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Halloween at Warner Bros. Movie World


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Interesting, Wild West has always had a bit of a problem with unsuspecting guests leaping from the boat. Nowadays you see those terrible (unthemed) "remain seated signs" throughout -which certainly distract from the environment. NOW HERE'S A STORY FOR YA!! I was looking after Wild West years ago when someone leaped from the boat at the bottom of the second big lift. I saw him on screen land in the drink before pulling himself back out of the water to the edge. If I was to hit the E stop and shut the ride down it would drain all the water from the back part of the ride into the resovoir (the mouth of which where he was) and hence sucking him under water. Not a good idea. Instead, I sent some attendants around the back to go look for him but he was nowhere to be found. Ok, by this stage I started to panic!! He later strolled in to the Gremlin ride control room soaking wet, looking for his family. PHEW! I guess you can't have your eyes on everything out the back of that ride ALL the time, it's just too big an area. People also need to accept responsibility for themselves - those lap bars are placed there for a reason! Back on topic, I think WW could comfortably operate in the evening with a bit of supervision out the back

Edited by MickeyD
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......Because spending the majority of the ride time navigating slowly through unlit themed areas wouldn't be the most boring thing ever. In other news, MW is doing a second Halloween night on the 1st of November (Wednesday) due to the huge demand. See the website.

Edited by Gazza
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Just a question: Can somebody post up a list of the rides that will be open at MW on the two Hallowen Nights? Even though I can't go I'll still be following the pics and stuff. So please, If your going, take pics and post up a trip review. Thanks: CoasterBoy6
I'm not going but on the second Halloween Night i think the Looney Tunes River Ride will be closed due to annual maintenance.
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Hi All, I was wondering if anyone knows what buses will be available after 9pm on Halloween Night 1st November? I can't find any info on the web. I need to get a bus back to any train station along the Brisbane - Robina line. Thanks heaps for any info. Maggs
You'll have to get a Taxi to Helensvale Station. That's what i have to do when Wnw have dive in movies.
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THE FAMILY FUN HALLOWEEN EVENTS AT WARNER BROS. MOVIE WORLD ARE NOW SOLD OUT! Due to an overwhelming demand for tickets, the Family Fun Halloween Events at Warner Bros. Movie World have been sold out! We sincerely apologise that we cannot accommodate any further ticket requests for the events to be held tonight, October 31, and tomorrow night, November 1. We hope that if you missed out this year, you can join us for our special Halloween events at Warner Bros. Movie World in 2007!
Wow, both nights sold out and talk of more events next year. Hope the guest feedback is positive, because this sounds like a great success, and you'd think possibly the start of something huge.
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Talking about next year's Halloween night, The que's may be alittle less big cause of BatWing.
I was referring to tonight and tomorrow night. If the que's are long they might reduce the amount of tix next year. Just like DW did when they had their 2nd Screamworld. Their 1st one was packed so for the 2nd one and onwards they halved the amount of avail tix. I went to the 1st one and it was mad. The 3rd one was awesome. Got on every ride except WO as i'm not a huge fan of that ride. Although i did go on the GD (even though i don't really like it) only coz it was nite time. :D
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I'd love to hear how tonight goes. If anyone from the boards is going be sure to give us a run down on how it was. Just a technical note: A queue for a theme park is spelt 'queue' (not 'que'). Secondly, if you are referring to multiple queues there is absolutely no need to add an apostrophe between the 'e' and the 's'.

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