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Rivertown Restaurant Upgrade

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Thank goodness they are doing something with the eyesore. I was fairly sure they would, but this looks great. I'd love to see something along the lines of the enchanted tiki room but either way this whole side of the park is going to look great and I think it will blend in really well with Tiger Island. Just wish they had a way to open up the area and almost combine it a bit more, but with the train line and the tower of terror building in the way it might be hard. Although, if planned well they could always expand Rivertown with a Phase 2 expansion and really link the area up as the theming of both lands really co-exists well.

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15 hours ago, RobMac said:

More evidence of the poor state much of DW was allowed to descend to, over the last couple of decades or so....some progress has been made, but the journey needs to continue!

And I think with current management, this will happen. It's certainly not going to happen overnight, but for the most part the decisions they are making seem to be the right ones. I really think the parks are missing a good sit down venue for lunches, and if they can make it an experience it would not only bring in more money for the park but something unique. Make it interactive, have something like the bushrangers interrupting the lunch with a show or something. One of my best memories of theme park dining was back in the day at Movie World when they had lunch with the legends. Things like that really do elevate the experience.

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