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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride Maintenance


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I was there earlier in the month (April) and I will put a photo up or two onto my site. But basically, my observations is that it won't be back for a very long time. Just for your info, the cars have been removed from the station. So we have 2 potential problems. It has something to do with the structure (I tend to agree it probably does have something to do with the structure that the ride is housed in), or something to do with the cars.

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Less than a week from now the ride will have been closed for six months. This is longer than it takes to build a new coaster from scratch. It's blatantly clear that they're not doing enough to resolve the situation because it's an absolute joke that a ride can be closed for six months without any signs of improvement. Get it running again or remove it and replace it with something that works. Anything less is just shortchanging paying guests.

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^ I totally agree... Eureka is one of DW's classic's and should be maintained for future audiences to enjoy. When an attracrtion becomes too old, it either needs to be upgraded, replaced or at the very least maintained. DW over the years has continued to neglect it's older attractions and now that so many years have passed, we are starting to see some of the golden oldies fall apart into the History books. What next? The Rapid Ride?Macquarie leisure should take a leaf out of WVTP's books on this. They understand the importance of keeping the ENTIRE Park looking as fresh as possible & don't allow this to happen as it creates an overall poor public perception. I guess it shows the differance between letting a bank run the place as opposed to a company with decades of committed experience..

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Its basically a short wild mouse. Im a bit sketchy, but from the station you turn left, head up an indoor lift hill, make a u turn, and then go down a fast zig zag section typical of a wild mouse, and some of the turns go outside the mountain. Then i think there was a dip, then a section that ran over the roof of the station, then it was back into the mountain for another dip and a u turn into the brakes. It used to have an animatronic of a miner "blowing the mine" right at the start, as well as large turning gears etc that you passed on the zigzag section, but i dont remember seeing them last time (which was late 2005). Spotty can probably correct me on all this though.

Edited by Gazza
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I reckon you guys are jumping to the conclusion that this ride is closed too soon. How do you know Dreamworld is not adding a new ride their? Or changing the layout/adding special effects to the ride? I know this is Dreamworld we are talking about here but something special has got to be going on in their for it to be closed for so long. I mean, if it really was gone forever, wouldnt they have taken it down by now? Or at least taken down all the stuff thats covering it up? I refuse to believe that this ride will not open back up and be even better than ever. But then again, this is Dreamworld... ;)

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^ I totally agree... Eureka is one of DW's classic's and should be maintained for future audiences to enjoy. When an attracrtion becomes too old, it either needs to be upgraded, replaced or at the very least maintained. DW over the years has continued to neglect it's older attractions and now that so many years have passed, we are starting to see some of the golden oldies fall apart into the History books. What next? The Rapid Ride?Macquarie leisure should take a leaf out of WVTP's books on this. They understand the importance of keeping the ENTIRE Park looking as fresh as possible & don't allow this to happen as it creates an overall poor public perception. I guess it shows the differance between letting a bank run the place as opposed to a company with decades of committed experience..
The rapid ride already sucks...... u go through a dark tunnel with pretty much nothing in it.... then down a stream with concrete walls and pretty much no themeing..... dreamworld needs to look at disneys kali river rapids in animal kingdom if they want to have a good river rapids ride...... (it rocked) Edited by Harrop
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How do you know Dreamworld is not adding a new ride their (sic) ? Or changing the layout/adding special effects to the ride? I know this is Dreamworld we are talking about here but something special has got to be going on in their for it to be closed for so long.
We would know if DW was changing the layout, adding stuff etc because you would see pieces of track somewhere, more materials on site, signs saying something along the lines of "sorry for the inconvenience, we're improving for the future" etc.
I mean, if it really was gone forever, wouldnt they have taken it down by now?
Not true, how long did Thunderbolt hang around for until they decided to scrap it? Even if you look at overseas experience you can see rides don't always get demolished straight away, I mean Flashback at SFMM is still there even though it hasn't operated for quite a while. My view on all this is that they have discovered one problem with the ride that forced its closure, and that has led them to find out that the whole ride needs overhauling, and from there there isn't enough set aside in the maintenance budget to get it fixed quickly or simply enough reason for them to put much effort into overhauling an ageing ride.
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^Nah, I don't think so. Has anyone seen any activity around the area? From what I have seen it is as though the place has just been boarded up and left sitting there. All of the local parks are netorius for doing this at some point for an attraction. But this is rediculous.

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The log ride, I agree needs some work, but I personally wouldn't be touching the River Rapids. For Dreamworld standards, the River Rapids are very good.
I guess, but when compared to other similiar rides like Disneys Kali River Rapids, there just a joke.... Here is the only footage I have found on youtube:
Doesnt show much, I will go ask over at the Disney boards if someone has a video. Its just themed so good.... like when the ride starts your climbing up a belt in mist so you cant see anything, your surrounded by jungle plants and it just feels so real. You jump on dreamworlds river rapids and its like "yukk... I hope I dont get wet, the water looks filthy".
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The log ride, I agree needs some work, but I personally wouldn't be touching the River Rapids. For Dreamworld standards, the River Rapids are very good.
I think they need some more jets and stuff in the River Rapids. Something more like Snowy River Rampage that was at WonderLand. They were good. No matter how many times you went on it, you always got drenched. :)
They should have closed river rapids and the log ride too, and refurbished them because they all suck! I mean seriousley, there is only so many pieces of chewing gum that one can stick on the walls on the log ride......
I agree. When I went to Dreamworld the line for the Log Ride was a 45 min minute wait then, when we got up on the bridge part, they had to call a maintance guy to fix the lift. Which broke twice.
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Yeah I don't want them to replace the Rapids Ride with something else but think some new elements or a retheming would be fantastic. Maybe use the Snowy River theme Wonderland adopted or something or something just generically adventure-ish. The Log Ride needs stuff added too. It's a fun experience but could be so much better.

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Maybe use the Snowy River theme Wonderland adopted or something or something just generically adventure-ish
Don't look at Wonderland for theming ideas! Their Snowy River ride had absolutely no theming whatsoever besides the name. You might think Dreamworld's rapids aren't themed well but they are ten times better than Wonderlands were. And at least Dreamworld built fake rock around their trough - Wonderland had exposed concrete channels Edited by GoGoBoy
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^ HA! It would be nice if that was the reason why but I don't think so!! When the rapids ride opened it was in great condition and had better lighting and better animations than today... Shocking considering that was more than 20 years ago - you'd think it would be the other way around?!?! I remember seeing a couple of animatronic Mountain goats at the end of the ride on the ledge (under the mine ride). Like so many other parts of DW though, they disappeared not long after and were replaced with nothing. Regarding the Log ride, it amazes me that people are prepared to wait for 45 minutes to go on when Wild West at MW is practically a walk on, yet there is no comparison between the two.

Edited by MickeyD
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dreamworld has turned off a few of the effects on the river rapids such as the waterfall and some of the bits where you get sprayed, i think it's because of the drought and water restrictions.
LOL if drought were the reason then the whole of Pipeline Plunge would need to be turned off. The water effects on TRR would logically use recirculated water. I for one have thought TRR should have more water effects. This could include rusty old gold mining equipment leaking/spraying water everywhere. There could be an untidy stack of mining explosives that "explode" with water when a raft passes by. Perhaps they could build a water tower like the one on WWF (except it doesn't turn off before you get near).A baddies hideout (I think one is named "Billy Big Ears" going by the wanted poster/jail photo op near the ride entrance) could be built at a strategic point, and inside there could be water guns. On the other side of the channel there could be junk that has been used for 'target practice'.
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