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Mine Ride


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Thats what I was thinking too Swanny, I dunno. I still want to know what is going on near the big brother house and why there is so much machinary in the open plot they bulldozed down. Honestly, I hope that the mine ride isnt closed down, but last time I went on it (october) there seemed to be heaps of missing scenery (the themes) and the ride didnt seem to go as long, was I just imagining it?

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Mickey the themeing hasn't been working for ages. I went there 2 years ago in September and it wasn't even working then. From what i can remember, the themeing consisted of a man inside a cage (i think it was a type of machinery). The man said something short like: "Look out... Look out, she's gona blow!!". You then go around a corner and you are heading towards working machinery. You then take a sharp right into a dark cave were they had strobe affects and a rumbling noise to simulate that the mine was collapsing.It was nothing special but it really did add the atmosphere to the ride. Just a thought: Remember everyone saying that in April 07 DW will be installing a new rollercoaster. People have also said that it could be a mine-train coaster. Mabey, Dreamworld are installing the suspected mine-train coaster into the existing area of Eureka Mountain? I really hope this does not happen, the mine ride was the first proper coaster I went on when i was 8-9 years old. This was when roadrunner wasn't built yet. PLEASE DW, DON'T TAKE AWAY THE MINE RIDE!!!! What do you guys think? CoasterBoy6

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I'm a massive fan of themed rides - I sure could go for another multi-million dollar mine ride. Like something completely better than Eureka! :D An 'E-Ticket' type indoor ride that could add to their Big 5 thrill rides. (Don't mind me, I'm getting carried away. :D) BIG SIX THRILL FIX! ;)

Edited by D.C.
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Let's not forget that this wasn't a scheduled closure; an unexpected safety-related failure caused the ride to close. Any refurbishment or upgrade to the ride's system would not be budgeted for nor planned in advance. I would love Dreamworld to construct a major indoor coaster that competes with Scooby-Doo. There's just something about that genre of theming—the spooky unknown—that makes this type of ride so appealing to the public. A ride like Universal's Revenge of the Mummy would be the best thing ever for Dreamworld. The majority of Dreamworld's current rides have a very large visual impact, which does add to the excitement and buzz associated with the ride. I think it's safe to say that indoor rides also generate just as much, if not more excitement and buzz from the degree of unknown and suspense.

Edited by Adam
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Yeah, I love Scooby. I have also ridden Revenge of the Mummy and it was an awesome coaster. Indoor coasters are a completely different experience to outdoor's and this is probably why they have such an impact. I think they should fill in the disgusting man made river and build a new "world" as someone suggested.

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That area of bushland leading up to the Big Brother House could be partially used, hey? Not too much so there's less of a security concern when a series is running but put down a woodie and either a new junior coaster perhaps akin to Island of Adventure's Flying Unicorn or a new runaway train ride more akin to the Disney one than what Eureka offers. Or something akin to Expedition Everest... 'Blue Mountain Trek' or something themed around the Three Sisters maybe. Or the Snowy Mountains. Would keep in with Aussie theme and go well with the proximity to the Australian Wildlife Experience.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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  Adam said:
Let's not forget that this wasn't a scheduled closure; an unexpected safety-related failure caused the ride to close. Any refurbishment or upgrade to the ride's system would not be budgeted for nor planned in advance. I would love Dreamworld to construct a major indoor coaster that competes with Scooby-Doo. There's just something about that genre of theming—the spooky unknown—that makes this type of ride so appealing to the public. A ride like Universal's Revenge of the Mummy would be the best thing ever for Dreamworld. The majority of Dreamworld's current rides have a very large visual impact, which does add to the excitement and buzz associated with the ride. I think it's safe to say that indoor rides also generate just as much, if not more excitement and buzz from the degree of unknown and suspense.
Maybe it was something they couldn't be bothered (or couldn't) repair and had to close it completely. A mine ride would be awsome. I can just imagine it....dim-lighted mine shafts - with the feeling your 100's of metres below the surface. Vertical drops downwards..... Nice :D
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  dreamworld_rulz said:
When was the last time you rode it? I love the Mine Ride. I go on it every time i visit DW. I'm going to miss it. :(
The last time i went was around june of this year, it was really painful... as was wipeout, that thing was bad. i really like wild mouse coasters, i think they should still have this ride but maybe get a new one or something but i doubt that they would do that because then they couldnt really market it as a new ride.
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Time to add to this thread... Every time I went on the mine ride, the only problem I found was at the bottom of the lift hill, the jar that is felt when you start to climb the hill. My only thoughts about why the park may have closed a great head chopping coaster are the jarring at the bottom of the lift, or something to do with the restraints not holding ppls arms down and someone got hurt on the ride. If either of these happened the park would have to close the ride until investigations were performed and any faults would have to be fixed. Now taking into account that the Chair Lift has been closed, and now with the mine ride shut, could the park be just preparing for a "new" area of the park to be created? We know the rumors are flying around about a new coaster for next year and that we will be blown away by what it is, so maybe the park is planning to put the ride within the Gold Rush area? What ever the outcome, with DW spending up big on the kiddie areas and now the new water park, would it be too much to think that this is the year for new thrill attractions and the closures we are seeing is just part of that.....just a thought for you all on X-mas Eve.

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I'm alittle sad to see this go. This was Australia's first indoor ride. Also, I will be very disappointed if they don't replace this ride, like they didn't with ThunderBolt. However, at the same time I'm glad it's gone. With today's modern technology Dreamworld could produce a better ride, with alot better theming. Think about it, Sky's the limits these days with theming options, ride options etc. Dreamworld really needs to use this to they're advantage like Disney Land does! I'd love to see something go back here. It would be hard to place another ride back here. But, it will also leave a big hole in the park during peak periods. If something was to go back here, they should expand the 'fake' mountain and make it bigger. Even make it circlate Gold Rush?

  Adam said:
Dreamworld has actually become quite a a very desolate and run down place.
Adam, I really agree with you here. When I visited Dreamworld during Indy time (October 20th-30th). I encounted 3 ride failures. First one on The Claw, the restraints wouldn't open. Second one on Tower Of Terror, they shut the ride down for 2hrs, no reason? Third one on Rocky Hollow Log Flume, the convey belt stopped working. :angry:
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the log ride might be old, but its good to stay with a classic style of ride gives the park some herritage, but it is not decrepit or unsafe. Recently underwent a massive refit and reconstruction. and you get drenched and when its hot that is a good thing :)

  Adam said:
The log ride is:
  • old,
  • decrepit,
  • poorly themed,
  • poorly maintained,
  • uncomfortable
  • tacky,
  • uninteresting,
  • unthrilling,
  • riddled with spiders (the most horrible creatures on Earth, no doubt from the darkest depths of hell), and
  • designed to handle only a low number of riders (i.e. poor capacity).

What's right with the log ride?

The lake reservoir is used to they can drain water rides for maintence over night. the water is stored there
  stardust said:
Isn't that lake used for their water conservation?
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Gazza: No, don't say Mystery Mine with a family focus. Dreamworld needs a new top-notch pure thrill ride that isn't a flat (much as I enjoy a good carnival-style one). We have a world for the Wiggles. Let's call this Mystery Mine-type attraction 'Blue Sky Mine' and theme it around Midnight Oil :P Peter Garrett lookalikes with gleaming shaved heads could strut around singing the song as Aboriginal cast members blow their didgeridoos or something ;)

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Im more leaning towards a new family ride because if Eureka goes then that is one less family ride and hence one more they need to replace. DW has a lot of childrens rides (All of Nick Central, Big Red Car etc) but none of these are much fun for adults. Thunder River, the log Ride and Eurkea are the only rides DW has that really appeal to everyone, they are still fun for the thrillseekers but not too intense for everyone else. I think it is THIS area where DW is lacking the most, not thrill rides. And with the water usage for Thunder River, it is probably topped up with filtered water from the murrisippi, however that big body of water in Gold Rush is just the night storage for the rides water, once the pumps are turned off all the water just gathers there since it is at the lowest point on the course, hope that helps stardust.

Edited by Gazza
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  Adam said:
Dreamworld doesn't need a new thrill ride. They have five thrill rides. They're in need of a decent large budget family ride.
I do agree with you Adam. Even though Dreamworld could really do with a new thrill ride, they currently have 5. They need another family ride, they could tackle this with installing a new ride here, something that could give Scooby Doo a run for it's money? ;) Dreamworld has currently got rides for; - Thrill Seekers (Giant Drop, Tower Of Terror, The Claw, Wipeout & Cyclone). - Little kids (Wiggles World). - Kids/Teenagers (Nick Central). While Dreamworld do have rides like Reef Diver, Log Ride, Model T-Lane Cars, Thunder River Rapids, String Ray, Vortex. These 'family' rides, I feel are old and crap. Dreamworld needs to install a new 'family' ride that will thrill you, but is for everything. Something like Scooby Doo. Also, while talking about this. I'd like to see some day a 'family' themed land. I'm not sure how they'd do this. But I've always thought opening up the island that the Murrissipi River circlates and placing rides there (rides like a big ferris wheel, big chairswing, a family rollercoaster ect). Maybe even theming the 'island' to an 'Americana' theme to suit the Murrissipi River and have the Captain Sturt Paddle Wheeler boat take you to the island.
Water used in the Log Ride and Thunder River Rapids is recycled water pumped from the Murrissipi River, a man made lake within the park used to capture storm water. From http://www.goldcoast.qld.gov.au/attachment..._Dreamworld.pdf So where is the man made lake :S
I think they are talking about the Murrissipi River, or the little lake that is in Gold Rush country?
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Don't misread me. In my previous post, I clearly stated they need a family ride just as much... and you know, they could do a ride which sits in that middle ground. Okay so to the general public, the Cyclone could be rated a thrill ride but having spoken to numerous people during DW visits, it seems people in a variety of age groups are over it. And to many people, the queue times would put them off particularly in the midst of an Australian summer. Wipeout & The Claw are excellent inclusions in the lineup but you can't do them all day. A single addition to the thrills department that is really cutting-edge and an Australian first would make DW much stronger. It could still be something many families could enjoy but c'mon Dreamworld, let's not keep world/Australia firsts to Whitewater World or providing new thrills to Movieworld. A dual addition to the park would be an excellent investment by Dreamworld: a really fantastic family ride & an equally worthy thrill ride.

Edited by Tony Teulan
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I think a good family ride would be some sort of water coaster - something like the Jurrasic Park Ride at USH. Water is particularly a plus for Dreamworld as their peak periods are the summer holidays and guests love to get wet. Now they will need a place to put this. It would be partly indoor as well as outdoor. I think they should use the old Blue Lagoon area and theme it to an abandonned mine town - like WWF but something a bit less cowboy.

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