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WetNWild Trip Report


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Well finally, today, we managed to get to WetNWild and at first we were pleasantly suprised! We were let in before 10:00am and ran straight for the H20 Zone. We decided to try Black Hole first as there was already a line building for Tornado but I regret not doing it first. We got two or three rides on Black Hole but the line was getting too long for re-rides so we made our way over to the Mach 5. We decided to do Sidewinder first even though I'd already been on it. We got to the top after only about 5-10 minutes wait and saw to our disappointment that the northern slide was SBNO again! Anyway, it was overrated so we didn't go back on it. After that, I was craving some airtime/freefallness so we ran straight back up to the JetStreams, and to my amazement, they had fixed it up a lot. They had signs and the lights were working but they'd put in gates which all open at the same time when the light turns green. They even left just enough space for you to fit your legs under. Best of all, there was no wait, we jumped straight into the starter tub and waited for the signal. As the gate slowly rose, I hesitated but pushed myself off. The weightlessness you experience is amazing, especially on the outer speed slides which begin with a few bunny hills which gradually gain speed. We decided to take a break from the H20 Zone and went over to Mammoth Falls. Oh, and I forgot to mention something. They had completed the halfpipe and there were skaters demonstrating at several sessions throughout the day. We ran up the steps and didn't stop until we reached the top. Like most of the other rides, there was hardly a line. We got put in a group with an elderly couple. Great I thought... About halfway down I lost my balance seeing though I wasn't holding on and started rolling around in the tube. The only comment I got from the people riding with us was "Is it nearly over?" All this time, I'd been checking all of the lifeguards and other staff's name tags. I was looking for Tony but he just didn't seem to be around. We decided to try the other side of the park and to our disappointment found all of the lines long except for the Aqua Racer. The wait was extremely short however I somehow managed to not lie on my mat properly and ended up going down with it overturned in front of me. Not a fun experience, but somehow, I still managed to come 5th. After all that, we took a break and spent 10-15 minutes in the wave pool. Just as we were leaving, who did we see walking towards the spot we just left but the Channel 9 News Crew. This happened to us too many times throughout the day. Everytime we got of a ride, they seemed to just be arriving. We walked over to Calypso Beach hoping that it wouldn't be overcrowded but to my horror there wasn't an empty tube in sight and about 25 people were waiting patiently for someone to get bored and hand theirs over. We went and had lunch and decided that we would go on Tornado next. I was reluctant to join the line at first, as it was trailing out on to the path by about 10 metres. My friend reminded me that this is what we came to ride so we stood and waited. Thirty-five long minutes later we were standing at the top of the tower carrying our tube as it hit me that I was about to go on this ride. Sure, it isn't very tall at all, but I was pretty damn nervous, even though I tried to hide it. My legs were shaking and I secretly pleaded that they wouldn't send me down backwards. As I watched them loading the groups in front of us, I noticed that whoever was seated facing backwards never actually ended up staying that way. Before I knew it, the attendant was asking me to put the tube down and get in. I jumped in slowly and decided to take my chances starting backwards. It worked. We were swept around the corner and I held on tighter than I would've thought possible. My friend's sister screamed and we flew down the drop and I couldn't help but laugh. The airtime on the drop was amazing but it lasted momentarily before we were flung up the wall. I was amazed how far up we went, guessing I'd say we came pretty close to being perpendicular to the ground. We hit the surging water on the way back down which slowed us considerably. None of us could stop laughing as we passed through the water curtain and leapt out of the tube and ran to see the on-ride photo. We were extremely disappointed when we saw that the photo monitors hadn't been finished yet and I wish we had've gone on it again if not for the long line. After that the day was pretty normal. We rode twister and nothing had changed. I continued my search for Tony but to no avail! We decided to have a look in the White Water Mountain Flumes hoping we'd find him there. On the way, an attendant handed me a rubber slip with '7B' written on it in black. He told me he needed to find out how long the queue was. I tried to explain that we didn't want to go on the ride and that we were just checking the queue but he insisted. RipTide was also SBNO today, as was Whirlpool. We decided seeing as though the lines were the same length that the left hand side containing the queues for 'Cascade' and 'Bombora' would be shorter seeing though the other line was just for 'Pipeline'. To my pleasure we were right, although waiting in the cold wet tunnel with water dripping from the roof wasn't the most desirable thing to be doing. We waited 15-20 minutes before a rather slow and boring ride to the end. The attendant thanked me and we ran off looking for something else to ride. Terror Canyons were 40 minute waits and Speed Coaster's queue was overflowing quite a bit too. We tried to avoid them and ran back to where we had left our bags and had lunch. We didn't do much else apart from go on the Mach 5 a few more times. That feeling is so addictive. We finished with Terror Canyon 2 despite the line. Rumours were that they had changed it and replaced lots of things over the last few months and boy were they right! All of those annoying mats that slow you down were gone and a few sections of slide and most of the supports had been replaced. They also fixed all the holes where people pick the fiberglass or whatever that foamy stuff is that makes the mountain. Only thing was there was also large amounts of dry foamy stuff discarded down the side of the mountain and stuck in the trees. It was 3:30. Hoping to get another ride on Tornado we headed to the H20 Zone and found the line hadn't changed. Black Hole's wasn't overflowing anymore but the queue still looked pretty long so we gave it a miss and joined Tornado's. We waited about 5 minutes before we saw my friend's sister running towards us. Apparently we were late and had to go. I was very frustrated that we had to leave. Especially more than an hour before closure. We walked as slowly as we could to where his dad was waiting. Everything was packed up and ready to go. We had to go and get changed and meet him in the carpark. We were tempted to defy him, but decided we probably wouldn't get away with it. As I was leaving the park, a man was sitting at a table and asked us to take Wez'N'Wil stickers and Dive In Movie Timetable fridge magnets. I took one of each and wondered why they were bothering to. Anway, summing it up, it was an awesome day, shame we had to leave early. Lots of construction going on near the main entrance. Apparently something else is going there, and Matilda is being relocated. Through the fence all I could see were electrical piples and cement. Probably a shop or a nice big new entrance going there. They had also renovated part of the entry and the people with pre-paid tickets went through a seperate building. Sorry I've wasted 5-10 minutes of your life. Sorry if I complained too much. Hope you enjoy it. EDIT: When I get the chance, I'll post the Park Map and stickers.

Edited by WnW_Rocks
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That was a great trip report - thanks very much for taking the time to write it. Amazing to hear that the lines are so long even with all the extra attractions. Does Wet 'n' Wild always start getting that busy around this time of year? I wonder if the Tornado has something to do with it. I hope WhiteWater World gets a similar response

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Well I got around to taking photos of the sticker and the fridge magnet with the Dive In Movie Timetable but the park map is still in my bag and we don't have a scanner. Also, to my delight, while waiting in line for Terror Canyone and admiring the changes and maintanence work, I discovered a bolt that had been left behind. It was sitting on one of the awnings on the signs near the top of the mountain. It's not much to 'enjoy' but here you go anway! Exciting stuff! :P




Edited by WnW_Rocks
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:D Really good TR WnW Rocks!! When I was up there the same things were closed - It looked like Whirlpool was getting some major maintenence and the stupid flumes on White Water Mountain had such a long wait! :( Apparently, when W'n'W was refurbishing the slides they changed where the put the censors that tell the light to turn green. The lifegaurd told me that it usually turns green every 30 secs but now it's going off every 50 secs. :unsure: However, the line for the Terror Canyons wasn't that bad. We got on after about 15 mins. Glad you liked Tornado! Don't worry I was nervous as well - the stepness of the drop really takes you by suprise. The Mach 5 attractions (I think) are a really good addition to this park. Especially the Jetstreams. I went with my friend (which is the same age as me) and my little bro. (Only 8 years old :huh::o ) I asked him over and over If he was sure that he wanted to go on it - he just replied 'yes'. We all went down the ones on the sides. I went down first - It really does feel like you fly over the second hump. Then my bro. went - he thought it wasn't that bad, suprislingly, then my friend - nearly s%@t his pants!!! Anyway, It sounded like you had a great time and two thumbs up for the TR!! :D Coaster Boy 6 Edited by Coaster Boy 6
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