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Dreamworld - Proposed Development


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Check out the full application details here

I've skimmed some of the documents really quickly this morning and a couple takeaways:

  1. The main DA Form 1 references them as Ardent leisure, not Coast (though documents are from last year so depending on when the change occurred, that's probably in line with the submissions)
  2. Looking at the plans, there are 3 current lots - in a nutshell, it looks like they just want to re-draw the boundaries of each lot.
  3. They have land available on the north side of Oakey Creek which isn't entirely practical for them to expand the theme park on.
  4. The new boundaries would create 3 new lots, basically defining the carpark (and the former BB studios) as Lot 1, the theme parks as lot 2 (including the Oakey Creek easement all the way to foxwell road), and turning the land that is on the north side of Oakey creek, adjacent to the old Big Brother site into Lot 3.
  5. The application includes a MCU (material change of use). I haven't read through it all but I am assuming the MCU relates to the town centre transition precinct as it wouldn't be theme park \ tourism use, whereas I believe the current lots are. It also enables the road connectivity planned out for the Coomera Activity Centre to flow seamlessly into the connector roads.
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