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The Simpsons in MW?


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This is great news about the Simpsons Springfield area. Would be perfect if there was some sort of ride or attraction to accompany it. The area suggested is currently dead space and even after converting it there'd still be a large Wild West area left. It would be nice to see a recreation of Springfield done reasonably well. I remember when Fox Studios Backlot in Sydney attempted a Springfield themed area/attraction and it was rather pathetic... as were all of their attractions. I think Movie World could potentially do it very well and it end up being a definite success. By the way how good is mattcrombie for insider goss at the moment! If it all turns out to be true people will be kneeling at his feet. We haven't had this much inside info for ages

Edited by GoGoBoy
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I am not too keen on this idea of The Simpsons at Movie World. I'm not to sure how'd they'd base any rides around it? Also, I'm not liking the idea of Movie World fading away from the traditional Warner Bros. movies. If they're going to do that. They may as well scrap the name "Warner Bros. Movie World". However. On the idea of trying to theme a ride around "The Simpsons" theme. I think, somehow they could make a coaster or something with animatronics to replicate the starting/opening scene of the show? I think someone else mentioned something like this? Maybe the could copy the DreamWorld styled ride 'Big Red Car'. And somehow, make it in some parts, go fast and others slow?

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If they do a Simpsons show instead of a ride they should close Police Academy, then they could use the arena to make new big dark ride of some sort.
That's stupid. Why close a Movie World classic to replace for some crappy kiddie/teenager show? If anything, Movie World should build a new arena and place the show there. Not remove a classic which seems to amaze people every time I've been there! Also. Why do a show? Shows get boring. Why not do a ride?
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Um the proposed location for this Simpsons area is located directly in front of the old Western stage show which is a very large show building (and conveniently enough - no longer in use). They could use it for anything really and I'm sure it would accommodate a new dark ride nicely

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That's stupid. Why close a Movie World classic to replace for some crappy kiddie/teenager show? If anything, Movie World should build a new arena and place the show there. Not remove a classic which seems to amaze people every time I've been there! Also. Why do a show? Shows get boring. Why not do a ride?
Don't say The Simpsons are crappy around me. How can it be a kiddie show, Homer asked his wife to do something for money, yeah thats very child friendly. I dont mind if it replaces the police academy show but it wont, I like the idea of having places like moes bar and stuff..
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Don't say The Simpsons are crappy around me. How can it be a kiddie show, Homer asked his wife to do something for money, yeah thats very child friendly.
Well the Simpsons are kiddie and crappy compared to family guy or South Park Edited by Virus_126
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Agreed, Family Guy and South Park aren't really appropriate for a family theme park like Movie World. The issue is not which cartoon is better (start a new topic with a poll if you want to debate that), but which one translates better into a theme park setting. I mean just look at the sorts of timeslots these shows are on at, and the sorts of products and merchandise available (Simpsons confectionery for example) if you want to see what I mean. An attraction at a family theme park is a natural progression.

And I would love a 4D Movie of the Simpsons over the current one.
But the Simpsons is a 2D cartoon (And yes, I do know about that tree house of horrors episode where Homer enters the 3rd dimension) but whether something old like that is suitable is questionable. As for an attraction, well I had in mind this sort of Simpsons Road Rage type thing; Imagine a coaster like the Paramount Italian Job ones, but in Simpsons vehicles and the theme being a dash around Springfield with lots of gags and references to the show. But please, no live shows, the thought of actors that look like this; bart.jpg just makes we want to retch. Edited by Gazza
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Yeah. No live shows! Just thinking, They could turn the SDSC into a Simspons One. Like If they can't build a ride in the Show Stage, they could move the Entry so It would fit in with the Simpson Themeing.* But, Don't get me wrong, I love the SDSC. But a Simpson one would be good if we had to choose bewteen the two. Yellow = Simpson Themeing Red = Entry for "new" ride. NOTE: * I would love both rides but I'm saying if they can't put a ride in the Show Stage. movie_world.bmp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, The should "close in" the area so it's more like a street. The black line is where the wall could be. One side Wild-West, and the other is Simpsons. Otherwise the two will be "mixed" up too much... And a whole street of a theme looks better then just a few buildings.


Edited by ash.1111
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Here is the 2nd image ash posted, but in a considerate jpg format; post-88-1176030158_thumb.jpg But as for re-theming scooby doo, no way. MW needs more rides, not re-hashed or replaced old ones. I mean if SDSC were a bad ride then hey go for it, but its one of MWs best and should not be touched, as a Simpsons theme wouldn't be an improvement. But the street idea is a good one, and at the end of the street would be the new ride, to entice people up there.

Edited by Gazza
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^Yeah, it's a good idea. If they went all out and made it a proper street, then you could see it becoming an attraction in itself even if they didn't open a ride immediately. That being said, I think a ride is needed as well, or else the area could deteriorate. I don't think a Scooby Doo re-theme is the best idea at this point in time. Maybe give it at least 5 to 10 more years. I agree with Gazza that they need to install a couple of different rides. A dark ride in the show stage would be ideal. They could easily make it something like the Looney Tunes river ride or Batman adventure that you actually spend some time in it, so it sort of counts as a ride/show in one. But new and exciting of course. I would be surprised if they removed the stage though, they still use it for a range of things. I wouldn't mind seeing it go though. But no live action shows! Can someone explain to me what type of ride the BTTF ride was, and what type of ride the new Simpsons one is they are replacing it with? As for the statement about moving away from Warner Properties. Firstly, I really enjoyed Shrek regardless, and this Simpsons area could be a very attractive area. I think I will just add that the bulk of attractions are still Warner. And in the previous two years they opened 'Superman Escape' and 'Batwing Spaceshot', based on two of WB's most well known franchises, which are due to see the release of at least three more films between them in the coming years. Hopefully, this and a new attraction in the Matrix Exhibit location could bring some people back to what I now call the ghost town. It also lends itself to expansion later on behind Scooby Doo. Hope this turns out to be true.

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I agree that there should definitely be no live stage shows relating to the Simpsons as it would just destroy it. Gazza's pic is a perfect example of what it would like like. Quite terrifying. I also agree that the street should stretch out to the area proposed making it a larger overall precinct. That way you could have some of the buildings seperate from the rest such as the Kwik-E-Mart out on its own with a little park next to it (with a statue of Jebadiah Springfield) and then the rest of the town centre next to it. As Springfield is not a big city like New York it would make more sense if all the buildings weren't necessarily joined together

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Just on possible attractions, another one they could have is a walk through Simpsons house, back in 1997 there was a competition in Las Vegas where you could win a replica of the Simpsons' house (see it at http://www.lasvegassun.com/dossier/misc/simpsons/plans.html ) so a walkthrough (with perspex barricades and limited numbers of people through at a time) could be a cool little feature. As mentioned before the Quick-E-Mart is a good one, hopefully it will sell stuff like Squishees, Hot Dogs and Skittlebrau. In terms of a cheap people pleaser, what about an Aztec Theatre replica with Simpsons episodes on continuous loop on a screen inside, food would be allowed, so If people felt like escaping the Queensland heat for 20 minutes or so and having a bite to eat this would be a welcome relief. For younger kids, I was thinking of one of those padded play areas themed to the inside of the nuclear power plant, with crawl through pipes with an industrial look, ball pits full of green balls etc. Now, if MW isn't too saturated with food outlets, then there could be the possibility of Krusty Burger in the area too. GoGoBoys idea of spacing it out is a good one, as it would have a dual effect of reducing the number of buildings that need to be put in. Perhaps another gap in the buildings could be used for a perspective alley type thing, but of course of a springfield street theme.

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Agree about the Aztec Theatre. The more interactive this town is the better. And Gazza I was also thinking something similar about having a perspective wall or alley and ofcourse you'd have to have the nuclear power plant chimneys painted on it in the distance
I was thinking the exact same thing with the nuclear power plant painted in the distance, they should also have the giant sun blocker from who shot mr Burns (maybe even have a sun dial like the one on the show with Mr bruns with a chalk line on it shaped as him) and Lardlad donuts and the top of the burning tire pile painted. (Sorry simpsons nerd, lol) Edited by aidan
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