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Wonderland Turns Transylvania Into A Year Round Mardi Gra!


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In a bold move to make Transylvania look more happy, painters have gone on a rampage and have painted buildings in Transylvania bright, neon "happy" colours. It's the most retarded thing to hit Wonderland, a year round Mardi Gra. Victims of the painter's rampage are.. Chill's and Thrills (formerly Merlin's Floss) What used to be a dark and gloomy grey and purple, this building is now a bright red and yellow. Disgusting. Batty Chicken The shop still has fences around it, being recently painted. Neon purple and green now posess this shop (along with the posessed food). Obviously, I'm very upset with this, as would you be if you saw this. I wish I had pictures for you all, but due to an unfortunate incident a few weeks back involving a ride op, my digital camera is broken. I promise I'll have them by next week. In other news... A complete deconstruction of the Speed slide has took place. Only the top section of the slide remains. The Bush Beast is still closed, reports have it that the ride was open yesterday.. either that or the ride was testing. Thanks, ~Flea

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I can't understand what wonderland is trying to achieve by doing this. Transilvania was supposed to be the scary area of the park and it achieved that look well but from what Flea says and what i saw last week they are just ruining this land. The only possible answer to this could be Marvel.??? Hulk- green Spiderman- red The new Spiderman character in spidermna 2- yellow Wonderland what the hell are you doing, i might contact the park this week and get an answer!

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The first thing I thought too was that this could have something to do with Marvel. Perhaps they are recreating the area and turning it into a new super-hero themed land? It would be so much better though if they would keep transylvania as it is and add a NEW separate Marvel themed area. Come on all you investigative types... do your best to find out and let us know!

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I sure hope that doesn't happen! However, if they did end up re-theming the land I'm sure they could come up with some better choices than the names above :) Does anyone else have an idea why they have chosen these colours for the shops? Also, has anyone been able to peak over into HB Land lately? Is the Beastie still standing? I have heard that it has been semi pulled apart.

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Does anyone else have an idea why they have chosen these colours for the shops? Also, has anyone been able to peak over into HB Land lately? Is the Beastie still standing? I have heard that it has been semi pulled apart.
It is possible to get a view of LWL from Space Probe or The Zodiac. Beastie is still standing, with one of the trains on the brake run and the other on the transfer shed. Here's a pic that I took one month ago of Little Wonder's Land. Thanks, ~Flea
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