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Important signature announcement


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Please take note of the following three points from our Community Guidelines:

  1. Signatures may not be used to promote other sites unless direct written permission has been given by a staff member. Users are free to include their own website URL in their profile.
  2. Signatures are limited to a maximum of three internal or approved links. 'Internal' refers to any link to a page on the www.roller-coaster.com.au domain.
  3. Users are limited to a single image in their signature. It must have a filesize of under 50kb and be less than 500 pixels wide and 100 pixels high. Roller-Coaster.com.au reserves the right to remove any signature image, regardless of whether or not it is within these dimensions. Animated images are generally frowned upon.
Note that the second point has been added and the third point has been modified to allow larger image dimensions. Importantly, this DOES include links to official park website in signatures. It's getting very distracting having users with several links in their signatures to sites everyone with half a brain knows how to get to (not to mention they are all easily accessed from this site). Don't bother asking for permission to include such official site links as we will say no. If you have any links in your signatures to external sites (links to other threads, photo galleries etc. on this site are acceptable) please remove them. If you find a moderator has deleted them for you, don't add them back. We have limited users to a maximum of three links per signature to prevent them from being too distracting. A signature is not advertising space, it's an extension of your profile, in effect your online personality. Use it wisely to create your own unique idenity on this site.
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