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Wonderland Today


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Well i was off at around 10:05 and arrived at Wonderland at 10:15 fairly quick trip from Penrith. My mum nearly missed the turn off and had to turn quikly to get in the right lane. As driving past the beach i noticed that there was alot of trucks around the area. There was also a large crane that has taken the top off the 'beach skyscraper'. We drove around the corner before i could see anymore and entered the park. I hoped out and ran down the stairs (like a little girl) got my wonderpass scaned and was in the park. I straight away headed for transilvania and noticed about the new shop (or old one new name) "Chills and thrills" I wont go into detail about my day because i didnt move that much from SP and Demon. I met Liam finally i hoped on the Space Probe and three of us were on carrige 3 and i was thinking all the way up its goto be him. When we came down i got off and he looked at me in a funny way lol :D I said well you must be liam and he said yer. Next we went on the demon together and we had a talk to Billy! Funny as always. He told us some stuff and said i ask to many questions! He ate my fairy floss! I dug up some info asking around staff and guest relations -The Bush Beast two workmen were hurt -The beach wont be getting a new slide just a new level in the tower and they are painting the pools WOW! -Nothing for xmas well.........maybe i'll say Anyway that's enough of me rambling on i'll post a new 'Wonderland Today' report next Sunday (my next visit) And Liam i gave billy the adress for these forums he wants to see what everyone says about him and he's gonna visit it tonight. Heres hoping he signs up!

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Billy's a little liar! :P He said something is coming for 2003, but he won't say. Jaggie asked him 'Is it a new show?' and Billy went quiet. Meh, just what Wonderland needs!

The beach wont be getting a new slide just a new level in the tower
They're not going to add a new level for nothing ;) Nice TR, it was real fun meeting you (and your brother!) :) ~Liam "DEMON!" Schembri
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guest relations are not telling the truth there was only one injured employee on the bush beast. anyways what do you guys just like hang out at wonderland so your parents dont have to cough up for child care or something, at least your all mostly well behaved. we just did some painting too so there's your something new for 2003.

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