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Criticisms of Luna Park Sydney


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You know gogoboy, sorry to get a little offtopic here, but hey, fudge it. I am sick of you and everyone else in this community bagging out Luna Park Sydney. It is really driving me mad, and I am starting to get realy fed up with most people's attitude here in this community. Think about it this way, if there wasn't any Luna Park, Australia wouldn't have such an awsome spider and ranger ride, which in my opinion are Australia's Best, we also wouldn't have Australia's only remaining Rotor, neither would we have the awsome UFO or Tumble Bug. So please guys, cut the place a bit of slack please. As I am really starting to get sick and tired of all the crap people are saying about Luna Park.

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I've split it into a new topic because I think what you've brought up is a very interesting argument. A month ago we got the news that Luna Park would be replacing their century-old Carousel with a cheap plastic import. Why? Because they're not willing to pay its owner to buy the full restored original carousel. Fact is the park is managed by a company who is willing to sell out its history in the name of making a quick buck. What's to stop them removing the Rotor down the track? History has shown with both Luna Parks that heritage orders can be circumvented. At the end of the day, a soleless company is managing the park. I really couldn't care less if this were the case with a 'modern' theme park, but such a company shouldn't be charged with maintaining a park with the vidid and lengthy history of Luna Park.

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At the end of the day, a soleless company is managing the park. I really couldn't care less if this were the case with a 'modern' theme park, but such a company shouldn't be charged with maintaining a park with the vidid and lengthy history of Luna Park.
Very well said Richard. Sorry you are taking it so personally T-Bone but that is my opinion, that is how I strongly feel about the park and I will continue to express that opinion on these boards as that is what they are here for. You will notice that both myself and the others on this forum are more than happy to give credit where credit is due (as you can see in my original post that sparked this debate I was actually complimenting WhiteWater World). That is not an attitude problem, it is called relevant discussion and opinion. I personally think the Luna Park rides you referred to as 'awesome' are no less than heaps of junk. Some of the rides might have had a very small amount of potential if they had been looked after properly by Luna Park and presented a little better rather than just being plonked down on a bit of asphalt. Do you really find it appealing when you walk around to the unthemed, unlandscaped haphazard mass of black asphalt that is Maloney's Corner and see a random selection of old carnival rides just sitting there? The place looks like it has been stuck together with sticky tape and added on at the last second. How is that respecting their attractions? Let me give you some facts. The current owners of Luna Park claim to have spent almost $100 million dollars on refurbishing the park for its 2004 reopening. Makes it sound like they poured a stack of money into the rides and fun park doesn't it? This ensures Luna Park is able to continue to receive their rental concessions from the Government and do basically what they want with the place as it appears as though they have spent big $$ on the fun park. Want to know how much of that budget went into the actual rides? From what I heard from a few park sources a couple hundred thousand at best. The majority of the millions was spent on: 1. Creation of function facilities in the Crystal Palace 2. The construction of the large function venue; the Big Top 3. Construction of the brasserie building at the front of the park, which was sold off on completion 4. Construction of multi-storey underground carpark, again sold off on completion 5. Construction of large office building behind Maloney's Corner, also sold off upon completion 6. Another yet-to-be-built office block located on the cliff top which will also be sold off As you can see they certainly recouped a heck of a lot of the initial construction costs and yet they have put virtually $0 back into the rides and fun park. The new owners did not install a single new ride for the reopening of the park in 2004, they just used the crap that was already there. Not only this but they actually removed a number of rides. The park currently has less rides than ever before in its operating history. Yet despite all this the park is doing well as there is no other choice for the people of Sydney and the demand for amusent leisure is very high right now. The park is also trading off peoples memories of the place from its heyday. It bothers me that the company is doing so well even though they have such little regard for the true spirit of Luna Park and have been allowed to sell off so much of the crown land
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I'm really undecided on this topic as I can see good and bad points for both sides of the argument. T-Bone I can see why some people on these forums give Luna Park a fair bit of flack, some of the decisions made by the management in regards to what rides they have, where they are located etc have been bad, the Merry-Go-Round is a perfect example of this. GoGoBoy in regards to the six points you made about where $100 million was spent, they are all options that bring revenue into the business and like it or not that is what business is all about these days. Yes they should have purchased the Merry-Go-Round instead of buying some cheap plastic model. It will be very interesting as to where Luna Park heads in the coming years but I think there will always be a "amusement park" of some sort on the site (unless global warming raises the worlds ocean level enough to cover it, I guess if that happens the residents above will be happy, no more noise and an absolute water front apartment). "The Bus is now leaving for The Warm Corner, NSW"

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You say they built an Underground Carpark, which they then sold of GoGoBoy, but seriously, would you prefer there to be no car-park? As remember there was no car park on site before the 2004 re-opening. Whats wrong with building a carpark then selling it to a company who can then manage the car park properly? I can't remember the name of the company, but they do run other carparks in Australia. Even shopping malls do this, they lease out their carpark to a carparking company such as the one used at LPS. Another example of where this happens is where your clubs lease out their kitchens to a catering company, so the catering company looks after all the food. I mean, I would understand if they sold the carpark to McDonalds, but they didn't. I am not even sure they sold it. Is anyone able to confirm if the carpark was sold off, or is just leased? Either way, it is in the hands of a Car Park Managment Company. Anyway, from what I have heard from a reputable source, the excistence of Luna Park as a Fun Park will be getting stronger and better over the next few years.

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I mean, I would understand if they sold the carpark to McDonalds, but they didn't. I am not even sure they sold it. Is anyone able to confirm if the carpark was sold off, or is just leased?
Yes mate, I can confirm it. I have carefully researched and been involved to some extent with Luna Park since 1995. I know its full history and the current arrangements inside out. You need to understand that I have immense respect for Luna Park (in its heyday) and its place in Sydney's history which is why I get upset with the way it has become today. The car park was essentially sold to Multiplex (who also have a part share in the company). The way Luna Park has 'sold' the various land parcels/buildings recently is through long term leases. As these leases are all around 99 years, essentially a lifetime, they are considered sales. Luna Park receives millions of dollars for these sales. The biggest problem I have with it is that Luna Park is crown land which means it is owned by the public. It was always intended to be used by the public for amusement purposes only. However, the current Luna Park owners have been able to sell off large amounts of this crown land for private purposes under the guise that it helps to fund the fun park. As has become obvious however, the fun park is doing well and would now really be self funding. I would be happy if they were putting this money back into the park but they are not
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His point about the carpark was only 1 line out of a 41 line post so I dont think it was a major point. I think the main thing GoGoBoy was trying to say is that while $100 million was spent, only a small fraction actually went into what Luna Park is all about; being an amusement park. while it isn't bad they are making money, it just seems they aren't giving Luna Park the treatment it deserves. But basically, you could sum it up like this; Luna Park isnt as good as it has been, and i feel no fun park should ever decline like that. Its only in recent years it has become a collection of carnie rides. Sydney has only a limited amount of waterfront -and this is not just a theme park enthusiast talking here, but someone with a bit of an interest in urban development too- and I dont think a place like luna park in its location should be crudded up with stuff thats so tacky, if they are going to take the helm of something with so much history, fame, and iconic status it should be done properly.

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His point about the carpark was only 1 line out of a 41 line post so I dont think it was a major point. I think the main thing GoGoBoy was trying to say is that while $100 million was spent, only a small fraction actually went into what Luna Park is all about; being an amusement park. while it isn't bad they are making money, it just seems they aren't giving Luna Park the treatment it deserves.
Spot on Gazza, that was exactly my point. And I agree with the rest of your post entirely
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Personally speaking (from just a riders/visitors p.o.v) I don't really like LPS and the ranger there is crap compared to Melbourne's. Awesome is definately not a word I would use to discribe it T-Bone. The only rides they have there that I even remotely like is the Ferris Wheel and the Tonga Train, everything else is just crap to ride. But you seem to be forgetting what Communities/message board's are actually for..what gogoboy and everyone else says on this site is strictly their opinions, you may love LPS to death but that doesn't mean the rest of us have too, that doesn't mean we can not bag out LPS just like you can bag out LPM or any other theme park in the world. That is why it's called an opinion. That is what makes us different.

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Judging by the opinions I've heard from casual fans of theme parks, the critisisms of LPS stem from the fact that to them, it's unentertaining. They see a couple of rides, which may be heritage listed, but aren't all that entertaining by comparison to what they could have been getting. They couldn't give a **** about how old the rides are, they want to be entertained. The opinions I've heard are that LPS is simply not entertaining.

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