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Dreamworld Uniforms?


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Just another example of the differences in the way MW and DW go about things. But just on the MRT Subway uniforms, I had always thought public transport workers wore those fluro yellow/orange shirts that seem to be the norm nowdays in any sort of risky jobs. Still, what they did was pretty good. I might just add another question for those in the know, if you work at MW do you have to own a different costume for each ride you work at?

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At MW its a bit of both; you are issued the black pants and coloured shirt (your choice of colour), and some ride specific unforms (I believe the module attendant uniform on Batride is a take home). Loader and Unloader on Looney Tunes, some of the Bat ride uniforms and pretty much anything else that isn't a coloured shirt over black pants have to picked up on the day from Wardrobe. The only one's I'm not sure about though are Lethal and Wild West, where staff have to provide their own jeans, can't recall what the story with the shirts is though. As a side note, Bermuda has a take home uniform. DW still does have some specific uniforms though don't they?

Edited by joz
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  T-bone said:
Hang on here, Dreamworld still does have area specific uniforms. And two area's which remind me of this are Wiggles World & Nick Central.
Correct. But, We're talking about every ride having different uniforms. More like Movie World.
I love the uniforms that they use at Movie World, and it's good to see they even dress up some of the cleaners. It really does just add to the whole atmosphere.
Very true there. It's another one of those little things that adds a lot to the atmosphere to the ride.
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But even then, the specific uniforms arent to the same degree as what WVTP does. For example the Nick uniforms were just a purple cotton shirt with the Nick logo on it. But at SW on Bermuda the Ops wear authentic khaki coast guard uniforms, and over at MW the WWF ops have the whole cowboy outfit going. Its not really comparable.

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  joz said:
The only one's I'm not sure about though are Lethal and Wild West, where staff have to provide their own jeans, can't recall what the story with the shirts is though.
Just on a note there... last time I was at MW I saw the ride operater at the LW and then 30 minutes later I went to WWF and saw the same operator, but wearing the WWF tee
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The ops on LW have dark blue/black t-shirts that say Lethal Weapon on them and they wear it with I think it's black pants or jeans?

  Gazza said:
For example the Nick uniforms were just a purple cotton shirt with the Nick logo on it.
Not to nick pick or anything but the Nick shirts are actually orange and the logo is usually orange with white but some have a purple logo. I've never seen anyone in NC with a purple shirt and orange logo because that's not nickelodeon's colours and DW have the image to represent.
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