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Movieworld is a joke.

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Sign said wait is 45mins :o:angry: I asked the bloke holding the measure holder why are they running 1 train when the wait is so long? He said "dunno" I told him that i'm not impressed. You have 2 trains so use them. We went on LW they had 2 trains going. Got on easy. Scooby was a 30min wait but didn't line up. So we went to Loony tunes. The Road Runner Coaster had 2 trains also so was only about a 3 min-5 min wait. If LW and RR was using 2 trains why couldn't SE? NOT HAPPY JAN
Did you throw your ice cream on the ground and have a cry at the mean man who wouldn't put the second train on the track?! Honestly man, why are you getting angry at a guy who holds a height stick? There are reasons for running multiple trains, and I'm sure they didn't run only one train just to spite you. You ever consider that adding a second train to the track takes time to load it on, do all the safety checks, do test runs, etc?? Let's take a look at this right - you're there at 3pm, so the park closes in barely 2hrs. Why would they want to waste say 20mins at the minimum in closing the ride, dealing with a huge queue that builds up, assigning extra staff to deal with queues and questions from the public, and waste all the time and effort when the park closes so soon? It's more than possible that they didn't anticipate a heap of people to hit SE so late in the day, which is quite possible given the fact you said the rest of the park was pretty easy queue wise. So perhaps this one time they got their theories wrong, a few more people hit SE than usual, and the result was a slightly longer queue than usual. Maybe you just need to step back and consider reasons like these before you throw a temper tantrum at the park and on here hey?
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Honestly, you're being a complete drama queen. If you decide to rock up at Movieworld at 3pm, do you honestly expect the park to be empty or have attractions running at maximum capacity incase royalty, such as yourself, wants to ride something? Perhaps next time you might want to use your brain and try arriving a little earlier in the day .

Edited by Drewboy
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You are winging a bit. Who cares, what about the other people who line up . They bear with it but you act like its the end of the world. Thats what happens when you go on the holidays> thats pretty good luck if Lethal weapon is running two trains. So dont make such a fuss about it.

Edited by aidan
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I've got issues with parks operating at reduced capacity when queues are excessive. 30 minute queues should be the limit for "reduced capacity" as far as I'm concerned. You're there late in the day so it's impossible for you to have the full picture - as nev said there could be many reasons that the queue was at the length it was. If Lethal Weapon was running two trains (which takes tremendous dedication from the operators to make work efficiently) then I'd hazard a guess and suggest that Superman wasn't running a single train all day or if it were then it was for a different reason. I can empathise with you because Superman's two station design means that there is an exponential difference in capacity between two trains versus one. A ride designed with two stations should only operate with a single train when there are nearly empty queues. I experienced the same problem on X at SFMM where they were running only a single train but because it has two stations there was an agonising delay between dispatches (which, coupled with an earthquake, led to a queue of something ridiculous like 4 hours). If there were a way on Superman to load and unload on the normal load station then I'd have no problems with running a single train. Surely this too would cut down on staffing costs. Just lead guests through from the load to the unload station and put up a fence keeping them back from the unload track etc. directing them to the giftshop. I'm not sure about the exact details of the PLCs and mechanisms that control the restraint lock/unlock etc., but I'd imagine there would have to be a way to quickly bypass the unload station. Back to the original post, if you are upset I would recommend writing to the park and expressing your opinions to them (politely and logically if you want a response). Unless you experienced a full day at the park it's a bit presumptuous to really come to any conclusions about why they were running a single train, especially because by the sounds of things the rest of the park was pretty much at peak capacity.

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Seriously, Lethal VERY Rarely runs 2 trains, except at Christmas! And... did you ever think that the 2nd train could be broken? I have also noticed, that Superman does breakdown more often when it's running 2 trains, and the park also mught not have expected it, So stop your whinging and be grateful that you even get to go, as I know alot of people that wish they could go but they cant! And do you expect to get your full moneys worth if you dont rock up to a park till 3pm? Also, stop bagging out the parks, they try there hardest, but it seems to most people, that it's NEVER enough, Seriously, theres gonna be a few problems, thats all fine and wonderful to send a NICE e-mail with feedback, instead of bagging them out in front of everyone! I mean, you want all these new rides, and they might need to cut down on a few small things i.e trains running to afford it, I mean you complain about 45 Minute waits, where Tower Of Terror, Giant Drop, Cyclone at Dreamworld is upwards of a hour! Not trying to be oscar the grouch but I seriously dont like coming here, and finding people full on bagging the place out, sure if you have a MAJOR problem with the park, bring it up with them, but not some stupid immature petty thing like "this line is too big" and this yelling at the person with the height stick is just plain stupid, I mean he is only doing his job, so instead of holding him and everyone else up (making the line larger) just put up with it like everyone else!

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Yes take the time to go to Guest Services or email them an make your enquiries. Don't go throwing a tantrum, that's not very mature at all. If something at a park upsets me then I will surely make a point of letting them know, even if I work for the company. BUT by the same token I also make a point of telling them when I think something is great. As I did recently when I was very impressed by LW operations. My best guess is that for some reason the 2nd train failed inspection that morning and so they could only run one train. SE is the parks star ride, they wouldn't be making people wait longer than they have to by choice. If you want to bash operations, explain why DW choosed to staff rides in such a way that Wipeout and Cyclone can have dispatches in excess of 10 minute intervals!

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As Spotty said did you think that there may have been problem with the second train? Also, with most rides that have the capacity for two trains you can't just say, "Oh let's stick on the second train", and do it. You actually need the staff to operate it. Now I know that your currently thinking, "It's a holiday period, they should have thought of this before hand." Well they probably did, but people get sick or "sick" and it can be very difficult to get staff to come in on short notice (I know from experience) to cover the holes. Of all the people who are idiots at theme parks, the people who turned up with only 1 or 2 hours (or less) of park operation remaining for the day, who then complain because they didn't get a ride on this or had to wait more than a short time for a ride, those people are in my top 5 most hated (hated is probably to strong a word but at the moment it's working for me). "The Bus is now leaving for Sick Man Creek, Queensland"

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Whether or not you agree with the original poster doesn't mean you can insult the member. dreamworld_rulz is entitled to post his opinion here, and he also has the right to do so without members making unwarranted personal attacks. This is an interesting discussion, but let's keep it to the topic and not make it personal.

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I bet that guy was shivering in his shoes when you told him you weren't impressed. Seriously, the park is running 2 trains on LW and RR, then you can rest assured there's probably a very good reason why the second train was out of service. Trains require maintenance, and even with the best maintenance around unforeseen problems will arise. Thankfully SM has two trains, and a great advantage of having two trains is greater reliability, when one breaks you can still operate the ride. Lucky you, you still got to ride, wouldn't be the same at DW or SW if the one train on one of those coasters went down. I'm not saying its great or ideal that you had to wait (at gunpoint?) in a 45min line (which was advertised as being a 45 min line), but at the same time, sometimes it happens, and you just have to grit your teeth and go along with it, and I certaintly wouldn't say that MW is a joke because of it.

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Just a little thing I'd like to add, I often find that when parks state a queue time, the actual queue is much less, maybe its because they guess incorrectly, or maybe they just didnt bother changing the signs, anyway, i dont think that it would have actually been 45 minutes, they probably overestimate to keep people happy. As for what DW rulz said, well i agree with rich that 2 trains should run if the queue was more than 30 minutes, but as others have said it was most likely an unforseen problem that caused them to only run 1 (Though i thought there were 3 trains avaliable, i guess there arent) Yelling at the queue person wont help, just write an email saying what day you went etc, and they will probably give an explaination. But just out of interest, have you ever yelled at the people at DW because Giant Drop only runs one side, now THAT causes real problems.

Edited by Gazza
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First of all what's my user name got to do with this post? 2nd. The 2nd train wasn't broken. 3rd. It shouldn't matter what time i get there. My point is that if there was a long queue they should have ran 2 trains. 4th. I have a pass to DW & MW so i always go park hopping. 5th. Thanks Richard. 6th. I'm entitled to have a tanty if i want after all the park was busy and they should done something about it. 7th. I went to guest services and was told can't do anything about it. Today i went to MW got there at 2pm and it was an hr wait. I'm flying back to Melbourne in 4.5 hours time so it'll be good for you people. Then you wont have to put up with me :DEDIT : I didn't yell at the bloke with the measuring stick. I just asked him why SE was running on 1 train. He said he didn't know.

Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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2nd. The 2nd train wasn't broken.
How did you know this? You say in your edit on this post that the guy with the measuring stick didn't know so how would you?
3rd. It shouldn't matter what time i get there. My point is that if there was a long queue they should have ran 2 trains.
It does matter what time you get there. As I said in my previous post you can't just put a train on a go from there. You need the staff who are trained to operate it. I'm not going to go over it again so just read my previous post.
6th. I'm entitled to have a tanty if i want after all the park was busy and they should done something about it. 7th. I went to guest services and was told can't do anything about it.
Yes you have every right to have a tanty. See above and previous post for reasons they may have been unable to run a second train. "The Bus is now leaving for Tanti Park Primary School, Victoria"
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Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! I'm all upset so I'm going home, screw the world! I didn't get my way and people came up with a dozen good reasons why I may have been mistaken but the main thing is I didn't get my way so I'm gonna throw a tantrum anyway. ^ That's how your last post has read to pretty much everyone else. Honestly man, grow up. This is by no means a personal attack but when you come on here acting like a kid, you should be grateful that people have wasted their time trying to help you with logical, sensible explanations.

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Now I don't know for sure but I was in the park at about 1pm and it really wasn't very busy at all. Superman didn't look like it would have anything like a one hour wait. Seems like you might have just been VERY unlucky. One train op would be normal though given we're now out of holidays again. One train op usually would produce a wait time of around 5-15mins.

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The past 2 days have been the busiest of the hoilday and Superman had two train. So i dont know where your coming from maybe you should go to sfmm and queue up for X for 4 hours or wait a hour for Cyclone before you start complaining about one of the better ride op divison out there in the theme park world

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How did you know this? You say in your edit on this post that the guy with the measuring stick didn't know so how would you? It does matter what time you get there. As I said in my previous post you can't just put a train on a go from there. You need the staff who are trained to operate it. I'm not going to go over it again so just read my previous post. Yes you have every right to have a tanty. See above and previous post for reasons they may have been unable to run a second train. "The Bus is now leaving for Tanti Park Primary School, Victoria"
I went to guest relations and asked. They told me it wasn't broken but they couldn't run the 2nd train.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! I'm all upset so I'm going home, screw the world! I didn't get my way and people came up with a dozen good reasons why I may have been mistaken but the main thing is I didn't get my way so I'm gonna throw a tantrum anyway. ^ That's how your last post has read to pretty much everyone else. Honestly man, grow up. This is by no means a personal attack but when you come on here acting like a kid, you should be grateful that people have wasted their time trying to help you with logical, sensible explanations.
Read my siggie. My sister and i will be on the Gold Coast from 6-10 October 2006. I was due to leave yesterday. It had nothing to do with the que lines. Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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Of course there are reasons why they didn't run the 2nd train on SE but if there was than why didn't anyone in guest relations or who was working at SE say "we can not run the 2nd train today because....." instead of just saying they dont know? I'm also entitled to have an opinion on the park, not only as a visitor but as an annual pass holder. I know que lines are a part of the riding system but that does not mean we are not entiteld to complain about it, thats how serivces get improved. For arguments sake let's just drop the subject. I posted this post from my experience at the park as a visitor who wanted to ride a great coaster.

But just out of interest, have you ever yelled at the people at DW because Giant Drop only runs one side, now THAT causes real problems.
I don't go on the the GD coz i hate heights. It's not the drop that worries me it's the sitting up there and seeing all the ants on the ground..
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You—and everyone else—has a right to be annoyed at Movie World for excessive queuing. I too would be a little annoyed. Most of us have come to expect top-quality service from Australia’s premier theme and (soon-to-be) thrill park and it’s annoying when that level of service drops down to a slightly-above Dreamworld level. I think the biggest message to get out of this thread is that there was some sort of problem preventing the second train from being put into operation. I’ve never been on Superman Escape when they’ve been operating with only one train. There are very few parks that will ever disclose specific information about the operations or “misoperations” of a ride to the general public. Don’t blame Movie World for this. For a start, many of the staff members would actually be telling the truth when they say they don’t know. The engineers at the park could spend their time a little more constructively than trying to explain to every staff member in the park about why a ride has malfunctioned or why it’s not in operation (or full operation in this case). Finally, I don’t think the time of the day really has anything to do with it. The park closes at 5:30. If someone arrives in the afternoon—which the new Super Passes actually promote—then they still shouldn’t have to queue for extended periods of time.

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^ They might not have been ABLE To say why, and I think i'm going to take Rabid Disney's Side on this, as he works there, i'd presume he's right, in saying that there was indeed 2 trains running those days. Try waiting 90 Mins for Cyclone before complaining about Movie World.
So they arent allowed to say "there's been a malfuntion with the 2nd train" or something simple like that? also I've waited more than 90 minutes for Cyclone (been way out the door) but SE is a ride that takes less than a minute to ride..Cyclone is far from that. It takes them a minute just to let you through the doors and than another minute/minute and a half to secure the harness'...SE has always been fast. You shouldn't compare it to a slow ride like Cyclone. They might have had two trains running before Dreamworld got there at 3pm..that's not what he is saying, he is saying IF it's busy than why not use the 2nd train IF they can..of course if they couldnt than fine but if they could why not? Naturally there are reasons why it wasn't running two trains and from my experience they seem to run 2 trains in the morning (when its actually less fuller) than 1 train in the afternoon when it get's packed and on many occasions they've had the 2nd train out the back on busy days but just don't opt to use it...I was actually told by a worker who was on SE with me that management don't want the track to get worn out too quickly by running two trains. If that is true than why did they bother buying two trains? Edited by lisalila
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