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Seals At Play exhibit closing

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Off the Sea World Website - "Seals at Play will be permanently closed from 9 July 2007 to make way for an exciting new attraction." I think they must be building the awaited "Seal Rocks" at the old thrillseeker site (unless the Sea World Eye is not closed, i'm not sure). If not, it must the new penguin exhibit or some unknown ride/attraction.

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yeah I can guess that its going to be the new penguin enclosure as that has had a bit of media attention, I renewed my annual pass for the sole reason of watching the seals, first the seal stadium and now this. I guess the seals need a new larger enclosure and the penguins need a new area. seal rocks as far as i can gather has constantly been put off.

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Indeed. The ‘Seals at Play’ exhibit is being removed due to some upcoming changes to Cartoon Beach (Hint: No new rides will go on the site). As for the Seal Stadium, the much-needed renovation is nearly done, and I'm not kidding when I say it was much needed. The back of house area was 25+ years old, and was just falling apart. They could have patched it up and kept using it for a bit longer, but have wisely decided to completely gut the sets and back of house and (for the most part) start again. The stadium itself is pretty much being left as is, aside from some seating on the Broadwater side of the stadium being removed for the extended BoH, so the only major difference most guests will notice is the new set. Once the renovations are complete, the next step will be rehearsal for the new show, and giving the seals a chance to settle in. While I can't say anything, the idea behind the show seems quite a good one, and should prove entertaining. The Penguins are expected to return, but not to the same area they were, and not to where the ‘Seals at Play’ exhibit was. We’ll see how this one goes, as the design process is still on going, and things could change, though the current thinking is that they will go to a low traffic area at the back half of the park.

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Am I correct in saying that the old seal show - quest for the golden seal - was choreographed and written by Michael Croaker - all those years ago before he went to wonderland? I must say I'm happy to see that go, and even more excited to see what new blood can do for the exhibit\show. I never liked Quest myself, found it all a bit too corny, and geared well towards the "asian tourist" kind of market. I do remember the old show before that - can't remember what it was called but I think it was something like friends of the sea. A clean white set, instead of the mottled fake stone, I think that was back in about 1994 that i last remember. I look forward to the new show and hope that it is moreso set around the animals like the show in '94, than loosely gelled around a pathetic storyline in a weak attempt at a stage play.

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Unfortunately the show kind of ended up having no LD. All started promising, the dilapidated and barely functioning show stage rig was put back into semi working order by some techs with the right attitude. Then one of them put a bit of a design together, I was brought in to help with a couple ideas on how to make the best of what they had available and the program the cues for them. Then the show was left in the hands of the day to day show techs to run the show and was somewhat messed up. Then it was 'adjusted' several times over the first few weeks to get progressively tackier and tackier and left with what it is now. But you know the kiddies, they love their colour and movement. I still think it looks reasonably good for a show in the park and I am much more impressed with the set than what was last in there, but it could have been so much more. Sadly I think we're still a long way off from seeing something like Disney's Lion King or Aladdin shows, or even the Maverick show back in the park. But I sure hope it gets there at some point and I get to be involved!

Edited by djrappa
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*Shakes fist at show techs* I have just finished the first run on my latest show, and have another run in a few weeks...I will be overseas for this run so I really hope no one changes anything! First show that I wont have been to that I have designed/programmed....eep! And yes, I agree that the kiddies like colour etc, but when the show has been running for how many weeks now, and the techs are still getting cues wrong....well, I don't know what I can say!

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  jcgoldcoast said:
*Shakes fist at show techs* I have just finished the first run on my latest show, and have another run in a few weeks...I will be overseas for this run so I really hope no one changes anything! First show that I wont have been to that I have designed/programmed....eep! And yes, I agree that the kiddies like colour etc, but when the show has been running for how many weeks now, and the techs are still getting cues wrong....well, I don't know what I can say!
Hey JC. Email me off list and we can chat, I'd be curious to know where you're working and stuff, always keen to catch up with fellow people in the industry. I'm also not in the habbit of slagging off co-workers in a public forum so yeah, drop me a line. clinton (dot) dulieu (at) wvtp (dot) com (dot) au or use the one listed in the forums.
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If you want any further proof about a Sesame St related rides and attractions coming into cartoon beach:

Guess who’s just arrived at Sea World? It’s Elmo! Visitors to Sea World will now be able to meet everybody’s favourite Sesame Street Muppet, Elmo, as he plays and explores Sea World, the most amazing world of all! Elmo is enthusiastic, friendly and cheerful and just loves Sea World. He’s looking forward to meeting all the boys and girls who love Sea World as much as he does. Elmo’s at Sea World every day making friends with the amazing animals, watching the fantastic shows and playing on Sea World’s exciting rides. Elmo’s come all the way from Sesame Street to visit Sea World and meet you, because remember, Elmo loves you! Bring the whole family to meet Elmo in park daily only at Sea World.
Well, its not any construction work yet, but it proves they have a licence for the Characters.
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