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Superman Escape.. Does it normally break down?

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I went to Movieworld yesterday for the first time in 3 years.... Love superman escape and the batwing.. which were the two new additions since I was there last... went on TOT today and it just doesn't seem as good anymore after going on SE. Anyway getting to the subject of this topic. When I arrived there at 10am I went straight for SE and lined up. We were in the 2nd group. The first group took off and then all of a sudden they said there is problems and they have to evacuate the ride... I thought this is pretty good theming... Then I realised it was real... The coaster didn't make it to the top and it rolled back down.. lol... so anyway it was shut down for about an hour.. I came back later and rode on it twice and it is an awesome ride... then I went a third time and got the front seat which was awesome... we get to the part where he says 8 secs left and nothing happened... we just sat there... once again ride had to be evacuated.. I was P###ed as I had the front... that was at about 3.50pm and it didn't open again after that... Was the first time I ever got evacuated from a ride... Anyway the staff didn't seem concerned so was just wandering if this was a normal occurance as it happened twice in the one day. Cheers, Andy ps. went to whitewater world today and that was awesome.. bloody cold though... loved the green room and the temple of huey.. the purple slide was so nice and warm in the tunnel and it had the water heated to a nice temp... whereas the RIP was bloody freezing..

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The few times I have been they usually delay the opening of it in the morning as they go through all the procedures and what not. These things usually happen though. And yes, I will have to agree the TOT is nothing compared to SE. TOT is supposedly faster, but you really don't notice it.

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I also went and lined up at the beggining of the day for SE when I visited MW and, as happened to you wakeboardandy, it rolled back after the first launch. Several other rides had been playing up that day, as well. So we went to guests services and we got escorted to the front of the ride when it re-opened. MW guests services is great, they really do well to keep their guests happy, which is great as it adds to the reputation of the park and certainly made a great impression on me. Sorry, that was a bit off topic.

Edited by Swanny
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  wakeboardandy said:
I went to Movieworld yesterday for the first time in 3 years.... Love superman escape and the batwing.. which were the two new additions since I was there last... went on TOT today and it just doesn't seem as good anymore after going on SE. Anyway getting to the subject of this topic. When I arrived there at 10am I went straight for SE and lined up. We were in the 2nd group. The first group took off and then all of a sudden they said there is problems and they have to evacuate the ride... I thought this is pretty good theming... Then I realised it was real... The coaster didn't make it to the top and it rolled back down.. lol... so anyway it was shut down for about an hour.. I came back later and rode on it twice and it is an awesome ride... then I went a third time and got the front seat which was awesome... we get to the part where he says 8 secs left and nothing happened... we just sat there... once again ride had to be evacuated.. I was P###ed as I had the front... that was at about 3.50pm and it didn't open again after that... Was the first time I ever got evacuated from a ride... Anyway the staff didn't seem concerned so was just wandering if this was a normal occurance as it happened twice in the one day. Cheers, Andy ps. went to whitewater world today and that was awesome.. bloody cold though... loved the green room and the temple of huey.. the purple slide was so nice and warm in the tunnel and it had the water heated to a nice temp... whereas the RIP was bloody freezing..
I was in that line aswell, there was a line up for the line then they let us in in chunks when we finally lined up they told us to evacuate then the lady over the mircophone said you may stay if you like. My friends were horrified who were watching outside, they thought if fell back into the building and it crashed. Edited by aidan
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  • 2 weeks later...

^But if the cable was shorter then it would be under greater tension, if that were the case then it would probably be launching trains too fast, not the other way around (since during the launch pre-stage, I think the system uses the tension on the cable to measure launch power needed, higher tension means a heavier train, and therefore more launch power) A simpler explanation is one that comes into play on many coasters throughout the world; cold weather makes the lubricants in the wheels more resistant to motion, and since the trains aren't rolling as nicely rollbacks would happen. Gemini at CP is a famous example of a ride effected by this issue.

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Went to MW today for the first time in 4 years. Needless to say I love the two new additions :). I had the problem of the train not quite getting to the LIM catapult, when i was on the train. It seems that they use an emergency chain for that now though :). We were stopped halfway around the bend infront of the crashed cars, and It appears that one or two of the tires that propel the train in the dark ride part had stopped working. I hope this clears some stuff up for you.

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I went on sat June 9 and SE had a particularly bad day, it tested in the morning but before anyone could get on, there was a fire alarm (I don't know if there was an actual fire) and they herded everyone back to the fountain because they said a fire truck was coming. It broke down another three times that I know of, including one that required evac of riders from the launch position. It was a particularly cold day, which I know doesn't agree with Intamin rockets.

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  • 4 months later...
  ads086 said:
The fact its cold does make a little bit of sense Cold makes metal contract - so the cable would be slightly shorter than normal, and the tension on it would change because of that
This is ridiculous And definently not the case. cable tension is a constant..no matter the length And yes the ride has experienced somewhat of some run in difficulties..most lay in software,everyone is doing their best to prevent further reoccurences..though even provided the level of skill and effort of people involved,some things just cant be predicted,nor accounted for,its just bad luck The public sometimes is put out,in an ideal world,it wouldnt happen,but the machinery is running on the edge of the envelope...its going to experience the odd issue. The reliability comes back more so to the software.
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