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Possible new ride themes/ideas?


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I wouldn't mind seeing a high-speed indoor roller coaster. Like I'm talking about one that's named Harry Potter and the Chamber Of Secrets. The guests could be linin up inside the girls toilets where Mourning Murtle or whoever it was lies. Then the guests reach a certain point where they have to go down some sort of slide where it takes them to the Chamber of Secrets (just like in the movie) After this the guests are loaded onto the cars/trains. The train slowly goes through passages of the Chamber of Secrets. After the train has left the station, more passangers go down the slide/pipe thingo. ....Anyway, the train then reaches that point where Tom Riddle appears, he then speaks to the passangers and tells them he is Lord Voldemort. The Basalisk comes out and thats when the ride begins. Special effects come on e.g walls collapse etc. The bird that pokes the snake in the eyes in the movie comes along and...ofcourse does the same thing. Once the Basalisk is blinded by the bird, the train travels backwards into an area similar to where Harry was trapped (you know, the part where he had to throw the rock to distract the snake). The snake then movies away, the train starts moving again. Then the train stops, the snake turns around and starts chasing the passangers again. But this time the train goes through a number of turns, bunny hops, inversions....etc. After this there is a slight change where the train goes through a hole where the snake can't fit. Then the ride ends. Hehehe, sorry I just finished watching the Chamber Of Secrets and thought about this.

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Its a good idea but the movie was made in 2002, its too late. I think they should do your idea but with Order Of The Phoenix which is coming out this year. It should go into the dark forest and thats where special effects with centuars start attacking the cart so it goes really fast and does inversions and bunny hops. Then the train should run into grawp the giant where he starts ripping up trees and trees nearly fall on you. It should start going again and do more roller-coaster type things and then see Proffesor Umbridge being tied up by the centuars and then the end. I don't know how it would be pulled off but It would be cool.

Edited by aidan
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Hey, this thread is active again... Anyway, heres a theme for a ride, I posted it over on Ozcoaster, but since this came up, and for the benefit of those who dont read the boards there I'll post it here. Its basically an inverted coaster that twists and turns through alleyways and trenches in a Morrocan city, narrowly avoiding walls and washing lines. The story would be that you have wandered into the catacombs under the city, where you awaken a spirit, it becomes enraged and takes you into its grasp, and then hurls around the city in a destructive rampage. The first pic shows the layout in red and the queue route in blue (since the buildings/trenches/tunnels obscure parts of the track) The second pic is a nice clear version. lostcityinvertwithlines.jpglostcityinverter.jpg

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Could you draw one of your likings for the new accelerator coaster for Dreamworld?
Good Idea, i might get on to that one. Dunno why you think it looks like Lethal Weapon though, my design has none of the inversion types that Lethal Weapon has
Could you draw one of your likings for the new accelerator coaster for Dreamworld?
Edit: I just realized this thread was for MW related rides...disregard :P Edited by Gazza
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^^ Only a broncos fan would think of something crazy like that while reading Harry Potter! :P Could work, would definitely make an interesting ride, no idea how they'd do the slide kinda thing... What if people decide to chicken out? :P
Pfft...me? READ?!?!...And what are you trying to say by only a Broncos fan would think of something crazy like that - HUH? HUH? - ANSWER ME?!?...Kidding :P And as for the slide bit, well if someone chickens out, they would be lead through a passage way, back up to the que area and the exit...
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Hey, this thread is active again... Anyway, heres a theme for a ride, I posted it over on Ozcoaster, but since this came up, and for the benefit of those who dont read the boards there I'll post it here. Its basically an inverted coaster that twists and turns through alleyways and trenches in a Morrocan city, narrowly avoiding walls and washing lines. The story would be that you have wandered into the catacombs under the city, where you awaken a spirit, it becomes enraged and takes you into its grasp, and then hurls around the city in a destructive rampage. The first pic shows the layout in red and the queue route in blue (since the buildings/trenches/tunnels obscure parts of the track) The second pic is a nice clear version.
Blood Diamond? Edited by Adam
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I think that the next Movie Theme at Movie World will be something to do with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I don't really want them to do this, because I'm not that much of a fan of them. But it's a new WB Movie and when I went there on Tueday, they had the trailer playing on the Main Street Screen. If this is their next theme, what could they have? A Sewer Ride or something like that?

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  • 6 months later...
It's probably too long after the movie now, but I think a magic show based on The Prestige would be pretty cool, and have the stage set up like an old style theatre. The actors could wear old style clothing as well...
Good idea sounds cool. And when you exit you could walk past lots of big glass cases with his bodies in them.(Have you seen that bit?)
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  • 1 month later...
-As you know theres a lot of wasted space up towards WWF, I think a cowboy and indian laser tag somewhere there would be good. Also would like to see the "Wild Wild West" (Will Smith) theme gone with only classic westerns playing. I would like to see a few cowboys walkin around too with an argument and a showdown maybe.
Dunno about laser tag, Id rather see more rides then smaller amusements that you would have to pay extra for. I think a Wooden roller coaster is the one thing people seem to be leaning towards, and why not? The stuff they are doing with this coaster type is amazing, plus they are very cheap to build. But having a bit of street theatre is a great idea, Disney does, and that is the sort of thing that makes the place so much more than normal parks.
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