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Wet 'n' Wild or WhiteWater World?


Which one do you prefer?  

46 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you rather go to, Wet 'n' Wild or WhiteWater World?

    • Wet 'n' Wild
    • WhiteWater World

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Which ONE? WnW, easily. Ok, so BRO is an aqua racer with a helix and the Green room is the Tornado with an extra half helix. I'm sure with the Tornado it doesn't make much difference given that both are probably designed to drop riders into the funnel at the same speed. BRO has the helix over aqua racer, but aqua racer does have the timers which really make that ride what it is. Pro's and Con's on both sides. That leaves the Rip and Hydro coaster on the WWW side as rides with no WnW Equivalent. Now even by all accounts they are both good rides, on the WnW side there's still all the speed slides (3 total), black hole and terror canyons (4 slides), Mammoth Falls (2 slides, even if they are the same), Calypso Beach, White Water Mountain (4 more slides) and twister with no WWW equivalent. If you've only got the chance to visit one, go to WnW, its by far the better park, and extended trading means your assured to get a ride on everything even if you don't rock up till 5pm. On the other hand, if you've already been to WnW before, give WWW a try, its something new and different.

Edited by joz
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WhiteWater World easily. The Bro knocks Aqua Racer for dead. They are adding the timers in but for now it's pretty easy to tell if you've beaten your friends... just look at your relative positions to each other. The plunge down the confined tunnels is a brilliant start then you can get some airtime on the hills. The whole package is a much faster, taller and more fun experience. The Green Room feels and is much steeper and bigger. WhiteWater Mountain is yesterday's news... Temple of Huey has coaster proximity, option to ride backwards, option to choose which tube you use, mix of open and closed flumes etc etc. Calypso Beach? Mm. I'll grant WnW that one but to me it isn't a major drawcard... they'll add a lazy river anyway but for now, relaxing in the Cave of Waves shallows is good enough then you can tackle the waves if you feel like it. I'm OVER the Twister, it's fun but short... to me having the bowl slide and hydrocoaster is worth far more than being able to do the Jetstreams, Sidewinders and Twister. They're much more fun. The theming also really adds to the atmosphere. Joz also hasn't visited WhiteWater World. Not saying your opinion doesn't matter Joz, but let's take it from someone who has actually been to the new park... WhiteWater World has the quality and is the Movie World of water parks, Wet'n'Wild has the quantity and is the Dreamworld. Ahh the irony. If you just have time for one, WhiteWater World is the easy choice.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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I will say though, of all the slides I've ever wridden WnW's aqua racer is by far still the most fun. It doesn't matter how good the slide is, nothing beats the aqua racer with your mates. The tunnels at the start although really cool really kill the compedative start and until the timers are installed the fun of the race and false starts is just missing...

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  joz said:
On the other hand, if you've already been to WnW before, give WWW a try, its something new and different.
I def think the above quote is the key. If you have already been to Wet 'n' Wild once or twice and yet you still choose to go there again over WhiteWater World I think you'd be CRAZY. Ofcourse you should try the brand new park with the brand spanking new high tech rides. I think it will be an easier thing to judge in a couple of years when WWW has (hopefully) expanded and most of us will have visited both parks by then.
  Tony Teulan said:
WhiteWater World has the quality and is the Movie World of water parks, Wet'n'Wild has the quantity and is the Dreamworld. Ahh the irony.
I totally agree with Tony on the above comment and have often thought the same thing myself. I prefer quality over quantity which is why Movie World is my favourite park and WhiteWater World is (from what I've seen) my favourite waterpark
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For locals the lack of a decent yearly pass makes WnW a winner for me. My family enjoys visiting the parks when we choose and not just in off peak times. Also dive in movies are a great relaxing finish to the day. But do visit the new park it is still a lot of fun they are both not exactly the same. We had a great day trying the new rides. The hydro coaster is realy something different. :rolleyes:

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  lakeyboy said:
I would say to the fact about WWW is a half day park where in my experience, Dreamworld is a 1 and a half day park. Good thing they built the interchange gate. I really want to experience WWW but I was only up at the Gold Coast 3 months ago.
Hello, Just curious, do you need to purchase an admission to WWW if you are in Dreamworld and wish to use the interchange gate? Also, I remember dreamworld has an offer at the end of each day that you can return to the park at a cheaper price. Do they have an option where you can return but go to WWW instead for a discounted price? Thank you.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It's funny how WhiteWater World received significantly more votes in the "which waterpark would you rather go to" poll and yet in reality everyone still seems to be going to Wet 'n' Wild. Haven't seen any more WhiteWater World trip reports recently. Has anyone else been?? Does anyone know if it has been busy?

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Yes you do need to purchase admission to use the interchange gate. The cheque from the insurance company came and I replaced my stolen camera so will head out there around Tuesday or Wednesday next week to take a heap of shots and pick up my annual pass. So I will let you all know how busy it is. It was very quiet on my last visit there with friends, the 16th (the bulk of the day). Speaking with the park supervisor that day, they were expecting a massive influx of people after Christmas & I know him from working under him during his Wet'n'Wild days so he wasn't just passing me a positive spin in a park<->guest sense.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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It would make sense to me that a lot of people who are not aware of WhiteWater World would soon become aware after visiting Dreamworld and seeing the rides in all their glory. That probably makes the parks location at the front of Dreamworld a good choice. Macquarie would no doubt be banking on the fact that some of the huge numbers that Dreamworld receives will see WhiteWater World and pay the extra to visit it aswell

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I went today for the first time and it was PACKED. They must have hit the cap, the line for supertubes was at the pool at around 1! However I went early and was first for the day on the Rip and Cut Snake! :] We got all the rides done within the first hour which was good. We ended up buying a 2nd day pass for 10 bucks. I took pictures but they are a bit blurry due to some crap getting on my lens. I'll post them when my internet wants to go fast again. But really, pictures do not do the park justice. If this place expands, not by much, but expands, it will easily be the best themepark in Australia.

Edited by myk
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Good to hear WWW is now packed too. Afterall the busier this park gets the more likely we will see expansion in the very near future. I actually just heard from mattcrombie (currently lost somewhere in Asia) and he told me his friend who works at WhiteWater World said both DW and WWW have been extremely busy recently and apparantley have once again set new attendance records

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See that's just it - as well as being a standalone park, WhiteWater World is for all intents and purposes an expansion of Dreamworld with the existance of that gate. Dreamworld's a really good day or two for families and the general public who want thrills and many different experiences. I'm a Movie World man through-and-through over DW but think the DW/WWW combination is better than the MW/WNW one.

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Hey guys nice forums... I went to wetnwild yesterday and it was the true meaning of PACKED, if u guys know wnw you'll know the car park pretty well and the car park for the outback adventure place, well all of it was packed including along the road up to movieworld and back the other way... But back on topic I'd take WnW , we already got an annual pass to WnW but id like to look at WWW even though it would only take an hour to go through all the rides! cheers

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WWW is quality over quantity though. And I could enjoy riding the slides for half a day then go over to Dreamworld - but could easily do a whole day instead. You should still get passes, they're only $125. Then on Saturdays you could hit both, ending up at WNW later in the day and evening.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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Im wondering, but could WWWs market position have been a bit stronger if flowrider had been included as part of WWW instead? While it is an upcharge ride they still could have pushed it as yet another unique ride in WWWs lineup, and probably could have gotten greater patronage of the flowrider since people wouldn't need to get changed if they were already at WWW (Thats assuming the flowrider isnt always booked out)

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  Gazza said:
Im wondering, but could WWWs market position have been a bit stronger if flowrider had been included as part of WWW instead? While it is an upcharge ride they still could have pushed it as yet another unique ride in WWWs lineup, and probably could have gotten greater patronage of the flowrider since people wouldn't need to get changed if they were already at WWW (Thats assuming the flowrider isnt always booked out)
Completely agree. How ridiculous is it that they have built a brand new waterpark and yet it is Dreamworld, not the waterpark, that gets the Flowrider. To top it off, the waterpark has a SURFING THEME - the Flowrider would have been a perfect fit. I don't think it suits Dreamworld at all and just adds more unneeded clutter to the Ocean Parade area. It is also crazy that people have to get changed into swimwear for just one small upcharge attraction. I think it would certainly have been a better drawcard for WhiteWater World and the upcharge would be more reasonable when you consider it's only $42 for park entry in the first place. It would have been a much needed and very appropriate additional attraction. I have heard that there were 2 types of Flowriders originally planned for WWW but for some reason it ended up in DW instead. I truly think this was one of DW management's poorest decisions to date
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Just a side note, DW are now selling off-peak annual passes for $145. They call them 'Max Action Saver' passes. I'm thinking about going up to WWW with a friend for the day. Neither of us have an annual pass, I have the money for one, but he doesn't. Is it worth a) Buying a World Pass, b] Buying myself an annual pass but not my friend, or c) Just spending the entire day at WWW?

Edited by WnW_Rocks
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I do agree about it being a bad decision to not put it in WWW but still, it's easy enough to go between the two parks via that gate so if you're in your boardies anyway, just veer left of The Rip and go into DW. If you have an annual pass or day ticket to both, it's not that hard. Then go back into WWW.

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  WnW_Rocks said:
Just a side note, DW are now selling off-peak annual passes for $145. They call them 'Max Action Saver' passes. I'm thinking about going up to WWW with a friend for the day. Neither of us have an annual pass, I have the money for one, but he doesn't. Is it worth a) Buying a World Pass, b] Buying myself an annual pass but not my friend, or c) Just spending the entire day at WWW?
From what i've read the park is very small (WWW) so spending the whole day there could get boring. I'd just purchase an annual pass.
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