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In October me and my family are travelling to Queensland I am wondering in your opinion which water park should i go to Wet n Wild or White Water World ?? Which one has the better rides ?? Im thinking more White Water World but im curious to hear another persons opinion Thanks :lol::P:lol::P:lol::P

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I went to both but much preferred WhiteWater World (WWW) It's smaller but as Tony mentioned, the rides are quality. The lines are also shorter at the moment, with fewer people attending than WnW. Plus it has one of only two hydrocoasters in the world - and it's a blast to ride. Also, Dreamworld is literally next door if you want some dry thrills.

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  iggy05 said:
I went to both but much preferred WhiteWater World (WWW) It's smaller but as Tony mentioned, the rides are quality. The lines are also shorter at the moment, with fewer people attending than WnW. Plus it has one of only two hydrocoasters in the world - and it's a blast to ride. Also, Dreamworld is literally next door if you want some dry thrills.
I'd say that by October the park will probably be more recognised.
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If you want to spend more time riding then WWW. If you want to spend more time walking then WnW. Personally i prefer WWW because it's so much smaller. Just a warning though, October can be busy especially on either side of the Indy. My sister and i went 2 weeks before the Indy and all the parks were packed (Didn't go to SW)

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You know, I dont think the distinction between both parks is as clear cut as people make it out to be, and I think it stems from the fact that a lot of the members here have been to WnW many times before, have sort of grown tired of it, and now WWW is open have jumped on the bandwagon simply because its new and has some innovative rides. There is no doubt both of them are great parks, and if you are on the GC you should try to visit both if you can, but if you can only go to one consider everything. I mean, on the surface for example it might appear that WWW is better for families, since it has Wiggle Bay and Nick Pipeline plunge compared to WnWs Bucaneer bay, but you need to remember WnW has mammoth falls, calypso beach (which has that lagoon area), whirlpool and whitewater mountain which are also very family friendly, and not boring for adults. I'd even be inclined to say the large number of two person raft slides are more suitable at WnW because they have trough exits and not a pool you can potentialy flip off in. The fact movies are included in admission makes it even better for kids too. WWW does have The rip, BRO and Supertubes (IMO the extra 90° on The green room is not enough of a distinguishing factor compared to Tornado) And these are all good reasons to visit WWW (if you have already been to WnW recently then you might as well go) But what you need to consider is if worth forgoeing some of the other really good rides at WnW that perhaps might not be so modern but are still very fun. Think of things such as the Jet Streams and Mammoth Falls (Lets face it, those who have been on these have pretty much only said good about them) Even things like the White Water Mountain slides are a ton of fun despite the fact they are the simplest type of slide. Theres something about weaving down the hillside crossing over and under slides in a confusing layout, whilst getting tossed side to side that is just enjoyable no matter what. A couple of people have mentioned the size factor of WnW compared to WWW, but the fact is WnW is smaller than MW and I have never heard complaints about the size of that place. While it does take longer to walk to slides at WnW, you generally hit a wait (even if it is only a couple of cycles) at the top anyway so it doesnt make a difference because its the wait time that is the limiting factor in the number of times you can ride, not the time it takes to get to the top. And anyway, a longer walk means a higher slide :lol: People have gotta be less lazy IMO, or prehaps rethink the way they are going around the park. Its just 200m from one end of WnW to the other anyway so you can cover that quickly. But i guess If you havent been to WnW recently then WWW is the way to go. If you havent been to either then WnW is the way to go, its unbeatable value and still a great park (10,000 visitors on some days cant be wrong)

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You know its not really fair to say that those of us that prefer www to wnw are bandwagoners, Gazza. Perhaps there are people like me who actually HATE going to wnw simply because you spend more time walking around the park getting from slide to slide and in the que's then you do riding the slides. I go in, walk up to mammoth and get half way up the stairs and I'm already over the slide. We got in 5 re-rides on the green room, 2 on the bro, 3 on the rip, 3 on the hydro coaster, spent half an hour at pipeline plunge all within two hours..try doing THAT at wnw! The Green Room is better then Tornado not only because it has that extra length but it gives a better ride experience and the drop is just so much better. All www needs now for me to be completely happy with it is a lazy river.

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Basic common sense dictates that if you have a park with more attractions, then it'll be larger than a park with less. If you're fussed with how far you have to travel between slides break the park into sections. Might I also suggest getting into shape if the distances you have to walk in a day at Wet'n'Wild are too much for you. Complaining about having to walk too much at a water park is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I have never had a single problem at Wet'n'Wild with reriding every ride I want to within a single day as many times as I want. I don't know how you guys find it hard to do this but it's pretty clear from your comments that you have a very biased viewpoint.

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You know its not really fair to say that those of us that prefer www to wnw are bandwagoners, Gazza.
Perhaps using the word bandwagon wasn't the best choice of words, but i think a lot of people like it simply because it has the latest rides. A couple of years down the track things will settle a bit. I mean when TOT opened for example it was the coolest thing ever, but now its not so much. Its a similar thing here.
I go in, walk up to mammoth and get half way up the stairs and I'm already over the slide.
What can I say :rolleyes:
We got in 5 re-rides on the green room, 2 on the bro, 3 on the rip, 3 on the hydro coaster, spent half an hour at pipeline plunge all within two hours..try doing THAT at wnw!
I have, its quite easy to do at night or in off peak, and this is the time when you visited WWW. When i was at WnW i rode everything a few times in the four hours I was there (double the rides in double the time) Mammoth stuck in my head, i lost count on that thing, and I often found myself having a "spa" waiting in the starting tub while more people decided to come up.
MW might be bigger but does it have hills to climb? No it doesn't
No GC parks have hills, except for going up the white water mountain slides, but you only go up when you decide to ride. And anyway you have to climb up something to get to the top of the slide, the only difference here is there is land and pavers underneath you and not supports and marine carpet. I prefer a nice ramp to the flights of stairs on every slide at WWW (Just on that, whats the difference, you make it sound as if you dont have to climb stairs at WWW)
Sorry Richard but my views arn't (sic) biased. I'd rather ride rides all day over walking all day anyday.
OK WnW is about twice the size of WWW. So what you do is stay on one half of the park for half the day, then cross to the other half for the rest of the day. This would only add about 200m of equivalent extra walking to a day at WWW. Just a question, how did you cope before WWW opened, was the size an issue then? Also, why dont you just not go to all areas of WnW? Then its like being in a small park. Either that or you need to rethink your stratergy of riding Mammoth, and then deciding to Go on super 8, and then deciding to go on mammoth again, and then going on terror canyon, and then back to.... :P Also, with this walking all day versus riding thing, remember a ride on a slide is often less than a minute, so to use Lisa s figures. 5 rides on the green room at 30 secs each (Thanks youtube) makes 2.5 minutes 3 on the rip at 1 minute each (Very generous guess) makes 3 minutes 2 on the bro at 45 secs each (again generous considering its 50km/h) makes 1.5 minutes 3 on the hydro coaster at 2 mins each (it would have to be less than that) makes 6 mins so total riding time is 14 mins, plus half hour in pipline plunge gives us basically 3/4 hr (and I was being generous) That is less than half your time at the park, if that. BUT, at WnW for example, you can spend a huge portion of your time riding (as my mum did) by just floating in Calypso beach, try doing THAT at WnW. Haha, all these complaints about size reminds me of WL closing Hana Babera land because of complaints the park was too big. But Im with Richo on this one, if you have a problem with walking around HARDEN THE HELL UP!!! Edited by Gazza
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Gazza I'm not sure why you have a real issue with the fact that a number of members prefer WWW over WnW. I understand some of the reasoning is a little strange but I don't see why you've suddenly become this big WnW supporter. Obviously WWW even in its opening phase is a quality park. Not only are the attractions new (the latest innovations etc.) but they are also very much hitting the mark with the parks visitors. This is evidenced in the various trip reviews on this site. Every review we have seen on WWW so far has been extremely positive with people clearly laying out their reasons for liking the park. It is obviously giving people a good time and I think it will only get better in the near future

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Well I don't like www because it has the cool rides, I like www because it's smaller. You have no idea what my physique and medical conditions are, I could be very very fit but have a heart condition that makes me lose breath after walking so far. Don't assume thing's you have no idea about and then slam me for liking the other park just because YOU prefer wnw. Why do you care so much what park other people like? if you like wnw then go and visit wnw and stay away from www. We are entitled to our opinions, likes and dislikes and I hate wnw. I find it funny that in every www vs wnw post you say how you dont know how people can choose www over wnw and yet when WE say we prefer www over wnw you jump down our throats. Hmmm. It was also nice of you to compare a ride at wnw that www doesn't even have :rolleyes: obviously you can ride in calypso for hours and get sunburned but if I wanted to do that I would just go into the wavepool at www. Why can't you just grasp at the fact that there are people on this forum that hate/dislike wnw because its size and que times? lets attack the people for having a different opinion to yours, shall we?? Perhaps wnw should pay you a bit more salary ;)

Edited by lisalila
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No one is anywhere close to attacking anyone here. No one is slamming anyone for liking one park over another. People are simply questioning your unjustified dislike for one park. The fact remains that at Wet'n'Wild you can still do more rides in a smaller amount of space than you can at WWW. All you have to do is stick to a section of the park. For instance, if you stay to the North of Buccaneer Bay you have the following rides in an area smaller than WWW:

  1. Calypso Beach
  2. Whirlpool
  3. Mammoth Falls
  4. Tornado
  5. Blackhole
  6. Mach 5 (3 slides)
  7. Wave Pool
  8. Buccaneer Bay (w/ children)
If you do the other half of the park you have five more attractions, and to make an area the size of WWW you still have access to Buccaneer Bay, Whirlpool, Calypso Beach and the Wave Pool. When WWW inevitably expands are you going to start disliking it too because it's also too big? I can understand liking WWW because it has fresh new rides and you've grown tired of what WnW has, but you're stretching things if you're saying you don't like it because it's too big, regardless of your condition.
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I could be very very fit but have a heart condition that makes me lose breath after walking so far. Don't assume thing's you have no idea about and then slam me for liking the other park just because YOU prefer wnw.
Well, It is a fair assumption. Rides/Waterslides have safety restrictions, and one of the most common ones you see is "Do not ride if you have a heart condition", as well as many other rules that basically make it you should only ride if you are in good health, therfore it would be safe to assume that since you regularly visit theme parks and ride everything you would be free of these conditions.
It was also nice of you to compare a ride at wnw that www doesn't even have rolleyes.gif obviously you can ride in calypso for hours and get sunburned but if I wanted to do that I would just go into the wavepool at www.
Yes, but at WnW you have the choice of floating and getting sunburned in a wavepool too, and a whirlpool and a lazy river. If WnW has these things WWW doesnt then it is merley a case point in WnWs favour.
It is obviously giving people a good time and I think it will only get better in the near future
I know, and I think it is really good WWW has hit the mark so quickly without teething problems. But unfortunatley the person who made this thread wont be visiting at a stage where WWW will be better than it is now (to the best of our knowledge)
Gazza I'm not sure why you have a real issue with the fact that a number of members prefer WWW over WnW. I understand some of the reasoning is a little strange but I don't see why you've suddenly become this big WnW supporter.
  Gazza said:
There is no doubt both of them are great parks, and if you are on the GC you should try to visit both if you can,
Recently I have seen a lot of posts that say something like "why the hell are people going to WnW, there is a brand new waterpark down the road". My aim was to sort of debunk a few of these arguments with reasoning. I guess for me personally the 3 unique rides WWW has isnt quite enough to counter the greater number of enjoyable attractions at WnW you get for the same price, and really the person i was giving this information to was Lanaa XO. She is coming on holiday, so what you want is value for money, and since WnW is more of an all day thing I felt it was the best thing for her. I was also aiming to give the other side of the argument since a lot of people had given the pros of WWW (Unique high quality rides) so to help her make an informed decision I gave reasons why you might pick WnW. I dont feel factors such as park size are an issue to most visitors. But to put it simply, this is an advice thread, not a battle of the parks type thread. For the record I will be visiting both parks in 2 weeks, and if had the chance to only visit one then I would be going to WWW since I have never been before. But like I said my advice wasn't for me, it was for Lanaa.
I find it funny that in every www vs wnw post you say how you dont know how people can choose www over wnw and yet when WE say we prefer www over wnw you jump down our throats. Hmmm.
First of all, quote me on when I bagged WWW. The only things I came close to "attacking" is what I felt were stupid arguments such as "the park is too big" amd "you spend more time walking than riding". You are paying the same amount at both parks so size shoudln't be a concern. There is no unwritten rule saying you are obliged to ride everything at a park, you are still getting good value if you decide to ride a few of the attractions, and if makes you more comfortable, do what Richo suggested and stay at one end of the park. I mean if WnW was proportionally more expensive because of its size, or was laid out in a way like Alton Towers or Efteling where there are huge gaps between rides then I could see a reason for this argument, but since neither of these are the case it holds no weight to me. And for the more time spent walking than riding argument, i used evidence to back myself up , if the evidence is true than how is it attacking? All you do by putting across an image of miles of walking is misinform Lanaa. One other thing I feel like saying though, the walk up to some slides at WnW is bigger, but you end up getting quite a long ride down (Mammoth goes for a length that even surprised me, and to ride all of the White Water Mountain flumes just once would mean your butt has traveled over half a kilometer) So its not really a good reason IMO. I think people have to re-read my first post, I gave what I felt was the best adivice for a variety of situations (GC first timer, traveling with kids etc) Edit: Look people dont like my reasoned/detailed posts for some reason, so I'll make it simple. If you haven't been to either go to WnW If you have been to WnW since say Mammoth falls opened then go to WWW If you are interested soley in unique rides go to WWW If you are interested soley in having lots to do go to WnW Visit both if you can! Edited by Gazza
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Personally, WWW is good, and so is WNW. The only problem I had with Wet n Wild is I got stuck on the slide... why? because something happened to the pump, NO IM NOT FAT! I like both the parks, but i think WNW would have to be better, just because it has a large variety, I don't mind waiting in que lines, its park of going to a theme park, and I agree with richard, if your complaining about walking than there is something seriously wrong with you, it shouldnt take you more than 10 minutes to get from side of the park to the other :huh: Oh and Lisa, Im not attacking you, but fit doesn't JUST mean your ability to walk long or run or something like that, fit means your a mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and socially healthy, it is impossible to be fit with heart disease... lol top of class in PD/H/PE... sorry if I have offended you

Edited by mickey_079
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Well sitting on a slide and actually walking a distance are quite two different thing's and I do believe I said I could get shortness of breath when I walk, I did not mention anything about sitting on a slide/ride because thats all you do on them, you don't walk, you dont run, you may scream (an enjoyable one, not a scared one) but like I said walking may give me shortness of breath. Don't assume I'm healthy just because I ride the rides, is a doctor a doctor just because s/he says they are? no. When www expands then I will re think my reasoning but right now smaller is better. I honestly dont care about what slides are cool and are in this season; I ride a slide for a good ride (and I will ride it for the first time if its brand new here but my re rides are solely based on if I like it) not because its the new it thing. Another reason why I would do www over wnw now is I have a max pass, it's already paid for itself so why pay the $30 or whatever it is to enter wnw when I can get into www for free and actually enjoy being in there. I'm not going to pay for a park I don't like. That's just stupid. My reasons might not be logical to you lot but that is why they are my reasons and not yours. Had you actually been there Gazza then I would see reasoning for you liking wnw more but you haven't even tried the park out. How can you honestly say something is better then the other when you haven't even had that something?? be like saying Pepsi tastes better then Coke when you've never tried Pepsi and we all know Pepsi and Coke have different tastes so they aren't the same. Any way the advice you gave for Lanaa was actually quite good for someone who has never visited www.

Edited by lisalila
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Don't assume I'm healthy just because I ride the rides
I wont in future, I posted before I knew you had a heart condition, but It is quite safe to assume people generally dont endanger themselves by riding if they have certain medical condtions. Maybe YOU shoudlnt jump down my throat just because I dont know the ins and outs of your condition. I mean you did say "(I) get half way up the stairs and I'm already over the slide", to me and without prior knowledge being "over" something suggests you have gotten sick of it, cant be bothered etc, which suggests laziness. In other words it is something concious rather than a condition out of your control. If you wanted to avoid giving the wrong impression so people could know the truth then say something like "I get halfway up the stairs, but it gets unpleasant for me since i have a condition that causes shortness of breath" But the point im trying to make is that your personal reasons such as health conditions and max action pass ownership and dislike of larger parks arent really relevant to the person who made this thread. How is you getting puffed out from walking a reason for someone else not to visit? I mean if the topic was "Which park do you enjoy more" then those are relevant reasons for you, but the topic is about what park someone should pick when they travel here in October. In this case i think the main factors for them would be. -Sorts of rides avaliable -Quality of park -Costs associated with visiting/value for money Or in other words a viewpoint that centers around the park itself, not unrelated factors unique to each visitor. To be fair though, the last time I was at WnW was a couple of weeks before extreme H20 zone opened, so Im inexperienced with both. When I return from the GC I will update my opinions, and depending on my experience I am fully prepared to eat my words. Edited by Gazza
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WOW is this thread getting out of hand or what? My last 2c worth. I like WWW because it's small and it's handy to DW. I also like WnW but don't like it (If you know what i mean) I like Calypso Beach, Twister, Terror Canyons and the black hole. What i don't like about WnW is all the walking. That's all i'm going to say in this thread.

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  Gazza said:
For the record I will be visiting both parks in 2 weeks, and if had the chance to only visit one then I would be going to WWW since I have never been before.
The above quote makes perfect sense. If only everybody thought like that. There is only one thing that frustrates me in regards to WnW's continued high attendance levels even with the opening of WWW... I believe that a large number of WnW's visitors have already been to the park many times over and yet are still making the choice to go again rather than visit WWW. This to me doesn't make sense. If you have been to the same park a thousand times why on earth wouldn't you want to try something new and pretty special down the road? I can understand if some of those people already hold WnW annual passes. I can also understand someone making the choice to visit WnW after they have been to WWW and decided they like the original park better. But not to give a brand new park a go at least is just ridiculous
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Yeah, I suppose, but I mean even if WWW admission was $50 i would still give it a try because I enjoy theme parks a lot. But there are a number of reasonable reasons (lol) for why people would still pick it. -More rides for less -Reasonably new additions -Trusted brand -Biggest -Stigma surrounding the fact WWW is associated with DW (people might not like DW in its current state) -Strength of Super Pass etc, means people wont visit since 3 parks might be enough for them, flow on effects from SW and MW additions could help. Nightmares is the only new ride at DW that could cause flow on effects/ world pass purchasing. -Lack of knowledge about rides WWW, we here no the details, but the GP might not so might not know how good it is. -Lack of knowledge about park itself, eg interstate visitors might not make time for the park due to not knowing about it. Now Im not saying I'd pick for those reasons, but I can understand why people still would. But this is a bit off topic.

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  Gazza said:
If you haven't been to either go to WnW If you have been to WnW since say Mammoth falls opened then go to WWW If you are interested soley in unique rides go to WWW If you are interested soley in having lots to do go to WnW Visit both if you can!
That sums up my feelings right there. WnW is has plenty to keep you busy for the whole day (and night if you go on a dive in movie night), has a bigger selection of rides, and has IMHO a stronger ride lineup on paper. Having said that, if you've been to WnW then drag your sorry butt out to WWW and check out the new park on the block. Super Tubes is a great ride by all accounts, there's nothing like it or the Rip in Aust, and even the BRO is a step up from WnW's aqua racer in terms of ride experience. Plus, if you haven't been to WnW since Tornado, well guess what, thats at WWW too. Once you've been to both you can figure out which one is right for you. Personally, I don't like a park thats to small, otherwise you go from one ride to the other far to quickly and run out of stuff to do to. ;)
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