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White Water World new 2007 Expansion


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  Churros said:
Unless you are really wise to the current installations, this could in fact look like something new and exciting.
That's exactly right. There are basically only two types of people out there who are, as you put it, really wise to the current installations. The first are people who have already been to the park. The second are basically people interested in theme parks, e.g. members of sites like this. The second is a negligible group in terms of overall attendance breakdown. The first however is the main group new attractions target, unless the new attractions are designed to go after a demographic not previously catered for such as with Wiggles World, which new water slides do not. Theme parks want to build on their attendance by getting as many repeat visitors as possible. If it weren't like this the parks could just as easily spend the millions spent on attractions to advertise to bring in new visitors, who won't necessarily be swayed by a single new attraction so much as the overall product offering (as was the goal of the initial marketing of WWW). The reality is that a new attraction that is visually identical to another already in the park will not be a significant drawcard to the key group new attractions like this should be attracting. Hence why this comes off more as drawing out the initial plans for the park over a year rather than something designed to boost the park's profile.
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  Gazza said:
...here you are complaining about others not "riding anything decent"
I just knew someone would point that out, but atleast I try... Sort of... :P As I said, it probably won't be long until I get forced onto it one way or another, and I'll probably love it too. Oh well I've got two years at the least...
  Churros said:
And WnW_Rocks... I have to say. I went up to Dreamworld today to enquire about a MAPlat and bought one myself. It didn't take too long to take the pic and get the card ready.
The process didn't take too long itself, but there were a few other people getting them and they were mucking around a bit. I almost

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ed myself when my keycard declined seeing though I had about $10 cash on me, but worked in the long run. I'm still a bit frustrated with the fact I messed my photo up, but hey, it doesn't matter. :P Money well spent!

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Well they could try and do something with the slide to make it different from the Rip (If we are getting cannon bowls), if it's a dual installation they could push a competitive aspect in a similar manner to Speedcoaster, or they could enclose the ride and add lighting effects (Like Disco H20 at WnW in Orlando) and push that aspect. It could also simply be that they want to have a new ride they can market when WnW inevitably advertises the Halfpipe. I too would rather see other slide types at this point, but hey its all extra capacity.

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  myk said:
I just hope that smart person who matched the slide piece to the slide piece is wrong. So it's not a bowl.
I totally agree. I would be surprised if they were adding 1 person cannon bowls as those things look like a serious liability. I mean I just can't see Dreamworld wanting to add a ride where there's a chance you come out backwards and drop onto your head into a concrete pool. I personally hope that if they are adding bowls they will also be adding something else... as previously suggested like a couple of pipelines or dark mammoths
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Am I the only one that reckons cannon bowls would be good? I know they already have the Rip, but these things are a bit different in terms of ride experience. One of the biggest arguments is that they already have the Rip, but then you go on to say that they are building two more of these things. Heaps of water parks around the world have different versions of this thing installed. The cannon packs a bit more speed, while the behemoth is more for groups. With regards to the discussion surrounding marketability. If you are talking about the group that have already attended WhiteWaterWorld or waterparks in general previously, then why should WhiteWaterWorld install any bodyslides, mammoths, speed slides, or enclosed stube rides because WnW already has them? Especially considering people have probably been going there for years prior to WhiteWaterWorld opening. What can also be said is that if these are indeed cannon bowls, then what would WnW achieve in future by opening a similar installation? If its summer, people are hot and it looks fun, people will go.

  WnW_Rocks said:
The process didn't take too long itself, but there were a few other people getting them and they were mucking around a bit. I almost

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ed myself when my keycard declined seeing though I had about $10 cash on me, but worked in the long run. I'm still a bit frustrated with the fact I messed my photo up, but hey, it doesn't matter. :P Money well spent!

Yeah. My photo is shocking too. Not much you can do though lol. I was hoping I had enough money as well.
  GoGoBoy said:
I mean I just can't see Dreamworld wanting to add a ride where there's a chance you come out backwards and drop onto your head into a concrete pool.
Someone pretty well always comes out of the Rip backwards. Has anyone ever seen the tubes on a cannon bowl come out backward? I think its design prevents that. There will surely be an exist slide on this thing. It isn't like a ProBowl - now I reckon those are a liability.
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WhiteWater World's main point of difference is that it's another option. Consumers thrive on choice. No matter how good one product is, there are always customers out there who want an alternative and this is an opportunity Macquarie Leisure have jumped at. In the water park world there are far less different attraction styles to choose from. In the end the only way parks can expand is by installing rides that competitors will either already have, or will one day add. It doesn't help that one company is the clearcut industry leader right no (ProSlide), so the choice is limited further. WnW can leverage off building new attraction that WWW has already introduced by using their larger, more diverse product base to sway would-be WWW customers, so there are very valid reasons for doubling up between the two parks. This is quite different from one park adding two homogeneous attractions over a period of time. You're exactly right that the decision to visit a water park could be simplified to something as basic as "It's hot, let's go", but that to me only strengthens the argument against installing the same attraction twice. It would be wrong to simplify all tube slides or body slides etc. to a single ride; there are countless ways attrations like this can be differentiated and marketed entirely differently. When it comes to Bowls or Tornados for instance, they are based around such a very obvious gimick that the opportunities are significantly reduced. There are ways to spruce up a Bowl and make it a bit different (enclosing it is the most obvious), but the impact of the attraction style has already been made, and anything else will be seen as a minor variation on the theme.

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Richard are you convinced it is only 2 bowls the park is adding? Afterall, mattcrombie did say they may be installing 3 new slides. So I am hoping the 3rd slide, if it does end up happening, will be the major point of difference. I was actually getting confused re cannon bowls versus pro bowls. I was thinking you guys were talking about the pro bowls which I think look dangerous. Cannon bowls would be fine as they use rafts

Edited by GoGoBoy
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^No. The pre-bowl slide and the bowl itself are designed differently to the one that uses the two person raft. The major difference is that the behemoth bowl in general is bigger. The other difference is that the behemoth encourages the raft to spin as it enters the area toward the exit slide, whereas the cannon is smaller in circumference, so it doesn't have as much flexibility. Obviously, this is to ensure the raft doesnt go out backwards. As for the actual inclusion of numerous slides in this new installation... well, I have kind of thrown some ideas around already. However, in relation to the bowl itself. I think it would be a really strong attraction if they gave it a good pre-bowl layout, rather than just a straight sprint and then around you go. If they created two cannons with a simple pre-bowl layout similar to the one they already have, then I can agree we are tiptoeing along the line of redundant attractions. What else must be said though is the the CEO behind this waterpark did travel to the US to do some research about these attractions. You can expect that he himself sees it worthwhile to install a version of each bowl and believes the oppurtunities for each warrants both installations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

More pictury goodness. They have pulled most of the pieces, etc out of the shipping containers so you can see them now. What I have to say is that it is going to be one colourful attraction. You can see the some of the more interesting bowl pieces. The last pic also shows that they have started doing stuff in the bottom of the hole they dug. S5000185.jpgS5000187.jpgS5000189.jpgS5000186.jpgS5000184.jpg

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Churros you have really been coming through with the goods with all these photos! Thank you so much for contributing so many great pics over the last little while. Please keep up the great work. I'm particularly interested in WhiteWater World so am happy to see these updates. Still slightly disappointed about the bowls and the fact that it is essentially another 'over in 2 seconds' slide but nonetheless WWW needs everything it can get at the moment

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Great pictures... Where'd you take them from? Cyclone's exit? I thought it would've been funnier if you had a picture of all the workers having lunch break or something, which they usually seem to be doing, but oh well. :P Are we getting two cannon bowls and something else, or what? Anyone know for sure yet? GoGoBoy, I know this is a waste of time whining, but check back and see who took the last load of photos? I do agree though he's been contributing a hell of a lot in other construction topics as well!

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  WnW_Rocks said:
GoGoBoy, I know this is a waste of time whining, but check back and see who took the last load of photos? I do agree though he's been contributing a hell of a lot in other construction topics as well!
Haha yes WnW Rocks I remember you took those first lot of WWW pics... I think I thanked you at the time? I have just noticed Churros has been providing lots of pics of the motorbike coaster too. Believe me I'm sure we are all grateful to both of you - the more pics the better! Edited by GoGoBoy
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Thanks GoGoBoy, muchly appreciated :) Yeah, it is kind of a team effort though hey WnW Rocks. Kudos for the call about them usually sitting around having lunch! Classic. I was actually fairly lucky to get the shots I did of anything, because it was raining most of the day. Yeah, I took them on the Cyclone exit. From what I saw there could very well be two of them, but cannot be exactly sure. Some others here might have a better understanding of what each of the pieces is for, etc. But from what I can assume, most of those pieces up the back are curved in some way, shape or form. Basically, if it is only a bowl slide, then the pre-layout may be a little more interesting than the Rip, which would make it a fairly unique attraction.

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Found this on the ANZ rewards site... Get the best of both World’s with the 2-Day World Pass, allowing theme park goers to hop between Dreamworld and WhiteWater World as often as they like, over two days! Ride Dreamworld’s all new MotoCoaster, then splash next door into WhiteWater World’s latest Duelling Cannon-Bowl water ride! I guess we have a definate answer to what is going in.

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  Troy81 said:
Found this on the ANZ rewards site... Get the best of both World’s with the 2-Day World Pass, allowing theme park goers to hop between Dreamworld and WhiteWater World as often as they like, over two days! Ride Dreamworld’s all new MotoCoaster, then splash next door into WhiteWater World’s latest Duelling Cannon-Bowl water ride! I guess we have a definate answer to what is going in.
Great! Sounds like it will be two then. We should probably keep our eyes out in the coming weeks to see how this progresses. I think in general MLE have seen that now is the time to start generating buzz about their new attractions leading into September, especially considering that now the July breaks are over.
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