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I think this thread should be deleted and the offending forum member given a first and final warning.
Problem is....we don't know who filmed the video. We don't even know if he or she is a member of the forums. And if you were trying to imply that it was me well then sorry mate, you were wrong :)
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Problem is....we don't know who filmed the video. We don't even know if he or she is a member of the forums. And if you were trying to imply that it was me well then sorry mate, you were wrong :)
And as for the person who filmed it, well the name of the video is Montanha Russa do Superman which is Portugese (And the profile of the filmer says he is from Brazil) so it isnt someone from here.
So yeah, everyone can stop spazzing because the person who filmed it lives thousands of kilometers away and would probably have never seen this site.
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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

im not sure if the person filming had thought about it alot but the reason those staff members are so harsh to those carryin loose objects is cause they dnt seem to care about the safety of others watchin out side or fellow riders not to mention the multi-million $$ ride. any loose item being lauched at 100km/hr is a death waiting to happen. even item such as a $1 coin being lauched at 100km/hr is enuf to kill sumone so all i have to say to this person is IDIOT

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The debate about taking cameras on rides has gone on for ages. I think the chances of it hitting somebody on SE are pretty low to be honest since half the ride is in a fenced off area, and the section in the guest area is a G force turn, so items would actually be forced back into a train rather than flying out and hitting somebody. I think its funny that on California screamin you are able to take loose items on with you, yet at MW they come down on you like a ton of bricks, even though both rides are fairly similar in their features. Richo has said this in the past, but the harshness of the MW loose item policy is part saftey, part guest convenience and part revenue raising, and I am inclined to agree.

ven item such as a $1 coin being lauched at 100km/hr is enuf to kill sumone
Mytbusters did actually test the concept of being hit by coins and it turns out that coins travelling at terminal velocity (that's faster than the speed you stated anyway) cant even break the skin. While Mytbusters can be a bit dubious they did do this one pretty convincingly so I dont believe for a second what you are saying I dont think that items falling out of rides actually have the potential to become these 'projectiles' people say anyway. If it did manage to slip out of your pocket, it would have to work its way past the saftey bar, and then after that it would most likely drop into the footwell. Thats a lot of things it would have to bang into, at any rate its not going to be able to come out cleanly at 100km/h, thats just nutty. On a side note, at SFMM I rode all the coasters with all my stuff in my pockets (even X), didn't even come close to falling out. Edited by Gazza
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I must admit that I once found a 5 cent coin in my pocket when I was lining up for another re-ride. I didn't know it was there. And yes, I did hire a locker and all my stuff was there. But it just goes to show that it doesn't really do much. People think it's going to fall out of your pocket, but those seats and the lapbars do stop anything from falling off on the launch. But I think cameras or anything should still be put in a locker. It doesn't hurt to be too safe :)

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^Well that's right.

The debate about taking cameras on rides has gone on for ages. I think the chances of it hitting somebody on SE are pretty low to be honest since half the ride is in a fenced off area, and the section in the guest area is a G force turn, so items would actually be forced back into a train rather than flying out and hitting somebody.
"Pretty low". Yep that is correct. Let us just explore that idea for a second. How many times did the drop ride in the US successfully take a gondela to the top? And of that how many, how many times did it snap? Just once. Now that would make the chances of an incident like that occuring 1 out of every [insert large number here] or as you would describe it... "pretty low". Now let's get this straight, this particular incident was a freak accident, yeah. However, what I am trying to say is, is that if on one occasion a camera could unfortunately hit someone - fatal or otherwise. All it takes is just one incident, and the ride, Movieworld and everything associated would aboslutely cop it. Why would you put yourself in the situation that something could occur... even if the likelihood is "pretty low" when you could simply just take the precautionary measures they take? And as for the idea of the items 'falling out'... who is to say you don't get a little sneak that just happens to take something out of their pocket?
Mytbusters did actually test the concept of being hit by coins and it turns out that coins travelling at terminal velocity (that's faster than the speed you stated anyway) cant even break the skin. While Mytbusters can be a bit dubious they did do this one pretty convincingly so I dont believe for a second what you are saying I dont think that items falling out of rides actually have the potential to become these 'projectiles' people say anyway.
I'm sorry, but weren't Mythbusters the same mob who proved that a cable at speed couldn't sever a limb? Yeah, it may not pierce the skin, but I can honestly say I wouldn't like to be standing somewhere around the track of Superman Escape, minding my own business and have a coin thrown at me, let alone rocketed at me.
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  • 3 months later...
I filmed SDSC with a video camera. Even though i knew there was a camera inside it still didn't put me off.
Yeah,but you risked being booted by doing it,its up to the operator,if they see you,and secondly if they care...there are cameras in there,all the way,plus high zone staff..guess you were lucky.
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It is still unsafe, On the disco part some parts of the tracks are underneath each other and if objects fell out of a train when there are people underneath it could injur them, and also movieworld do not want to be reliable if your property fall out because there is a bigger risk of it falling out if your holding an object through turns and unexpected drops. The idea of no photography or video cameras is not that hard to follow, unless you have a huge night vision video camera with a torch on it, you wont beable to see the ride anyway

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And people dont usually hold there bags up in front of their face onehanded....Just as they dont take footage with their camera from down in the footwell...if u follow.

Mytbusters did actually test the concept of being hit by coins and it turns out that coins travelling at terminal velocity (that's faster than the speed you stated anyway) cant even break the skin. While Mytbusters can be a bit dubious they did do this one pretty convincingly so I dont believe for a second what you are sayingI dont think that items falling out of rides actually have the potential to become these 'projectiles' people say anyway. If it did manage to slip out of your pocket, it would have to work its way past the saftey bar, and then after that it would most likely drop into the footwell. Thats a lot of things it would have to bang into, at any rate its not going to be able to come out cleanly at 100km/h, thats just nutty.On a side note, at SFMM I rode all the coasters with all my stuff in my pockets (even X), didn't even come close to falling out.
Really dont take this the wrong way ,im not being rude but.... 1.If you had the option of either a coin hitting you in the face or even eye at 50 Kph,or not hitting you which would you take?..and...do you have kids?How would you react if it was a child of yours receiving it? 2."Projectile"..whatever speed the coaster is doing,the loose item is doing (within reason),coasters move fast,hence the item moves fast,so usually it would be a projectile. 3.Safety bars are not nets,they are not designed to trap loose items..and they usually wont trap loose items. 4.Not all coasters have footwells..if it drops,its gone.. Not to mention the fact that rubbish like this can end up being jammed in brakes,track liners,hit people,jam wheels..ive seen a car stopped by a pidgeon..Ive seen a $2 coin put a hole in a tin wall..KingDaKa had 60m of UHMW launch liners ripped out because someone dropped car keys into the launch channel...thats enough for me. Edited by japa
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I couldn't disagree more. Duty of care at all times, with respects to the operation of any ride, is 100% in the hands of those charged with operating the ride. It doesn't matter where; it is the responsibility of the park and its employees to ensure that a given ride is operated in a safe manner. If a ride's policy is that loose items are taken on with the rider, I see no logical or justifiable reason that they can't film the ride for their own personal use. If they've got no bag, then that camera will be in my hand; and tell me what is more likely to fly out of someone's hand and cause damage: a camera that the rider is consciously thinking about and trying to keep steady, or one that is in their hand but that they're not thinking at all about? I'd never for a second advocate avoiding rules and sneaking on cameras etc.; let's make it absolutely clear that what we're talking about here is rides where loose items can be taken on board. This whole topic of discussion has been dealt with in great detail here over the years, and I've not changed my opinion. From the rider's perspective, all they should do is respect the posted rules for each ride and nothing more. In the five years that this site has operated, no one has once given any sensible reason as to why cameras etc. can't be taken -- and used -- on a ride with no lose items policy. Coins getting stuck in brakes is up there with bolts coming loose on coaster wheels or restraints snapping in half. While we're at it, let's all crawl into bomb shelters and wait for a meteor to come and end humanity.

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Duty of care at all times, with respects to the operation of any ride, is 100% in the hands of those charged with operating the ride. It doesn't matter where; it is the responsibility of the park and its employees to ensure that a given ride is operated in a safe manner.
Wouldnt that be like you getting pulled over for speeding and the cop getting in trouble...Youre made aware of the rules,public need to do their part as much as operations,if not,then its negligence.
If a ride's policy is that loose items are taken on with the rider, I see no logical or justifiable reason that they can't film the ride for their own personal use.
Do it once and set a precedence,then every ones doing it,increase the numbers,you increase the chance of them being dropped..not every one may be as dextrous as you,for a film crew to legally ride and tape,it requires about half a roll of gaffa tape on his hand,so feel free to try and argue that one out with guest services,i still doubt theyd allow for it.
Coins getting stuck in brakes is up there with bolts coming loose on coaster wheels or restraints snapping in half. While we're at it, let's all crawl into bomb shelters and wait for a meteor to come and end humanity.
Thats a touch glib,coins getting stuck in brakes,your'e right,thats not too much of an issue,and probably not even all that likely,but remotely possible,then i suppose you have to look at the possible outcome if it did get stuck,then the risk creteated to the public,then finnally is it worth the risk....the whole lose money thing is more so a debris to harm bystanders issue.though...A coin in a launch track where a floating catchcar is shimmed to 0.2 of a mm..now thats an issue,especially when the coin is around 10 times the smallest tolerance..where is the coin going to go?Again,remote possibilitties.Again,worth the risk?Im sure people take coins on rides every day,and you hear few stories of bad nature,but rules are implemented usually in the best interest of every party,and ever so conciously toward the public...as i said,KingDaKa lost 8 weeks of operation and 60m of launch becuase of a set of keys...
I'd never for a second advocate avoiding rules and sneaking on cameras etc.; let's make it absolutely clear that what we're talking about here is rides where loose items can be taken on board.
I do see your point regarding this issue...bit of a policy contradiction,Exactly what rides operate this way? Edited by japa
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Wouldnt that be like you getting pulled over for speeding and the cop getting in trouble...Youre made aware of the rules,public need to do their part as much as operations,if not,then its negligence.
No, I'm saying go the speed limit (i.e. follow the rules). You're basically saying we should go that extra step and do 80 in a 100 zone, just to be extra safe.
as i said,KingDaKa lost 8 weeks of operation and 60m of launch becuase of a set of keys...
Recheck your facts; the June 6, 2005 issue with Kingda Ka was caused by bolts holding the cable trough coming lose. It occured during a test run with no passengers and the reason it took two months to come back into operation was that Intamin had to fix what was a design flaw.
I do see your point regarding this issue...bit of a policy contradiction,Exactly what rides operate this way?
It's not a policy contradiction at all. For one every single ride at Movie World bar Superman Escape and Lethal Weapon operates in this manner. The majority of rides on a worldwide scale that I've experienced do not have any such lose items policies. As a prime example Disney's California Adventure have no problems with people taking cameras on California Screamin'. I'm saying here that if a ride is one where lose items are taken on, the rider should be well within their right to press record on the camera they're holding in their hand anyway. For the record, I don't record videos or take photos on rides and the only time I ever have in the past few years is under the direct supervision of operations staff.
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No, I'm saying go the speed limit (i.e. follow the rules). You're basically saying we should go that extra step and do 80 in a 100 zone, just to be extra safe.
I Think you may have missed what i meant.if theres a rule,follow it,thats all i meant.
Recheck your facts; the June 6, 2005 issue with Kingda Ka was caused by bolts holding the cable trough coming lose. It occured during a test run with no passengers and the reason it took two months to come back into operation was that Intamin had to fix what was a design flaw..
Fair enough,i havent researched released media on it,if thats what the fact say i wont argue with that,i just heard different,Ive worked with the Engineers from Intamin,for months,and thats what i heard,i may have confused the location,It may have been a different Intamin Accelerator,but it occured..there was alot of downtime...whats released public and what occurs can sometimes be different things altogether,im not calling them liars either,its just what ive learnt along the way...there is another variation ive heard too,but i wont go into it because im probably not obliged to say anything or speculate on their behalf anything that would make the company look negligent,or the maintenance division concerned with the ride.I never heard anyhting about this..."caused by bolts holding the cable trough coming lose"..the cable is clamped at one end..and bolted to a winch at the other,but im not saying thats not what happened.
It's not a policy contradiction at all. For one every single ride at Movie World bar Superman Escape and Lethal Weapon operates in this manner.
It kind of is if they allow it for some coasters and not other,depending on the specifics...so youre saying every ride at MW you can take on loose items apart from SE and LW?
I'm saying here that if a ride is one where lose items are taken on, the rider should be well within their right to press record on the camera they're holding in their hand anyway.
I see your point there in full.It should be all or nothing.to be fair. Edited by japa
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Haha I reignited the debate.

1.If you had the option of either a coin hitting you in the face or even eye at 50 Kph,or not hitting you which would you take?..and...do you have kids?How would you react if it was a child of yours receiving it?
The point I was making was that it wont kill or hurt you if it did hit you as people were falsely stating, obviously yes I'd rather not be hit by anything.
3.Safety bars are not nets,they are not designed to trap loose items..and they usually wont trap loose items.
But on rides the bar staples you down, with the main bit of the harness often being right in your lap (above where your pocket openings are) it has the effect of sealing or pressing stuff into your pockets if you get what I mean
4.Not all coasters have footwells..if it drops,its gone..
Ok look we have LW and Reptar at DW. Its not like we have any floorless coasters or flying coasters or whatever.
It kind of is if they allow it for some coasters and not other,depending on the specifics...so youre saying every ride at MW you can take on loose items apart from SE and LW?
....And batwing. From memory I think it was like that. Wild West Falls and Looney Tunes River Ride make you take your bags etc with you. Scooby Doo makes you take your items with you (As there are no lockers for this ride, nor any storage boxes) I imagine with the kids rides you would just sit your bag or whatever in the footwell. Shrek 3D has you take your things with you, and so does Batman Adventure.
he majority of rides on a worldwide scale that I've experienced do not have any such lose items policies. As a prime example Disney's California Adventure have no problems with people taking cameras on California Screamin'. I'm saying here that if a ride is one where lose items are taken on, the rider should be well within their right to press record on the camera they're holding in their hand anyway.
Excellent point, California Screamin...a ride that has a loop de loop actually has riders taking their bags with them (and for other loose items, there are elastic storage things like on the back of car seats in the actual carriages. If the worlds most famous and successful theme park operator is willing to let people do this and sees it as safe (and remember this is in sue crazy America) then why cant other theme parks be like this? I also agree with Richo on the camera thing. If you have a camera then clearly most cant fit in your pocket (I have a little compact one and even that barely fits) Now if you have a camera, you could either keep it in your hand, or have it sliding around on the floor (where it could be damaged, or worse still, fly out the side of the car) So having it in your hand is safer. If it's in your hand, why would it make a difference whether or not it is recording? People seem to have this misconception that people would be careless with their cameras on rides, but this makes no sense, would you hold something that's worth hundreds of dollars loosely in one hand? Of course not, you would be gripping it properly and have the strap looped around your wrist, where is the danger in that? Id also like to make a point, If Movie World were truly serious about safety then why do they charge for the lockers at Superman Escape? Clearly this ride has higher risks with loose items than your average ride, so don't you think its a bit rich to make people pay just to avoid breaking the safety rules? If people are being forced to pay then clearly some are going to try to avoid using them so they dont have to pay out (especially if they are riding several times throughout the day and the cost adds up) Universal Studios gets it right in this area, at the entrance of the ride they have staff directing people to free 2hr fingerprint operated locker, so that way people have no reason not to store their stuff, and safety is ensured. It worked well there, I dont see any reason not to do it at MW, especially since MW have full ownership of the lockers. Lets face it, these people are having a day out, and probably aren't using all their brain cells, you should be making it as easy as possible for people to keep themselves and others safe. Edited by Gazza
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From memory I think it was like that. Wild West Falls and Looney Tunes River Ride make you take your bags etc with you. Scooby Doo makes you take your items with you (As there are no lockers for this ride, nor any storage boxes) I imagine with the kids rides you would just sit your bag or whatever in the footwell. Shrek 3D has you take your things with you, and so does Batman Adventure.
Understandably,kids ride and the such arent really high speed looping coasters.Therefore it changes things a bit.
Id also like to make a point, If Movie World were truly serious about safety then why do they charge for the lockers at Superman Escape? Clearly this ride has higher risks with loose items than your average ride, so don't you think its a bit rich to make people pay just to avoid breaking the safety rules?
Yep,youre right,its a stupid idea,especially considering the entry price nowadays..
especially since MW have full ownership of the lockers.
I actually think they are serviced and owned seperately (99% sure on that)..but nonethe less,MW would be allowing the company in on lease terms,which is still money in their pocket i guess.
From memory I think it was like that. Wild West Falls and Looney Tunes River Ride make you take your bags etc with you. Scooby Doo makes you take your items with you (As there are no lockers for this ride, nor any storage boxes) I imagine with the kids rides you would just sit your bag or whatever in the footwell. Shrek 3D has you take your things with you, and so does Batman Adventure.
Understandably,kids ride and the such arent really high speed looping coasters.Therefore it changes things a bit.
Id also like to make a point, If Movie World were truly serious about safety then why do they charge for the lockers at Superman Escape? Clearly this ride has higher risks with loose items than your average ride, so don't you think its a bit rich to make people pay just to avoid breaking the safety rules?
Yep,youre right,its a stupid idea,especially considering the entry price nowadays..
especially since MW have full ownership of the lockers.
I actually think they are serviced and owned seperately (99% sure on that)..but nonethe less,MW would be allowing the company in on lease terms,which is still money in their pocket i guess.
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