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Could Big Brother return to Dreamworld?


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Exciting news for Big Brother Fans.  A new season has been announced, it’s back on 10, and back to its original format.  
Live Nominations/evictions, and 24/7 livestreams from the house.  

the advertising is going heavy with it being back to its ‘original roots’ 

so it would be very interesting to see if they approach Dreamworld to be the home of the show again… would be a crazy full circle moment for them, and would bring a lot of people to the park.  
it would require a full rebuild, as the house is no longer there, but it could be a possibility. 

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Whilst you could never say never, I would be extremely doubtful to this being a possibility.

Dreamworld is actively trying to sell and/or develop the surplus land that BB used to sit on, and the land not far from it is currently undergoing development for a hospital and associated precinct that doesn’t lend itself well to in terms of noise for a filming environment

whilst the return to its roots in terms of live audiences/voting will lift the production value of the show, given they will need to build from scratch I imagine we may see something similar to the last iteration in terms of using an existing building/shell rather than a ground up development. Time will tell. 

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It wouldn’t be in the same location as the old BB house, I could see it however popping up more onsite with easier access for crew and visitors. Locating it up the back of the park would strategically give that area more foot traffic throughout the day.  

with all the success of the park, with many lingering announcements on the horizon, I could see them throwing another curveball. After all Dreamworld has revitalised their logo recently to look like its original logo, they’ve taken the effort to touch up a lot of their classic buildings. They themselves are also touching on their old format. This would be the cherry on top.  

like I said. May be wishful thinking.   But it would be a perfect pairing again.  

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39 minutes ago, zacsta_1997 said:

It wouldn’t be in the same location as the old BB house, I could see it however popping up more onsite with easier access for crew and visitors. Locating it up the back of the park would strategically give that area more foot traffic throughout the day.  

with all the success of the park, with many lingering announcements on the horizon, I could see them throwing another curveball. After all Dreamworld has revitalised their logo recently to look like its original logo, they’ve taken the effort to touch up a lot of their classic buildings. They themselves are also touching on their old format. This would be the cherry on top.  

like I said. May be wishful thinking.   But it would be a perfect pairing again.  

Production don’t want it easily accessible to visitors though.. dreamworld also now lacks the space for live evictions and the production facilities that once existed onsite 

37 minutes ago, Themepark Enthusist said:

Would be interesting to see it return to DW, although does DW have the space to hold the show in, like how they used to do live shows? would that even return? Maybe if they had the space could see them doing it in the night markets.

The night markets are inside dreamworld around DW flyer, and down thru ocean parade 

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Never say never, but practically no chance on planet earth. There's been so much urban development since the last series was at Dreamworld - the piece of land the house was on was isolated, now it's next door to a massive Westfield.

Also all of production (from the edit suites to staging live shows) was on-site and heavily leveraged the Amphitheatre which was neglected and then subsequently bulldozed, which means a lot of infrastructure that was originally there would have to be rebuilt.

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It'll be on a soundstage somewhere, with no actual physical house. Modern audiences don't care about the idea of remoteness or being isolated like they did when Big Brother AU first aired. I remember as a kid when the first season of Big Brother aired the idea of it being in the woods behind Dreamworld made it feel kind of mystical, kind of forbidden and other-worldly. Those helicopter shots of the house and the winding road between it and the live stage were cool. Every eviction show felt like an event. And then visiting the live stage and seeing the windows into the 'studio room' where all the live feed monitors of the house was a proper 'through-the-looking-glass' moment. I even got a signed photo with Gordon (RIP) as he was the most recent evictee and for whatever reason my adolescent brain thought it was cool to get a photo with someone from the TV. Nowadays nobody cares about the spectacle or the illusion of such an otherwise mediocre television show and even less care enough to visit a back-area of a theme park to see 'how the sausage is made' so to speak. The best this "new season" of Big Brother can hope for is to remain relevant for its run by delivering outlandish moments, sexual escapades and a bit of controversy. I'll applaud them if they capture at least a smidgen of the zeitgeist that the original did, it'll be at the least a mild diversion but more than likely it's just going to sink into the quagmire of the modern reality television swamp.

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Just because a TV show returns, doesn't mean everything about it would be the same. 

It would technically be possible for them to do it at Dreamworld. Although BB Studios has been bulldozed, the Dreamworld Exhibition Centre could technically host the live evictions should that be an option. Production facilities were installed onsite, but technology to do production remotely from another location is far better than when they started the show 24 years ago. Production facilities can work out of trucks like they do for award night broadcasts. Not the most comfortable for the crew, but you can make it work. 

No. they're not doing it at dreamworld. 

6 minutes ago, New display name said:

The easiest location for BB to film  as we stand, would be MW.

If you're tying it to a park, yes, but there are soundstages \ film studios in places other than Oxenford.


This could have been a new thread...

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3 hours ago, New display name said:

The easiest location for BB to film  as we stand, would be MW.

The problem with that is the studios will likely be full, from my understanding the studios would likely be filled up in advance as some films use all the stages. They would have to build a new one exclusively for Big Brother, which would cost a lot.

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16 hours ago, Themepark Enthusist said:

So no where to do it for night markets then?

Now i'm curious as to where you thought the markets were being held in park?

7 hours ago, Cactus_Matt said:

my adolescent brain thought it was cool to get a photo with someone from the TV

Throws me back to when the Easter Show had signings with the 10 news hosts like 20 years ago

Edited by jjuttup
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1 hour ago, TBoy said:

The problem with that is the studios will likely be full, from my understanding the studios would likely be filled up in advance as some films use all the stages. They would have to build a new one exclusively for Big Brother, which would cost a lot.

Not at all. The studios can handle more than one production at a time IF the productions are scaled appropriately. When Disney did pirates, they had exclusive licence over the entire premises, but smaller productions working out of one sound stage don't need everything and multiple productions can co-exist in the same studio lot.

Foreign versions of BB have established "the house" entirely free standing inside of a soundstage. You don't need to build a new stage. 

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When it was previous at DW, the show was on TV, in a family timeslot.  The eviction audience was filled with families.

DW is still struggling to turn a profit and if I was DW, I would be on the blower, to network 10 and pitching the show should return to DW.  A gentle nightly reminder, DW is a fun place to be.

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Remember too.  When BB was being produced under the pre recorded format, the house was quickly built in Sydney Olympic park in one of the pavilions. And then after in a purposely built compound still in Sydney Olympic Park. 

building the house wouldn’t be an issue for dreamworld, they’ve done it successfully before, and for many years too.  The park has changed since then, So the location would have to be different, but it’s definitely not out to the realm of possibility. 
BBAU has been marketed as family friendly for many years (not counting late night eps, and the love island version)  and compared to their UK and US counterparts, yes BBAU is very family friendly. 

(I didn’t expect this thread to kick off like it did.   Thanks to whoever made this its own thread) 

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7 hours ago, Baconjack said:

Like you definitely could but then where do you put the house?

Dreamworld is rezoning the land which the old house sat on and management today probably hasn't got any interest in hosting.

Does it matter? Anywhere and then just put them on a buggy and parade the evicted though Dreamworld. Make Dreamworld a night event also and make the park busy and 'alive' with drone shots of the park moving and have crowds lining the street to cheer them on as they are driven down the path of eviction shame.

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13 minutes ago, Naazon said:

Does it matter? Anywhere and then just put them on a buggy and parade the evicted though Dreamworld. Make Dreamworld a night event also and make the park busy and 'alive' with drone shots of the park moving and have crowds lining the street to cheer them on as they are driven down the path of eviction shame.

You should run DW.

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