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Very interesting, thanks for posting that letter. I really hope it is not another interactive sports related attraction like FlowRider. How long does it take to build a decent coaster? By the sounds of the letter the new 'thing' will go where Blue Lagoon is now which means they will have to demolish all the slides and pools first

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They don't need a coaster for now. Fact is, they're putting down $60 million on a new waterpark & that will give us all some new things to, erm... EXPERIENCE... so if it's another flat ride, who cares, it is sure to be something damn fun. There's more to theme parks then riding coasters.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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Yeah I would probably agree that right now probably isn't an ideal time for a new coaster considering they are building the waterpark. However they most definitely do need one in the very near future and if the park hasn't added another major new ride or two by late next year, they will seriously start falling behind. I just hope they don't waste that valuable Blue Lagoon space for something not worthwhile. If it was another flat ride in the meantime, I wouldnt be too disappointed at all. However if it is another interactive sideshow attraction like the FlowRider or some other attempt to avoid major capital expenditure then I will be disappointed

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Lets just get some things straight here. Dreamworld (or any park for that matter) DOESN'T NEED a Roller Coaster. They Don't NEED a Roller Coaster in order to survive day to day operation. Sure, they may need to take a look into the future for building a Major Roller Coaster, due to money losses. This is something which is really ****ting me about people these days, there seems to be an attitude that everyone NEEDS things. Things such as Roller Coasters are optional Luxury's, you don't need a Roller Coaster to survive in life.

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^No, but they are fun! Seriously, that could be said about basically anything. You dont need a computer to survive in life, you dont need a TV to survive in life, and you dont need a ipod to survive in life, but we basically all have and want them, because they provide us with entertainment. Everyone here has an interest in coasters, so it's really a given that we'll all want a new one. Back on topic, I think Dreamworld does need to get a new coaster (and like GoGoBoy said, not another cheap sideshow attraction) if they want to compete with MW. I dont think the excuse that 'they just got a $60 million waterpark, so they shouldnt get a new coaster right away' is justified because, correct me if i'm wrong, 'Dreamworld' per se isn't paying for the waterpark, Macquarie Leisure, Dreamworld's owner is.

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I am agreeing here, We dont need a roller-coaster right now, but I would hope they get one in the next 2 years, otherwise i could see MW taking over the thrill market if they keep going the way they are going, I.E Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster, Superman Escape and now Batwing, thats 3 thrill rides in 5 years, so they do need one soon to compete with MW.

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I know they don't really need one but it would be nice. At the moment, I'd rather visit Dreamworld more often than Movie World, mostly because they just have more of a variety of rides. Sure Movie World has some great rides, and more coasters than Dreamworld, but it's just not as appealing.

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I am agreeing here, We dont need a roller-coaster right now, but I would hope they get one in the next 2 years, otherwise i could see MW taking over the thrill market if they keep going the way they are going
Isn't that a good thing??? Gooooo MW! What people seem to be forgetting is that allthough a new waterpark is going to open, people arent necessarily going to go to DW just because there is a waterpark there, in other words DW wont really benefit attendance wise, but WWW will. So saying DW doesnt need a new ride this year is a bit like saying that the opening of the extreme H20 zone at WnW means MW (next door) doesn't need a new ride for now. DW still has to stand on its own feet. And while DW doesnt need a coaster, they could definitley do with one since they are well behind MW in the coaster department, and it has been a while since their last new one. Edited by Gazza
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And while DW doesnt need a coaster, they could definitley do with one since they are well behind MW in the coaster department, and it has been a while since their last new one.
And even their last new one wasn't actually new. It was a hand-me-down from Luna Park Sydney. For a park which claims to be king of the thrill rides they have got a hell of a lot of catching up to do at this point already. If the Blue Lagoon land space gets wasted on something like an animal attraction or anything else that is not a ride I will be very disappointed
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I think when it comes to roller coasters, DW is a distant second to MW. I mean there isn't one genre of roller coaster where DW wins out (except for perhaps Reptar, but at best I think that ones a tie). DW wins the thrill market because after the coasters they've got the flat ride lineup to make up for the poor showing in the coasters. Consider this: The only flatride on the Gold Coast not at DW is at SW (Pirate ship), and even that is a pretty tame ride. I agree though, DW is really going to need more then a kickass flatride lineup soon to keep that reputation from being taken away from them. Also, I don't think this year a new ride at DW is really needed (will be welcome however :D ). The waterpark will increase attendance at DW, through sale of the "2 Park excellent pass" (which is what I'm going to call the hopper till they give it a real name). Don't think DW's 2 park pass won't take people away who normally by a 3PSP. I have a hard time that a large number of families trying to decide what to do with the holiday, won't want to go to a new waterpark and DW instead of getting a 3 park super pass. Its probably going to be cheaper, and if DW is smart, they'll have a 2 or 3 day hopper instead of just a 2 week pass like Village. DW don't need anything this year, attendance should go up from the waterpark alone.

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