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Mick Doohan Motocoaster construction discussion


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The issue with the restraints is really just that you have hard plastic pressing down on the thighs. The actual angle etc. of the legs is quite natural and comfortable, but they are then clamped down with a hard plastic restraint, making for a somewhat uncomfortable riding position. It doesn't belong in a "top 6" list any more than a coaster like Runaway Reptar Rollercoaster. It's a family ride start to finish containing very few elements that will be appealing to the teen "thrill seeking" audience. I think it's a great addition for Dreamworld in terms of bridging the growing gap between children's attractions and major thrill rides, but it misses the mark completely as a thrill ride itself. The thing that most confuses me is the $10 million price tag on the ride. That's really up in a price range that's normally associated with blockbuster thrill rides. I feel associating it with other pure thrill rides might serve to dilute their image as a park with quality thrill rides, as they're using what is currently a strong brand (Dreamworld's association with thrills) as leverage in promoting the Motocoaster, which may serve to disillusion the thrill-seeker market segment. One thing that has struck me is that mainstream media seems to have taken this exact same view to some extent; it's not just jaded coaster enthusiasts who feel the ride is underwhelming as a thrill ride. I'm definitely of the opinion that people should try rides before forming conclusions, but in this situation it seems that for the most part people are correct - at least in my view - with their sentiments towards the coaster. I don't think there's any sense in beating around the bush. I think most thrill ride fans will be disappointed to a degree by this coaster.

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  Gazza said:
So, with the leg complaints (very common from what I can see) is it just a case of them cramping up because you have them at an angle? Another thing that hasn't come up, is it a smooth ride?
It is smooth. No complaints there. Well, as I said, it could be a personal thing because I am prone to cramping, but prior to the cramps kicking in, I didn't have an issue with the comfort (or lack of).
  dreamworld_rulz said:
I'm just wondering do you think that "this claim" has made peeps on here cheesed off and thinking that "it's crap" "it won't be successful" as it's been advertised as a 'thrill ride"?
Well, I think Dreamworld were stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they came out and said it wasn't worthy of being considered a thrill ride they would have conceded that thrill rides were not high on their agenda at the moment. However, in saying that it is a thrill ride, it has sent the message that the ride is something that it is not. In my opinion, it is not a failure. The ride is very good, and I think at some point many people will talk about this as a very unique attraction and will generate similar good memories for children and families as the likes of Scooby Doo or Eureka. But in the context of developments, if you were working on the premise that this was the attraction we have been waiting for, then this thing is an enourmous fizzer.
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I also rode it today (2nd ride :P ) the launch is cool but the back/spine support hurt my back when it did launch. the ride is very smooth though as you expect of intamin but the overall ride layout design after the first 2 hill's absolutely "suck" its really boring -_- the last hill was :blink: "were going to stall" sort of thing. the station is very budget as with everything else (e.g the Que) they really should have like a smoking tyre effect when it launches or something to make it a bit more exiting and intriguing. 6/10. Zane.

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as it's been advertised as a 'thrill ride"?
Indeed, it has been advertised as a thrill ride: -Obviously for its inclusion in the "Big 6 THRILL rides" (source: http://www.dreamworld.com.au/content/bigfi...Big5ThrillRides ) -The fact that it is being marketed towards thrill seekers in an edgy manner and clearly not families (check out the style of this page: http://www.dreamworld.com.au/content/motoc...ame=MotoCoaster ) -The fact the press release seems to pump it up as a thrill ride more than anything else.
In September 2007, Dreamworld will launch the hottest thrill ride to hit the coast this decade pushing adrenaline junkies to a brand new level.
In other words, better than SE.
This new attraction shows Dreamworld’s commitment to introducing cutting-edge ride technology and new experiences to the Australian market and will complement the park’s existing suite of scream machines including the Giant Drop, Tower of Terror, Cyclone Rollercoaster, Wipeout and The Claw,” he said.
So basically, they are saying its on the same level with these rides
Get ready for hard acceleration as Dreamworld blasts further up the thrill ride ladder with Mick Doohan’s massive Motocoaster this September.
Here they are seeking to affirm that it's a thrill ride.
I'm just wondering do you think that "this claim" has made peeps on here cheesed off and thinking that "it's crap"
Well, it is crap in a way, contrary to what a lot of people might like to think, a ride being new doesn't make it good, it is no longer the late nineties/early naughties where we would have been desperate for anything, now competition is sufficient and standards high enough that we can expect quality. Plus, there are a couple of important claims DW have made that just haven't been met at all:
riders are held in by a unique restraint system that creates an incredible feeling of freedom and exhilaration.
Mick Doohan’s Motocoaster features a fast, fluid track with breath taking changes in elevation, high speed corners and plenty of quick left handers.
The tight, 605 metre track is made up of 18 banks, bends and turns placing emphasis on last- gasp braking and plenty of open throttle.
Remember, the media is going to spread all these claims further.
I'm just wondering do you think that "this claim" has made peeps on here cheesed off and thinking that.....it won't be successful"
It could in a way hurt, obviously word of mouth is important, and ordinary people might come away disappointed (especially rev heads who it is aimed at, who know what true speed is like) given the hype, and therefore tell others it's not worth it. The comfort issue could also scare people off. Also, SE is still fairly young, no matter what people are going to compare with that, SE is still the better of the two, so people would just end up gravitating to MW knowing a better experience is on offer there. I think a big problem (like Supertubes at WWW) is that is rests too strongly on one gimmick, so as a whole the ride experienced suffers. And Richo, you are right about people forming their own opinions, but often I have found that you have thought the same as I have on a lot of rides/parks, I think I can trust your judgement in this case. Hurry up and post a scathing review on the main page ;) Edited by Gazza
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Well, I think the funniest thing is that when people were lining up, that guy at the gate, the one with the wierd teeth was saying that half way through it starts to go really slow. He directed these comments at a small family asking if it was really fast or anything. So obviously, the general vibe is that this is very family friendly. The second thing I find interesting is that the park map gives it a 'moderate' thrill rating. So, just some trivia for ya as well. PS - I was third go... :lol:

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  stardust said:
Omg I rode it today!! I was on the 4th ride of the day, once we got to line up it took 10 minutes, quick as and with only 1 train running but they didn't open it til 10:40 because of problems or something. Good how they have separate lines for sidecares/front/middle seats. It is so exciting though it does hurt your legs. The second half is basically like the rugrats rollercoaster though.
This guys says : We were the first to go on the public opening on sunday at 10:00am. The cornering was awesome and gave you a chance to relax around the fast speeds without falling off. BRAD, 24, QLD :unsure:EDIT : The TV version is now on the site. The ad looks crap. Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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My post to the moto coaster website -

"This roller-coaster combines a lot of advertising overhype, bright colours and a poor riding experience to make it one of the biggest let-downs in "thrill ride" history"
I wonder if they'll use it? Edited by AlexB
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I'm 6'2 and very thick boned (not fat) it was a tight fix but the only part that was very uncomfortable was my feet (size 15 shoe lol) the ride ops don't have a clue how to run the thing, everything looks rushed to be finished, there is still no sound effects for the station launch which they said it would have (apart form the accumulator pumps buzzing right under your feet <_< ) Don't rush to ride this piece of "cr**" its truly a - "family thrill ride where the whole family can also sleep and ride at the same time, its a world first!" :lol: I would rather runaway raptor ride to be serious

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I'm gonna go try it tomorrow, I have a feeling that the ride needs a bit of wearing in, which is why the guide wheels are noisey in the final turn. I'm sure that i'm going to find it pretty average for a a thrill ride, but I probably will enjoy it as a bit of fun. I am certain if the launch was at 90 - 100kmph the experience would be completely different.

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This guys says : We were the first to go on the public opening on sunday at 10:00am. The cornering was awesome and gave you a chance to relax around the fast speeds without falling off. BRAD, 24, QLD EDIT : The TV version is now on the site. The ad looks crap.
It's funny you should mention that because I had a look at the motocoaster comments as well and there were some pretty good reviews....before it even opened :blink: Even some guy supposedly from the UK was rattling on about how thrilling it is. A bit suss if you ask me. Edited by Swanny
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  saberon said:
I have a feeling that the ride needs a bit of wearing in, which is why the guide wheels are noisy in the final turn.
Not going against what your saying could possibly be true, but wouldn't you expect after paying allot for something the last thing you want it to do is make all these noises... in other words, you don't want to pay 20 k for a new car and every time you turn a corner the CV joints rattle or squeak do you?
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  saberon said:
Yes but based on that, new cars also require run in for 1000km before you can operate them at their true performance.
Yeah true but yeah i got nothing else, why are we talking about cars? lol. Mk well thanks for enlightening me and perhaps others Richard. But as you say about this run in period, will this increase the rides overall speed, well basically will it get over the last hill with more ease?
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Just with the wheel thing, i did happen to see surfrider testing before it opened and its wheels were really really sqeauky as well!!! Especially when the ride started and when the ride was slowing down to stop, it was about the same as the motocoaster if not even noiser!!! Even my friend pointed it out!!! But by the time it opened it lost a lot of its sqeakyness, theres was a little bit, but not very much at all!!! I imagine as time goes there will be no sqeakyness at all and I think the same thing will happen with the motocoaster as well!!! P.S - I will going to ride the motocoaster at Dreamworld really soon, so then I will get experience it for myself!!!

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  Churros said:
Stardust, what line did you take - pole position, general or the back? Yeah, the back half gets very tame very quickly. And the worst part is that your legs get drilled and you really can't do anything about it due to the slow completion of the ride. It might be a personal thing but my legs were cramping and I had absolutely no way of stretching them out.
I took the general one I was the 3rd motorbike from the front, on the left :) A few points: -Your legs don't really cramp up you just feel uncomfortable because you can't move them. I sat way too far fowards and I have long legs so it was very tight but not crampy. Not fat btw, my bmi says i'm underweight :P - I think it is a really fun ride, nothing on the thrill of the GD but still fun -I thought they themed it well but they had 1 train not on and the people did look panicky and confused -Churros were you 3rd, I was 4th I would have seen you :o -this guy who said "We were the first to go on the public opening on sunday at 10:00am. The cornering was awesome and gave you a chance to relax around the fast speeds without falling off. BRAD, 24, QLD " might be lying, it opened WAY after 10am ;) Edited by stardust
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