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Movie World Maintenance Schedule 2025


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what seems to be the new schedule is Superman (this year closes early in Jan), Batwing, Driving School and Sylvester’s Feb - April.

Dc Rivals, Wild West, Flash, Marvin and Road Runner April - June

you can’t see Green Lantern, Justice League, Speedy’s, Yosemite Sam’s, Splash Zones, Carousel or Wizard of Oz’s maintenance dates on the new maintenance page yet as it only shows 90 days in advanced (which imo is a flaw.)

my guess is Green Lantern, Kansas Twister, Wicked Witch, Splash Zone and Carousel will be done July - October and Justice League, Scooby (when it’s back online), Yosemite Sam’s and Speedy’s November - early December.

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On 11/2/2025 at 6:52 PM, Levi said:

Kansas Twister, Wicked Witch, Splash Zone and Carousel will be done July - October and Justice League, Scooby (when it’s back online), Yosemite Sam’s and Speedy’s November - early December.

With KT having two tracks that can run independently from each other, you would hope they adopt the Dreamworld style approach that they do to the giant drop where they would perform annual maintenance to one side at a time leaving the other one operating

Edited by Themepark Enthusist
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7 hours ago, Themepark Enthusist said:

you would hope they adopt the Dreamworld style approach that they do to the giant drop where they would perform annual maintenance to one side at a time leaving the other one operating

"Maintenance" is 30% keeping the ride operating well, 70% cost savings. High likelihood that both sides will shut.

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I think we're all just that cynical about village's motives now that we think it's all intentional and deliberate. 

100% each track can operate independently of the other and train rebuilds should be done one at a time so that they can keep the other one operating. There are some occasions where both would need to be closed where work is needed on shared systems or envelope access, but general routine maintenance shouldn't need to offline both at the same time, and i'm confident that they won't do that "just because".

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