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Possible new ride themes/ideas?


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I've been thinking. You see parks like Universal Studios, Disney Land (etc) that have amazing rides [not saying MW's arn't] set around movies like:

  • The Mummy Returns
  • The Pirates Of The Caribean
  • Jurasic Park
  • Spiderman
  • Incredible Hulk
  • Men In Black
  • E.T.
  • Terminator 2
  • Jaws
  • Twister
  • Back To The Future
  • && More.
Anyways, My question/point is. What other possiblities does MW have? And what type of rides would suit them? Like Warner Bros. has made:
  • Harry Potter
  • Scooby Doo (used already)
  • Batman (used already)
  • Superman (used already)
  • Matrix (used already)
  • Looney Tunes (used already)
  • Lethal Weapon (used already)
  • && more.

Why dont MW make a Matrix or a Harry Potter ride, not a walk through!? Yeh, well just give your ideas etc.

Edited by Chaos-Maniac
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I think that they should make a pink boat ride based on Tim Burtons Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I'd love to see that. It'd be a cool one too. They could maybe close the Looney Tunes River ride & turn it into the Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. They could even make the water, look like chocolate, and have the miniuture people etc. :D
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'' Terminator 3 is a WB Movie, maybe they could do a similar Terminator show to what they have at the Universal parks '' I would love to see a terminator themed ride, terminator is an extremely successfull series of movies, and with terminator 4 coming soon (2007 release) its a perfect time. There were also suggestions of t4 being filmed there at the WB studios.

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'' Terminator 3 is a WB Movie, maybe they could do a similar Terminator show to what they have at the Universal parks '' I would love to see a terminator themed ride, terminator is an extremely successfull series of movies, and with terminator 4 coming soon (2007 release) its a perfect time. There were also suggestions of t4 being filmed there at the WB studios.
I'd love to see this. But what exactly could they build that would suit the ride & we're not ONLY talking about a roller coaster here.. What possible flatrides would suit it?
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What about WaterWorld - The show at Universal Hollywood. That wasn't a successful movie.
It wasn't so much that Waterworld was unsuccessful - it achieved fairly decent box office figures - it was just a ridiculously expensive movie to produce to the point where it didn't come close to breaking even. When it comes to developing rides, they'll always choose films which had or will have good media exposure. Box office figures don't matter so much as its marketing budget does. The ideal film needs to have great exposure, appeal to a wide demographic and have longevity (sequels are handy in this sense). This is why comic book concepts work so well; they're household names and will always be around, not to mention the possibilities for tie-in products. I'd look less at one-off films and more into franchises which Warner Bros. holds the rights to or they can acquire without too many dramas (e.g. rule out Disney licenses). Terminator might be a good example of this. It's no surprise that the most recent three major attractions are very general and aren't really bound by their film counterparts, and even Wild West Falls and Lethal Weapon have been debranded to the extent that they're fairly general. I'm sure we'll see more direct film tie-ins, but more down the path of Harry Potter and The Matrix where they're cheaper and easily changed. I'd love to see that building redone ever year or so with a new film to keep things fresh.
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Posidon Adventure could be sorta turned into a ride sorta like the one which once lived at Fox Studios Backlot, the Titanic ride. Terminator 3/4 could be turned into a floorless coaster. I still think MW should add some sorta of "Backlot movie adventure", where you go behind the scene's in one of the rides or something. Scooby Doo would be cool.

Edited by Chaos-Maniac
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How about a Dukes of Hazzard coaster, could be along the lines of the "Italian Job" coasters at Paramount parks? A Catwoman ride could go down well with the recent continuance of the whole Batman theme, maybe a coaster with inversions or a nice flatty? I think a Tarzan or Phantom woodie would be GREAT as well! I also think when 'Ghost Ship' came out they could have done something great with that. Like one of those MASSIVE 320 person inverter pirate ships. Could have enclosed it and had all kinds of special effects. I guess they could do that with Pirates of the Carribbean as well. Just some thoughts.

Edited by OzCoasterFreek
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They could do a laser-tag dark ride (like Men in Black at Universal) - themed to Terminator franchise.
Yeah that would be ok, but those ride arent that good. I found Men in Black quite boring. It was ok the first time, but its deffinatly not a re-rider unless your determined to get a high score. Same with the Buzz Lightyear one at Disney, same concept. Although its aimed at kids. I found it boring unless you were concentrating real hard to get a high score lol!
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I actually thought Men in Black was a great ride with some of the best theming I've ever seen. I don't think I rode it more than once but I saw definite potential for rerideability and would probably have queued again had I had time or queues were short enough. They're a ride style which appeals to very nearly ever possible guest at the park, and is a true family experience. The problem with this style of ride is the levels of theming required to pull it off would be out of Movie World's scope - Men in Black was $80 million. Terminator would be an ideal franchise for this style of attraction at Movie World but without the resources and budget of Universal it's not really something I'd like to see in a hurry. Maybe a Harry Potter themed version targeted more at kids? I haven't read the books (yep that's right, I'm the one), but I'd imagine there could be a very easy storyline here, and we saw with the old Harry Potter walkthrough that they can pull of this style of theming pretty well. The only issue would be licensing, as I believe it may be difficult to secure a long-term license as I don't believe Warner Bros. directly holds all rights to it, hence the original attraction only lasting a couple of years.

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You're saying an interactive dark ride is "deffinatly not a re-rider"? I cannot see your reasoning for this. Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters was one of the highlights at Disneyland for our family. There was a massive competition between who could get the highest score. Not to mention the fact that every, single, ride, is, different. They are designed to be re-ridden, just like a computer game. You'd have a hard time convincing Disney officials that these rides aren't insanely popular. They're currently in the process of developing and installing another interactive dark ride in Disney's California Adventure. Thrills and interactivity are what define re-rideability. I cannot believe you have just posted something that goes against everything that is good and true in this world.

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Had a quick look on IMDB.com for upcoming movies, and a Harry Potter license should be right up on the list of things to get a hold of. Failing that, I have listed a few other Warner Movies which present a few options (some better then others of course :) ): Warcraft - Due 2008 - Based on the video game series, would probably translate quite well into a theme park ride, and you'd probably bet on the movie being something of a success. Maybe a shoot 'em up where guests could either play for the alliance or the hoard, and shoot at each other. Guests could even create their own character and spend many months at the park trying to get to level 60. Fools Gold - Due 2007 - Don't know much about the movie, except it claims to be an Adventure/Romance movie, and Adventure stuff tends to play well for rides. The only other reason you might want to do a ride for it is that it was filmed on the Gold Coast. Get Smart - Due 2008 - Steve Carrell is playing the title role of Maxwell Smart, and since he's one of the funniest guys doing the rounds at the moment I suspect this movie will do well. As far as theme park applications go, how about a new street show? Where the wild things are - Due 2008 - A beloved children's book, with the very appealing genre titles of Adventure, Drama, Family and Fantasy. If the book can stand up to time so well, maybe the movie will have some longevity. A passive dark ride where you enter into the kids fantasy and see all the monsters could be cool. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Due 2007 - I dunno, just felt I have to point out that there's a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie coming out. Theme park connections are up to you. The Invasion - Due 2007 - Its an alien sci-fi horror movie. Maybe a good walk through attraction for next Halloween? The last - and quite possibly my favorite -Speed Racer - Due 2008 - This looks to be a remake of an old Japanese cartoon, and if the movie is anything like the cartoon, we're in for something special here folks. A brief search on Youtube reveals the opener, and wow, what a gem. Even if they don't build the ride, they could just play that theme song all through the park ;) . That's some of the titles that caught my eye, feel free to look over the list here.

Edited by joz
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You're saying an interactive dark ride is "deffinatly not a re-rider"? I cannot see your reasoning for this. Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters was one of the highlights at Disneyland for our family. There was a massive competition between who could get the highest score. Not to mention the fact that every, single, ride, is, different. They are designed to be re-ridden, just like a computer game. You'd have a hard time convincing Disney officials that these rides aren't insanely popular. They're currently in the process of developing and installing another interactive dark ride in Disney's California Adventure. Thrills and interactivity are what define re-rideability. I cannot believe you have just posted something that goes against everything that is good and true in this world.
Hey, its only my opinion. Maybe they just weren't my ideal type of ride. No need to get all defensive about it. Thats what people forget on these forums, its open for discussion and people are entitled to their opinion. Maybe what I said came across the wrong way. I meant to say I wouldn't re-ride it over and over again... But I'm not even going to bother to resolve the full issue. It seems like you have it locked in your mind thats it your way or the high way when it comes to good rides. Edited by tom
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How about a Dukes of Hazzard coaster, could be along the lines of the "Italian Job" coasters at Paramount parks? A Catwoman ride could go down well with the recent continuance of the whole Batman theme, maybe a coaster with inversions or a nice flatty? I think a Tarzan or Phantom woodie would be GREAT as well! I also think when 'Ghost Ship' came out they could have done something great with that. Like one of those MASSIVE 320 person inverter pirate ships. Could have enclosed it and had all kinds of special effects. I guess they could do that with Pirates of the Carribbean as well. Just some thoughts.
Pirates of Carribean would be good as it very popular and there is another one being released next year so it would be new. But it's a Disney movie :(.
They could do a laser-tag dark ride (like Men in Black at Universal) - themed to Terminator franchise.
That would be good. And if not terminator, they could have wands instead of guns for a HP ride, targteted fo younger audiences, as Richard suggested That would be great. whizzing around on a coaster trying to shoot all the targets you fly past.
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