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Mick Doohan Motocoaster construction discussion


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^ Cyclone v2.00.... I vote for light blue supports. No no, wait, it isn't actually a new ride, they just decided to add a second train to cyclone finally, and that's the transfer track. Welcome aboard by the way, thanks for the pics, do you have any more of say the work going on around at WWW?

Edited by Gazza
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Cyclone v2.00.... I vote for light blue supports.
^LOL ROFL!!! Yer, I think light blue will do the trick! Yay, we have finally got track on-site (thanks shamona! Oh, and welcome to the R-C.com.au message boards). It's only a matter of time before we start to see more than just the brack and launch tracks. Oh, and did you take any pics of the new WWW slide? It will be interesting to see what WWW comes up with to go up against W'n'W's coaster and new slides! Thanks for the pic!! CoAsTeRbOy8 Just to add to my post!: It's the time of the year again where the parks are just bombarding us with new rides and slides, I always love the middle part of the year! :D Edited by Coaster Boy 8
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ERGH. I was playing RCT3 today and I made a little section that would be like the TOT/Island and made a Booster Bike on it. I couldn't come up with colours though -.- Maybe we'll see black supports ... Nice picture. I want to know more info on Whitewater World ;D Emailing now.

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Hey guys, went to dreamworld today but only for a couple of hours cause i wanted to park hop between movieworld and dreamworld both were quite busy, although i'd say dreamworld may have been slightly busier. Anyway unfortunately due to technical issues with my camera i didn't get any unblurry shots of track parts or grey pieces. But there about 8 pieces of bright yellow track stacked up next to the tower of terror onsite. With them were straight pieces of steel Painted verydark grey/black. They were only about 1.5metres long at most so i somewhat doubt they'd be supports they were also relatively narrow. I did take some photos but due to user error (i stuffed up) i ended up with bluury photos. Sorry guys, in my defence it was a pretty rushed day. anyway there were about 8 segements of track looked like some of the station track perhaps some of the lauch track... Not really sure. I'll post a blurry photo later so you guys can at least know the colours. On a note although Tower of terror is still operating, I found out that they have been having issues over the last few months of the shuttle coming back too fast and unable to ebrake and travel too far back. Although its not dangerous it does mean that they haven't been able to reset or winch back to launch position. It seemed to be troubling them. They OP did say they have people working on figuring out why this is happening I'm sure they have their engineering on to it. It's just annoying because it can take several hours for the TOT to be operational again instead of less than 10 minutes for a reset and winch.

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Here. Along with these pieces, there are many pieces of track sitting on the far left of Whitewater World. A ride op was also talking about the new rollercoaster at Dreamworld and he said that it's more based on turns than height and inversions. :D There's not much else to take photos of really... As for WWW, there isn't much to take photos of at the moment. It's just a lot of dirt on 2 levels, I think the bottom level is where the pool will go. I'm hoping for a dark mammoth, there's certainly enough room where they are constructing. It is directly north of Huey.


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It would appear those track segments are just for the station and brakes since you can see the mountings for friction wheels, and remember if they were launch segments they would be the "box" type track with a smaller track in the middle for the catch car to travel along. And the black things would have to be supports, the reason they are so small is again because they would just be for in the station and on the brakes, which have no major dynamic forces on them and are low to the ground. Were the track segments over near WWW any more interesting? like turns and so forth. As for the colour scheme, in a way it matches the GD. Though I think we can kiss goodbye any sort of integration with the bushland in this part of DW....Rivertown is dead. As for what myk has said about the layout, I guess this is what I was expecting considering its more family oriented, it sounds like a similar idea to what they have done with Furius Baco, it's all high speed turns close to the ground. It also makes more sense because its motorbike themed. Now, just a little idea that popped into my head, it has been mentioned that the motorbikes will feature a sidecar. Is it possible that the sidecar could dangle off the side of the track in a similar manner to the seats on Furius Baco?

Edited by Gazza
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Yeah, well that was the understanding I got from the ride op Gazza. I don't know about the hang over the edges idea, but it would certainly add to the ride. The ride op also said that it was definately a motorbike coaster, he didn't mention anything about sidecars though. Where did this idea come from anyway? I am guessing that the coaster will be close to the ground just from the pictures of the footings/footers. They aren't very big at all, so they won't support a great height. Doesn't really matter, they do have "5 Thrill Rides". Don't know about big though, lol. I was so scared ToT wasn't going to stop yesterday, it hit the breaks really quickly in the station.

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Is it possible that the sidecar could dangle off the side of the track in a similar manner to the seats on Furius Baco?
Yeah... What I think would be cool, is if it had one or two bikes mounted on the top of the track, and a sidecar on each side, making three or four across... :D Would probably look weird but might help capacity and a new concept would be cool, even though this sorta already is.
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That's actually good thinking there WnW_Rocks, I can imagine having 2 mirror image bikes so there would be 4 people in each row. The trains would probably be a bit heavy, but it could give a different experience depending on where you sit; straddling a motorbike in the middle in a belly down position, or sitting in a sidecar hanging off the side. I might have made us go a bit off topic though, I was just considering the possibilities.

  myk said:
Where did this idea come from anyway?
Intamin's version will follow suit, but instead is reported to feature a motorcycle and sidecar seating orientation, allowing smaller guests to ride in the sidecar.
Edited by Gazza
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Yes well, I've been told off before about it. I don't care what it's called.. call it a concrete block if you wish. It doesn't matter. Gazza - Yes I was aware of this article, but is the information about the sidecar from the CEO or elsewhere?

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That particular piece of information comes from a conversation I had with a source in Europe. The European amusement industry is quite different to here in that information is quite freely available and manufacturers such as Intamin will often talk openly about what is coming up for them. The sidecar information has never been officially confirmed and has never been reported as such. As I'm sure most people here know, we don't, nor have we ever, sourced news articles from within theme parks (i.e. from employees) unless it is released as part of the park's official documentation or comes directly from management. If you read something here, it's either: a) confirmed via official communication (i.e. press releases) B) confirmed via external sources (e.g. local council development approval), or c) confirmed via visual means (i.e. we have photos to verify it). I've gone a bit further than answering your direct question, myk, but I think it's important to stress these points in case others think otherwise.

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Yes, I completely see what you're saying. The last thing you would want to do is jeapordise anyones place inside the company. I think it's great that you are going to such lengths to bring us the information we want. It's pretty interesting to see that Europe does not care about secrecy as much. I guess it's because there is a lot more to keep secret and a lot more people to spill the beans - it's likely not to matter as much. I really don't see why our parks can't make a bigger lead up to their ride openings. I think it would lead to much more success. Maverick is an accurate example where they revealed the ride even before construction had started, and it turned out to be a complete success in the park.

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AARG, you all beat me to the photo's. I don't think this has been mentioned yet, but the Vintage Cars have re-opened in Australian Wildlife Experience (not yet on the map). Looks good, clean, fresh, new, and shady. It is a shame though, the main station is just a basic Car Port now.

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Hmm, interesting how Intamin are doing their supports differently now, using square I beams rather than the tubes like on SE. And with those bent supports you are talking about, I had thought what they were doing was having a track running underneath since at the GD end you can see smaller supports closer to the ground. But really, I have no idea what they are going to do with this one.

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