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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride Maintenance


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long time no postie postie.... Im not sure but who actually said the ride was closed due to structural issues with the ride? Was it in an article or anything? As someone said earlier on this pages (page 3) it could also be a change of lay out or theming? I just wish we ALL knew what was really going on with this ride.

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  rob said:
I reckon you guys are jumping to the conclusion that this ride is closed too soon. How do you know Dreamworld is not adding a new ride their? Or changing the layout/adding special effects to the ride? I know this is Dreamworld we are talking about here but something special has got to be going on in their for it to be closed for so long. I mean, if it really was gone forever, wouldnt they have taken it down by now? Or at least taken down all the stuff thats covering it up? I refuse to believe that this ride will not open back up and be even better than ever. But then again, this is Dreamworld... ;)
When I went to Dreamworld a few weeks ago, the ride area showed absolutey no signs that any means of construction/demolition, or any human presence inside. Not a noise at all. Removal of the queue area is a strong indication that, if by some slim chance it does re-open, it won't be anytime soon.
  Gazza said:
We would know if DW was changing the layout, adding stuff etc because you would see pieces of track somewhere, more materials on site, signs saying something along the lines of "sorry for the inconvenience, we're improving for the future" etc. My view on all this is that they have discovered one problem with the ride that forced its closure, and that has led them to find out that the whole ride needs overhauling, and from there there isn't enough set aside in the maintenance budget to get it fixed quickly or simply enough reason for them to put much effort into overhauling an ageing ride.
I agree. And besides, the entire ride wouldn't have to be demolished if it wasn't re-opening, unless Dreamworld wanted to put something else there. The theming of the ride fits in with Gold Rush Country. I feel that River Rapids and Log ride should be left the way it is, IMO. They are good, fun family rides, which are well themed if you really think about it. The log ride may be tame, but just remember, many families go on this ride, which means many young children will be riding. There is only so much they can handle.
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I went to Dreamworld in February three times and twice in March, there was no signs of any work being done and if they were just changing the layout would they have boarded the whole entrance up and put in picnic tables? staff say the ride is being replaced but who know's if they were telling the truth. With the log ride, I think it's tame enough, we took my friend's 2 year old daughter on it in March and she was pretty scared as it was (tried jumping out a few times), let's not make a family ride a thrill ride.

Edited by lisalila
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It would be good if someone was able to find out the true reason for the closure and expected reopening. Surely someone must be able to do a bit of digging? What about any of your contacts at the park Richard? Or do you think they are likely to keep this sort of info private? Considering it has been so long now I think they should disclose at least some info

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I think Steel Phantom and V2 are the only two coasters I can think of that have had appreciable changes to their layouts.
Let's hope they're not making it worse! :P For example, Son Of Beast in U.S. Extremely, rough and disliked by most. Why do people ride it? Because it's the only wooden coaster with a loop... How do we make it better? Take away the only thing that makes people want to ride it! :P (It ain't go no loop anymore I don't think). :(
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I suppose that is at least a plausible explanation since the installation of a new fire system can be quite expensive, perhaps too expensive for an attraction that DW could very well be looking to get rid of in the future (SE is a good example of this, the reason the queue and dark ride section have a lattice roof is because it would have cost hundreds of thousands to build a new fire system at the new roof level) Though the fact the info came from a BB security guard sounds a bit dodgy since they wouldn't have any first hand knowledge of what is really going on.

Edited by Gazza
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A new fire system would not be that expensive that it would cause them to shut down the ride. Automatic fire sprinkler and drencher systems would not cost that much when they could use the water from the rapid ride next door. It would already have an exit and emergency lighting system built. The ride may require a Mechanical smoke venting system. If it was to do with fire safety the only thing I could think of is they have found the materials which the mountain are built from do not provide enough fire resistance or the materials burn to quick not giving enough time for people to get out. It would not cost them more then what they spent on the log ride with its two new hills for an improved fire system, but if there was a problem, with the mountain itself, then to strip it and reline it might cost to much.

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What you just said has no evidence to prove. You can't just say "yep just connect it to the water from the rapids ride it will be cheap"... do you even know what procedures these rides have to go through? The rides have to be 100% safe for guests - 100%, not "yeah the fire system might not work, so if you crash and you dont get water to put the fire out, say goodbye to the person next to you". As Gazza mentioned, replacing a fire system for such an old ride would come at a huge cost considering it had, what, 5 years left before it would become too old? It's not a star attraction and Dreamworld can cope without it. Unfortunately, that's the attitude we are recieving from them. I'd love to see it open again too, but you need to look at the facts.

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What you just said has no evidence to prove.
Well, Skeetafly has said in the past that he is a draftsman, so being involved in the construction industry means he might have encountered at some point the costs and technical constraints associated with fire systems, after all he would have to draw them in according to regulations. And Richo, i dont know if you still get shareholder reports still for MLT, but if you do, has there been any reference to the extended closure of the ride?
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  Gazza said:
Well, Skeetafly has said in the past that he is a draftsman, so being involved in the construction industry means he might have encountered at some point the costs and technical constraints associated with fire systems, after all he would have to draw them in according to regulations. And Richo, i dont know if you still get shareholder reports still for MLT, but if you do, has there been any reference to the extended closure of the ride?
I'm a Macquarie Leisure shareholder myself and always read through the quarterly and annual reports. There has been nothing mentioned in regards to the Mine Ride and it is rare for the reports to go into specific detail regarding operations, particularly an old ride. The reports always try and accentuate the positive rather than the negative so are unlikely to mention the closure of a ride which has no major financial impact. I still think it's very wrong that Dreamworld would allow any of its rides to close indefinitely. As I have always said with such large attendances and capacity issues the park should have every ride operating. Either that or some serious expansion over the next couple of years. As Gazza said it is ridiculous to think that even when the new coaster opens, the park will still not have any more rides operating than it did a number of years ago. As a shareholder ofcourse I am interested in earnings but I don't see the loss of the Mine Ride which I considered to be one of the most fun in the park to be particularly good for the company. Unless ofcourse the savings made by not reopening it will be redirected to significant new attraction investment... I have my doubts
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  myk said:
What you just said has no evidence to prove. You can't just say "yep just connect it to the water from the rapids ride it will be cheap"... do you even know what procedures these rides have to go through? The rides have to be 100% safe for guests - 100%, not "yeah the fire system might not work, so if you crash and you dont get water to put the fire out, say goodbye to the person next to you".
The workings of a fire system are not that hard to understand. There just has to be water on site and dreamworld has a lot of water. Water can be pumped from the lagoon. What I was saying is the main cost of a fire system is in been able to hold over 20 000l of water on site. So for a fire system for this ride you would need sprinklers every 1500mm, pipe around 50mm round, pump, back flow valve, inspection points and maybe a booster. Very simple. The heat from fire expands chemical inside the glass on the sprinklers, which breaks glass-causing sprinkler to come on. There would be a small tank above ride filled with water as this empties it would be refilled from the lagoon. The workings of a fire system are very simple so it does not break down. I think Richard is correct at it has nothing to do with the cost of a fire system if in fact a fire system is the problem.
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This is interesting the Imax Theatre is closed until further notice. This is on dreamworlds web site. Few reasons why this could be. 1. Backs on to mine ride and needs to be shut for safety, while they repair mine car ride. 2. New attraction coming replacing mine car and Imax theatre. 3. Dreamworld is falling apart and maybe its time to replace the management. Just got an email back from dreamworld and this is what they said. "Mine Ride will be re-opening later in the year. We have a new ride also opening in September/October. Best to check our Website for all information Hope you decide to renew your pass. We have something new available with this also ( from June 23rd). You should receive a newsletter about this. Kind regards Di Finniss Guest Services Manager"

Edited by skeetafly
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  skeetafly said:
This is interesting the Imax Theatre is closed until further notice. This is on dreamworlds web site. Few reasons why this could be. 1. Backs on to mine ride and needs to be shut for safety, while they repair mine car ride. 2. New attraction coming replacing mine car and Imax theatre. 3. Dreamworld is falling apart and maybe its time to replace the management.
Or 4. Could possibly have something to do with the construction of the new coaster. Probably not, but in reality we haven't seen the plans or know how far this thing could extend. Or 5. They could be starting a rehab of Goldrush Country. That area of the park is long overdue for renovation and, with the excess land now available where the waterpark/skyride was and the other half of the park almost complete, it's time they started cleaning up Goldrush/Rocky Hollow.
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I don't see what everyone's problem is with Goldrush, to be honest, It is one of the better themed area's of the park. Just in case anyone is interested, this is how I rate the themed lands of Dreamworld. 1. Nickelodeon 2. Goldrush 3. Ocean Parade 4. Wiggles World 5. Wildlife Experience 6. Tiger Island/ TOT Land/ River-town 7. Main Street 8. Rocky Hollow I personally don't even know why Rocky Hollow excists. It is a joke. If there is anything which needs to be done, is Rocky Hollow. It needs to become in my opinion an Expansion for the Goldrush Village. And just on subject of themed lands, I would Love to see a Halloween/ horror themed land at Dreamworld. Thats my rant though, as I said, Goldrush is probably the best themed land in the park, and wasn't it only given a re-themed a few years back now?

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