the turns, as they give a more out of control feeling. The mist on the lift hills was interesting, really only there to wet the lifts I guess. You barely notice the hills though, and it just feels like you are riding an ordinary tube over hills and drops. This was the most popular attraction, so therefore I could only ride once. Green Room (x5): Now I haven't been on the Tornado at WnW, so I cannot really compare. But the turn at the start that the Tornado doesnt have does give an added experience, especially adding backwards riding unknowingness of when the drop is coming. BRO (x5): Going headfirst down those curves is awesome, and gives a much better experience than the simple Super 8s. Great ride, but the only problem I could see with this is there are no starting lights or finishing numbers. The starting has to be done by one of the operators, which gives unfair starts to those that can actually hear. Annother problem is the fact that people lining up for the Rip can yell out "Go" from the line up area. This is a fair bit distracting. Temple of Huey (x4): The Broken Heads (purple) ride was very dark at night, and gave a good effect to the riders. Riding backwards gives riders mystery about which way they are going to turn next. All of the ToH slides allow riders to go backwards. Broken Heads (purple) is the darkest, while Cut Snake (green) is the fastest. The Rip (x2): The turn and drop are similar to the Green Room, and riders do two loops around the bowl, before entering the tunel and through the water curtan. The way the water moves in the bowl is of intrest, making some water fountain effects, to some extent, wettingriders in the bowl. Cave of Waves: Conciderably smalles than WnW's Giant Wave Pool and alot shallower, (up to 2m only), but the waves were better and the tubes are free to use I believe (I wouldn't know, everything there for the opening was free; lockers, food, the lot). It is very hard to get "out to sea" on the tubes though, as you dont move very far against the waves. Overall: Excellent. The theming was of a brilliant standard, with the features over the exits from the Temple of Huey, as well as the Giant Thongs and the murals on the buldings. I was extremely surprised to see that all the theming was fully completed, and you cannot tell the place was a construction site a week ago. The area around ToH really adds to the appearence of the Cyclone, and it intergrates nicely with the area. Three toilet blocks, three food outlets, and the rest all looked fantastic, even in the dark. Beats WnW in my books. The quality is worth more than the quantity in my opinion.

Edited by -MS-
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  myk said:
I don't think that WWW can beat WnW at this stage - its too small. Maybe a lazy river, a few more body slides and another major (such as a dark mammoth) would put WWW in a position to steal some of WnW's market.
I wasn't meaning right now. More like in 12-18 months. WWW won't be able to expand that much anyway. But who knows what they have in mind.
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I disagree. I think for many people, quality over quantity will be the deciding factor. WWW doesn't feel pokey nor do its attraction have a 'ride only once or twice then you're sick of them' factor. Not to mention that the park is brand-spanking new and not slightly rundown and standard of technology much higher. And if I was a family, being able to hop between WWW & DW would be more attractive than WNW & MW: easier to do too :)

Edited by Tony Teulan
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