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Steel Taipan Second Spinning Seat


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While at Snowy Nights I noticed both trains on Steel Taipan had the spinning rear seat. During the event it seemed like most of the trains being sent had someone using it but from what I've seen during regular operation its often empty. Anyone else questioning the decision?

I feel like they have to reduce the price if they want to make use of both trains effectively.

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49 minutes ago, Narra said:

While at Snowy Nights I noticed both trains on Steel Taipan had the spinning rear seat.

You sure it wasn't just running the one train? AFAIK Dreamworld's only had one spinning rear seat since the ride opened, and on most days it was being used about as much as DCR's backwards facing seat (which is to say, not a lot). Purchasing a second would help in the situations when the other train is in for maintenance & they want to offer the spinning seat 24/7, but I'm hesitant to think they'd do that so far after opening when the ride hasn't had that much pull to begin with.

Edited by Tricoart
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I was at DW on Sunday.  Both trains running with spinning seats.  I rode a few times throughout the day and never saw a single person in them.  The queue was never more than 15-20 minutes long, even with the second train stacked on the brakes because of the slow operations.

$25 p.p. is too much for an average day.  If the queue isn't long, there's not even a fast-pass benefit to paying.  DW needs an in-park app so they can dynamically push a limited number of 2-for-1, half price or $15 deals to people when there is no demand. Let people know the maximum number of discounted seats available (say 20) and they'll get snapped up quickly.  If they sell out, do the same thing a few hours later.

The trains are cycling anyway, might as well get some money than no money.


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8 minutes ago, wikiverse said:

The trains are cycling anyway, might as well get some money than no money.

Thing is, they've had to purposefully get a second spinning seat for this to happen, connect it to their other train, assumedly use the old rear car for something else, and run commissioning again just for the new spinning seat, so they must be expecting whatever cost gained to be worth the cost/effort sunk into it, and I don't really see why or how they think that with the addon's historically rather low usage. That said, though, I'm still not gonna be convinced 'til someone has photos tbh.

Edited by Tricoart
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its not just a case of bolting on the spinning seat either. The station is configured so that the air gates don't open for the other train so the station PLC has to be entirely reprogrammed. The spinning car also requires charging overnight, which is why they almost always park it in the maintenance bay overnight, so with both trains, this would cause issues for them to keep it charged. 

Pics or it didn't happen.

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I guess I understand your doubt but as wikiverse pointed out with the slow operations the second train stacks on the brake run every time and you can straight up see both trains have the seat, it's not like we're simply confused at what were seeing.

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3 minutes ago, New display name said:

I've seen the pictures Narra took but I don't believe @Narrawants to show you.

My bad I didn't think I needed pictures because what's the point in me lying about it? But I guess we'll see when someone like Ogre checks it out

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On 1/7/2024 at 9:34 AM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

The station is configured so that the air gates don't open for the other train so the station PLC has to be entirely reprogrammed.

Mack roller coasters are usually pretty configurable for that kind of thing right in the touch screen on the panel. Changing the number of operators required is definitely just a toggle switch on the panel, so I imagine locking off an air gate is too.

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I'm really quite surprised, especially in School Holidays, that we've gone from Monday to Friday and not one picture has appeared. I'm confident in the source I confirmed it through, but I'd still love to see it...I would have thought someone would have posted something by now but I suppose Magician is a bit far away for a cheeky midweek stop... ;) 

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