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Wet'n'Wild: New 2007 Attraction


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Geeze! We're not even half way through the year and they have already hit 1 million, I hope this trend continues...who would have thought the first park here to hit the magic 2 million would have been a water park.
Yes and who would've though it would be the year when a rival waterpark opened just across the road. Seems crazy. 2 new attractions in one year will only boost attendances further... let's hope WhiteWater World is planning to fight back
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I'm yet to see a full release. I was notified by the park of the news yesterday morning, but won't be publishing the news until the full story is out. If WhiteWater World can claim they're even partly responsible for Wet'n'Wild's tremendous success, then it's logical that Sea World claim they're home to The Wiggles and Movie World can say they're home to the world's tallest freefall attraction. Wet'n'Wild's success can be attributed to their huge marketing campaign and the way they have changed and expanded their overall image in the past year or so. If WhiteWater World sugest they had anything to do with Wet'n'Wild's attendance figures, then I'd like to see an apology from them should Wet'n'Wild's attendance fall in coming years. Seems only fair.

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A new article in the Gold Coast Weekend Bulletin has put up info on the New Surf Rider Half Pipe at Wet N Wild. I Scanned the Article so you can all have a read. Someone from a Coaster Website has sent in the photos or contacted them. I think it was someone from this site. Anyway Enjoy paperarticlekl8.th.jpg

Edited by mattcrombie
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The shots are straight off Ozcoaster. Wonder if it was Ian that sent them in... Otherwise they've removed the logos/watermarks from them... If they took them straight off the internet without permission, does that mean Ian can hit them up for it? :PLink to Ozcoaster's Pics (Sorry if I'm not supposed to link, let me know). EDIT: Here's the article from the GC-Bulletin website.

Edited by WnW_Rocks
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Steve Peet of Wet 'n' Wild talks about waterparks being essentially a whole new exciting industry (starting off in the 70's) and yet they are now building a dry theme park ride. I don't care if they throw a couple of misters, it's still not a waterpark ride. While I am incredibly un-excited about the 'Surf Rider' I am looking forward to hearing about their second attraction and I'm hoping its a new waterslide. Good on them though for adding so much new stuff

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Meaning, they have a quote from the source (even though they don't identify who he is).

"A magnetic propulsion system accelerates the vehicle back and forth along the U-shaped track, going higher and higher up the U," said the source. "At the end of the ride cycle, the magnetic system works in reverse to bring the vehicle to a halt so passengers can disembark."
Edited by Tony Teulan
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OK look, I think I was too subtle, so Ill just repost what I said in the post you didn't read. Well, it has been clarified on Ozcoaster that Ian did not give permission for his pics to be used, nor was he quoted. Now, how could he have an agreement with the GCB if he didn't give them permission in the first place?

Edited by Gazza
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This should really be in it's own topic, but considering Ian works for Warner Village Theme Parks as a photographer, maybe he could have something in his contract which says he doesn't really have any say in where his photographs go? Sure they are his own photographs, he took them, but maybe he signed his rights away to these photographs to WVTP in order to post them on his website, and to have exclusive access behind the barriers? And by that I mean that the photographs technically belong to WVTP's, and they can assign the use of the photographs without crediting the photographer? Or simply the case could be that the Bulletin used his photograph/s for the article without permission from any party, in which case I would be asking for some money in return from the Gold Coast Bulletin.

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