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Wonderland site - Update **February 2007**


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It's been nearly 3 months since my last update on the Wonderland site. Earthmoving work is coming along in leaps and bounds and I expect that roadworks will begin shortly. It was quite hard to take these photos considering I was driving at 80km/h on Wallgrove Rd. "The Bus is now leaving for Wallgrove Hill, NSW" Here is the second part of the photos. These were taken from Wonderland Drive, at the bottom of what used to be the car park. "The Bus is now leaving for Moreland, Victoria"







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I can take a photo of a blank block of land and post it on the internet too.
Could you do it driving at 80km/h? But seriously, ease up, Bussy probably does these updates to show a sheer contrast between what it was and how it is today, and also probably to drive the point home that it ain't coming back.
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A block of land won't bring back any memories. It's a block of land.
Wrong Sir, Wrong Even though there is nothing at all on it, the simple lay of the land and the roads leading to it can easily conjure up memories for people who knew it well. There are many features of that area that wont change even when it is full of warehouses, the Minchinbury reservoir for example.
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  • 10 months later...

I didn't think this warranted a whole thread given I'm just linking to some other forum anyway, hence me posting this in the most recent 'WL update thread' But if you are interested in seeing a whole lot of brochures and PR material from WLs glory days somebody has posted a whole heap of it in this TPR thread: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewt...p=509783#509783 Copy and save the lot while you can guys ;)post-88-1200542867_thumb.jpg

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