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New Ride at Dreamworld NOT a Thrill Ride

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Sorry folks, but the ride Dreamworld will be building won't be a thrill ride, nor will it be classified as one. Over the last year, there were plans at Macquarie Leisure to build a landmark thrill ride, but thanks to a lot of money being spent on WhiteWaterWorld and Big Brother facilities, it just wasn't accomplishable. Then there was news of an Intamin Motorcycle Accelerator ride, and we wre all quite excited and anxious to see what it held. When I did some research on thee rides, I was even more so excited and looking forward to this ride. But it seems, in recent weeks, that Dreamworld executives have contacted Intamin to ask them to construct the same type of ride, but to make sure it caters for younger people. In my personal opinion, and this isn't coming from any factual material but my brain, I believe Dreamworld is holding off its next big thrill ride. I know for a fact that we don't have the money to go and buy the type of ride Dreamworld wants. So possibly, they may be getting smaller rides, not worse, but smaller, and leaving the big ones until later. Thanks guys.

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But it seems, in recent weeks, that Dreamworld executives have contacted Intamin to ask them to construct the same type of ride, but to make sure it caters for younger people.
Can you clarify what you have said? Surely you cannot mean Dreamworld have changed their minds halfway through construction and a couple of weeks ago phoned Intamin and said "hold it, can you guys still build this ride but make it less thrilling" Or did you mean: It has become apparent in recent weeks that Dreamworld has opted for a less extreme coaster from the outset.
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Quick edit. I would ask all the people who are havng genuine hopes that this will be a thrill ride to research more into the type of ride that is being built. Because I had to. By NO means is this a thrill ride. djsupersleuth, I apologise, I have lost my sense of time. Basically, by 'recent weeks' I was referring to the original order of the ride, when Dreamworld first contacted Intamin and ordered the attraction. There hasn't been any change of minds, it's just quite simply, from the start, from the Intamin factories, NOT a thrill ride.

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Sad i know, but i was hoping for a thrill ride! Not to turn this into a fight between Movie and Dreamworld, but i am not a fan of Movieworld..So i would rather Dreamworld have my money. But it's getting harder to give it to Dreamworld, since they seem to never adding anything worthy. But not the end of the world, my spending money will go some where else this year!

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Well, it would be nice if they spent their theming budget a little more tastefully in parts, but its necessary IMO, and their newer efforts at landscaping (its not always theming) done by Atomiq have been fairly good. Theming doesn't tend to be a great proportion of final ride budgets. On the Claw for instance I have heard $150,000 thrown around as the figure for the theming budget, which is only 2.5% of the total attraction cost. Worth it IMO, imagine DW without it :ph34r:

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On the Claw for instance I have heard $150,000 thrown around as the figure for the theming budget, which is only 2.5% of the total attraction cost.
I don't know where you got this information, but it is extremely false. Dreamworld's management knows that money needs to be spent on other things besides the actual attraction or ride, and on the document of priorities for rides, it clearly states that theming and visuality of the rides is the third most improtant part of the ride, after safety equipment. It was decided not long before The Claw was built that future rides were going to be better-themed, hence The Claw having quite an appealing look to it. I am sure the Motorcycle Accelerator will be just as good.
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I quite like the Claws visual appearance & Themeing, but they also need to maintain that visual appearance. Just look at the queue lines for the Giant Drop and the Tower of Terror. Both were once brilliantly themed rides, now they just look real dirty and broken due to the cheapness of the Queue Lines. Sure, the rides may be good, but whoever decided to do a cheap job on the relocation of the TOT entry, and the person who decided it was a good idea to let the Giant Drop's queue themeing go should be seriously shot. When you compare the said attractions to other park attractions queue lines (say for instance Scooby Doo at Movie World), it just shows that Dreamworld at the present time just don't give a stuff about their older attractions.

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I dug around, it was a while back but it was from this post: http://www.parkz.com.au/forums/in...ost&p=30890

The theming of The Claw cost Dreamworld $269,000.
I got the figure wrong from what i read by saying 150k. The main thing I was saying to TOT was that the cost of theming for rides is often far less than the cost of the ride itself, so you wouldn't gain much by not spending money on theming. PS, $269000 is probably wrong too, but that isn't the main point of what I am saying anyway.... And T-Bone is right, newer attractions such as the Claw, Wiggles World etc look pretty good. But the older stuff like GD, TOT has become ugly. The new version of the vintage cars looks pretty bad too. Edited by Gazza
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It was decided not long before The Claw was built that future rides were going to be better-themed, hence The Claw having quite an appealing look to it.
If it was decided before The Claw was built that future rides were going to be better themed, then how come the relocation of the Vintage Cars has had almost no thought put into the visual aspect of the ride? From the photos of it, there seems to be almost no theming at all. Maybe you meant they were only going to theme The Claw and that will be enough. I really hope this new coaster has alot of thought put into the theming, or at least doesn't have a car port for a station. http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/gallery.p...182&image=1 Edited by Richard
replaced large photo with link
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I'll echo the above post and add this...

on the document of priorities for rides, it clearly states that theming and visuality of the rides is the third most improtant part of the ride, after safety equipment.
WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING? Document of Priorities for rides?? Visuality?? Are you just making these things up? And how is their addition because how can something be the third most important part of a ride after safety equipment (being only one thing??) I dunno mate, you just seem to be loosing credibility with each post. For me, I'd be much more inclined to listen to your posts if they read like they were from a ride ops perspective, where as you always seem to be trying to talk yourself up.
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No I mean he knows for sure that this ride won't be a thrill ride. He knows all about Big Brother and if it will be moving to Sydney and everything that's happening in Dreamworld. I know ride ops know more about what's happening in the park then the public, but do they know EVERYTHING that's happening. Even all the staff management are doing? I just hope he isn't pulling facts out of the air. But if it's true information, then well done.

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